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Chinese Workers Case Study

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Chinese laborers explored building rail roads. The majority of people who built the railroads, were Chinese (9/10 were Chinese and 1/10 were Irish). They were super-fast at learning how to do their duties and did them quickly and safely. At first, Superintendent James Harvey Strobrigde of the Central Pacific didn’t like Chinese laborers, but after white laborers didn’t keep their jobs, their investor suggested that they hire Chinese laborers. After about a month of watching the Chinese laborers work on the railroads, he thought they were excellent at what they were doing and started hiring them. When the railroad was done, he invited most of the Chinese laborers to his boarding car to dine with him. When they entered, all of the guests and officers cheered for them.
Life on the Railroads: …show more content…
Though some sources say that Chinese laborers were content with low wages, some of them actually rebelled to get higher pay. In China, if you protested, then you could get beheaded, but in America, you could get your way with things. One morning, when all 2,000 Chinese laborers came out to work, they all sat down on the tracks and didn’t move. The manager kept telling them that they had to work, but they all sat silently on the tracks. After that, they all went back into their tents and didn’t come back out. Their slogan for the strike was “eight-hour day good for white man—all the same good for Chinaman”. They did not get higher pay. Charles Crocker, the founder of Central Pacific, said that he is in charge and they are not. He said he wouldn’t give them a cent

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...| Assignment Handling ServicesDivision of Information ServicesNathan CampusGRIFFITH UNIVERSITY QLD 4111 | ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET | DATE RECEIVED: Postmark: DATE RECEIVED: Postmark: Please complete all sections below Course Code:   3033IBA Course Name:   Managing People in Global Economy Due Date:   27/04/2015 Assessment Item #:   3 Enrolment: Off Campus On Campus Campus (Enrolled) Nathan   GC   Logan   Mt G   SB   Course Tutor:   Dr Anne Christie Course Convenor:   Dr Anne Christie Please provide your STUDENT NUMBER:   s2681179 Student Name:   Joshua Grima ACADEMIC INTEGRITY DECLARATION Breaches of academic integrity (cheating, plagiarism, falsification of data, collusion) seriously compromise student learning, as well as the University’s assessment of the effectiveness of that learning and the academic quality of the University’s awards. All breaches of academic integrity are taken seriously and could result in penalties including failure in the course and exclusion from the University. Students should be aware that the University uses text-matching software to safeguard the quality of student learning and that your assignment will be checked using this software. I acknowledge and agree that the examiner of this assessment item may, for the purpose of marking this assessment item: reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another Griffith staff member; and/ submit this assessment...

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