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Christian Education Journal Analysis

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The article of Hedin purposes a different approach for understanding the concept of educational learning. The Christian Education Journal encourages students to be more critical and analytical by assisting them in the career decision-making and development of their ideas. CEJ brings an added value to the educational process which is to apply learning to real life in order to dig into every experience students go through.
As part of the article's intention, it is important to understand the definition and origin of the experiential learning. Hedin illustrates this definition from two different approaches: experiential learning and experiential education. The experiential learning means the process of learning, while experiential education is the ability to take that learning and put it into an experience. Regarding the theoretical root, experiential learning is based on constructivism. It means experiences become more meaningful for students. …show more content…
What makes this practice more effectively? According to David Kolb that "knowledge results from the combination of grasping experience and then transforming that experience" (111). Consequently, the model of experiential learning involves not only the discipline of observation but also the ability to reflect on that experience and transform it. However, the process of deep reflection does not happen overnight and it needs to be strengthened. For this reason, Hedin suggests three stages when developing experiences. First, return to experience can help identifying what really happened and to pay attention to specific details. Second, attending to feelings can contribute to avoiding barriers. Either you retain your feelings or just let them be. Finally, re-evaluating experience connects your information to what you already

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