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Christian Vs. Islam: The Inequalities Of Muslim Women

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Christian vs. Islam

Religious inequality exists in many parts of the world it’s a serious problem that affects children, teenagers and adults of both genders. Living in a community that is over numbered by a certain religion makes it hard for all the other regions to express their basic human rights.

So many people around the world talk about Islam because they studied it or they read about it. But that doesn't deny the fact that living with them is completely different from reading or studying about them. Usually you'd hear a victimized story about how Muslim women aren't getting their basic human right, or the equality they deserve. However, it's not just women; it's anyone who goes against the religion. It started when Muslims came into Egypt to help the Christians kick out the Romans who were killing and burning all churches and people in Egypt. Originally Egypt was only coptic orthodox which is a very traditional denomination of Christianity. …show more content…
They first wanted to outnumber Christians they would produce more kid. Than, once Christians were outnumbered, they went house to house and threatened that if they didn't pay a certain amount of money by before a certain date, they would be buried alive. At the time my ancestors were able to pay the wages, so they were allowed to live, but a lot of people weren't able to pay and were killed. After, Egypt originally spoke coptic, a combination of Latin and Creek which is still being used but only during masses. Muslims threatened that if Christians don't change the language to Arabic they would cut their tongues off. People still secretly taught their kids the language but as Years past it became less and less

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