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Cis 236


Submitted By lalmon
Words 1432
Pages 6
How the World of Business Impacts
Global Manufacturing Corporations
Lattoria Almon
CIS-236-01: Information Systems in Organizations
October 7, 2012

How the World of Business Impacts Global Manufacturing Corporations Every morning I am awakened by my Sony alarm clock. I soon go through everything I need to go through to get ready for work. This particular morning I throw on my teal blouse that is made in Vietnam and my black jeggings made in Pakistan. I head to work in my Nissan Maxima. I am working so hard that I do not even notice it’s time for school. I clock out and rush to school. Once I am in class, I sit down ready to learn with my classmates, twenty to thirty percent who hold non-U.S. passports.
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. Changes in technology, especially communications technology have been the driving force for growth in global markets for decades. Grewal, Dhruv., and Levy, Michael. (3e). Marketing. Boston. Technologies such as the telegraph, radio, television, computer, and Internet can do amazing things such as connect many parts all over the world. Technology and globalization together is how we get many of the resources we need.

Marketing Management
Organizing marketing across different parts of the world is not exactly a piece of cake. The process of global marketing would not be able to function in a complex organization without the necessary attention to planning and controlling. A marketing MIS supports managerial activities in product development, distribution, pricing decisions, promotional effectiveness, and sales forecasting. Reynolds, G.W., and Stair, R.M. (2012). Fundamentals of information systems. Boston: Cengage. Marketing uses many

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Rapport de Stage

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