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Civil Rights Movement In Australia

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In spite of America and Australia’s positive images of being democratic nations, it has not always been the case that all populations have the equal social and political rights. The African-Americans and Indigenous Australians paid a steep price for the freedoms attained from different social problems throughout the civil rights movement with intensive revolts. Whilst both civil rights movements were significantly similar in reasons, social context, methods used, government and community response and success, there were several differences between the two countries’ movements.
Before the civil rights movements, America and Australia had laws that created political and social inequality. The Jim Crow Law in America enforced …show more content…
Inspired by the independent movements for decolonization around the world during the time, non-violent methods were used in both countries to attain freedom and equality. The Montgomery Boycott was a significant victory using the non-violent method. Martin Luther King, Jr. organized one-year-long bus boycott aiming to desegregate the buses and was a peaceful approach using non-violent civil disobedience. The tent embassy was also another non-violent demonstration in Australia to protest on land rights recognition. This action helped in uniting Indigenous and non-indigenous land rights supporters from around Australia to protest. These two actions are similar with each other to a great extent for both actions were inspired by the non-violent civil disobedience and received the similar response. Not only Indigenous Australians had the same strategies in achieving equality, they also issued a manifesto attacking the myth of white benevolence in order to question the society on the justification of restrictions imposed on Indigenous Australians by law …show more content…
During the non-violent protests, both groups’ protesters were treated with violence and many were arrested. However, in the extent of violence applied to the two groups, there were significant differences. The African-Americans faced violence like fire hoses, tear gas, and police dogs while Indigenous Australians was treated with relatively milder violence or denials of social and political rights. Despite the hardships, both groups received positive responses from the government and community. During the second Selma to Montgomery march, the federal government assigned police and military forces to ensure the march would be completed. The tent embassy protest was also supported by many non-Indigenous people and protested for the movement. These two examples demonstrate the government and communities’ supports over the civil rights movements in the two places, whilst the negative responses were relatively

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