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Class Intro


Submitted By 61ZM0
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Pages 2
Brian Jamiel (Giz)
Professor Brandon DeLeeuw
Introduction to the class

Hi class I’m Brian I prefer Giz short for Gizmo. I’m pursuing a BSIT concentrating on Security, I love technology hence the nickname I always have a gadget or gizmo in my hand or on my person that’s outside the “stock” I’m a tinkerer example I’ve rooted and unlocked my droid razr m old model flashed Beanstalk 4.4.2 kitkat base on it and love it but its stuff like that that I love doing I also in my off time play games and mind games I also find reading about the non-verbal communication between people and the very tiny but subtle queues things are off about a person. I’m also very interested in the human brain and all the chemicals as humans we need to sustain life the reason is because I have a chemical imbalance. At age 5 I was diagnosed with ADHD primarily there’s other things that are their but we haven’t quite figured it out I have bits and pieces of Asperger’s and Autism but not enough to categorize me as “Autistic”, I view things differently I’m not on any meds anymore and its hard someday to focus because my mind is all over but then there are days were its just fine I’m hyper and get a lot done sometimes I let my hyper energy flow through my art work I do text effect pieces in Cinema 4D, Photoshop, and Illustrator and now messing around with Violent Python Programming I thoroughly enjoy the security side of IT because it’s all a puzzle and always staying on your feet to be 3, 5, 7 steps ahead of the black hats and getting inside there persona to start thinking like them

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