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Co-Encountering Disorder Case Studies

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Co-Occurring Disorder
Depression and anxiety could lead to an addiction. If appropriate coping skills are lacking then the client could turn to drugs or alcohol. No addiction in past or current history. No compulsive issues. It is critical to assess each client’s readiness to change through the stages of change model. BC is currently in the contemplation stage of change. BC realizes he needs to change some of his behaviors, but is unsure how to do so.
DSM-5 Diagnosis
The client presents with symptoms and behaviors that are consistent with the DSM-5 Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent episode, severe, with mild anxious distress (296.33).
Client completed the PHQ-9 Patient Depression Questionnaire. Client reports on several day’s he has little interest or pleasure in doing things, feels down, depressed, or hopeless, and has trouble concentrating on things. More than half of the days client reports having trouble falling asleep, …show more content…
They have two adopted sons, ages four and six. Client reports his sixteen-year-old sister currently resides with him as well. Client and partner’s family are distant. Both families do not approve of their sexual orientation and relationship with each other. Client reports parents and siblings have not had any contact with him since he “came out” about his relationship with his partner. The client feels rejected by his own family and believes it is contributing to his irritable and depressed mood. Client and family have experienced a natural disaster that destroyed their home. Client reports this event as “extremely traumatic” for everyone involved. Client lost his home and all of his family’s belongings to the hurricane. Client is in the process of having his new home rebuilt and is currently living in temporary housing. Client reports, the insurance covered most of the loss from the storm, however, there are still expenses that need to be taken care

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