Premium Essay

Coaching Reflections


Submitted By neilhugill
Words 2698
Pages 11
My own ethical and moral values, beliefs, attitudes and personal integrity and assessment of my effect on my own and others’ behaviour in the leadership mentoring or executive coaching relationship – critically reviewed.

Within the Myers-Briggs psychometric analysis I fit the personality type is Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging (ISFJ). The fact that this is not a common personality type in the Service is perhaps an indicator of the amount of learned behaviour I have accumulated in my 19 years as a manager For example I am often perceived as an extrovert because others perceive me as confident and able to speak in public forums, express my opinions etc. In truth I find such activity exhausting and my energies are very much driven from within – at times when I can be reflective and free from large numbers of people. I like working with people but I do not often feel energised as a result of it and prefer to spend time out of work either alone or with those closest to me.

In my first role as a manager grade I was required to deliver presentations top various audiences including 2 international conferences, where my presentation was simultaneously interpreted into several other languages. Initially such events caused real physical distress in the moments leading up to them, such as weakness/shaking in leg muscles and an inability to breathe properly when I began to speak. It was only through perseverance and the realisation that no-one else noticed, that I was gradually able to mitigate the physical symptoms I experienced at these events.

Over the years my preference for introversion has often meant avoiding work related social situations without properly understanding why I did not relish such events as other colleagues did. It was only revealed to me in a FIRO B psychometric on a leadership course in 2000. This was a liberating moment for me as it made me