...Software Cost Estimation and COCOMO II ❚ Park, Jung-Won ❚ Univ. of Southern Cal. (USC) ❚ Center for Software Engineering (CSE) ❚ Systems Engineering Research Institute (SERI), Taejon, Korea ❚ December 29, 1997 What is COCOMO? ❚ COnstructive COst MOdel ❚ estimating software development effort and cost ❚ function of the size of the software product in source instructions ❚ function of the most significant software cost drivers Importance of Software Cost Estimation - problems ❚ Software project personnel have no firm basis for telling a manager, customer, or salesperson that their proposed budget and schedule are unrealistic. ❚ Software analysts have no firm basis for making realistic hardware-software tradeoff analysis during the system design phase. ❚ Project managers have no firm basis for determining how much time and effort each software phase and activity should take. USC-CSE Affiliates ❚ Commercial Industry (9) AT&T, Bellcore, EDS, HP, IDE, Motorola, Rational, TI, Xerox ❚ Aerospace Industry (9) E-Systems, Hughes, Litton, Lockheed, Loral, Northrop Grumman, Rockwell, SAIC, TRW ❚ Government (3) DISA, USAF Rome Lab, US Army Research Labs ❚ FFRDC’s and Consortia (5) Aerospace, IDA, JPL, SEI, SPC Partial List of COCOMO Packages ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ CB COCOMO COCOMOID COCOMO1 CoCoPro COSTAR COSTMODL GECOMO Plus ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ GHL COCOMO REVIC SECOMO SWAN Steps in Software Estimation ❚ 1. Establish Objectives * Rough Sizing * Make-or-Buy * Detailed Planning ❚ 2. Allocate...
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...Term paper On COCOMO Model Introduction The original COCOMO stands for Constructive Cost Model. The word "constructive" implies that the complexity of the model can be understood because of the openness of the model, which permits exactly to know WHY the model gives the estimates it does. The model was first published by Dr. Barry Boehm in 1981, and reflected the software development practices of these days. The name of this model was COCOMO I or COCOMO ’81. Since this time many efforts were done in the improvement of the software development techniques. Some of the changes were moving away from mainframe overnight batch processing to real time applications, strenuousness in effort in building software for reusing, new kind of system development in including off-the-shelf software components (COTS) and spending as much effort on designing and managing the software development process as was once spent creating the software product. This advanced version at present time is known as COCOMO II. The work for COCOMO II has been supported financially and technically by the COCOMO II Program Affiliates: Aerospace, Air Force Cost Analysis Agency, Allied Signal, DARPA, DISA, Draper Lab, EDS, E-Systems, FAA, Fidelity, GDE Systems, Hughes, IDA, IBM, JPL, Litton, Lockheed Martin, Loral, Lucent, MCC, MDAC, Microsoft, Motorola, Northrop Grumman, ONR, Rational, Raytheon, Rockwell, SAIC, SEI, SPC, Sun, TASC, Teledyne, TI, TRW, USAF Rome Lab, US Army Research Labs, US Army TACOM, Telcordia...
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...1 Software Cost Estimation Hareton Leung Zhang Fan Department of Computing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University {cshleung, csfzhang}@comp.polyu.edu.hk Abstract Software cost estimation is the process of predicting the effort required to develop a software system. Many estimation models have been proposed over the last 30 years. This paper provides a general overview of software cost estimation methods including the recent advances in the field. As a number of these models rely on a software size estimate as input, we first provide an overview of common size metrics. We then highlight the cost estimation models that have been proposed and used successfully. Models may be classified into 2 major categories: algorithmic and non-algorithmic. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. A key factor in selecting a cost estimation model is the accuracy of its estimates. Unfortunately, despite the large body of experience with estimation models, the accuracy of these models is not satisfactory. The paper includes comment on the performance of the estimation models and description of several newer approaches to cost estimation. Keywords: project estimation, effort estimation, cost models. 1. Introduction In recent years, software has become the most expensive component of computer system projects. The bulk of the cost of software development is due to the human effort, and most cost estimation methods focus on this aspect and give estimates in terms of person-months...
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...Explain how to estimate software development costs using the following approaches. The two approaches I chose where the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO), and the Function Point Analysis (FPA). Each contributes in its own way to providing estimates, and calculations necessary to complete a project. The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is an software cost estimation model developed by Barry W. Boehm. The model uses a basic regression formula with parameters that are taken from past current project information, as well as future project characteristics. This approach was first published in Boehm's 1981 book “Software Engineering Economics” as a model for estimating effort, cost, and schedule for software projects. COCOMO measures a piece of software by counting the source lines of code (SLOC) in the final program. It requires that a work breakdown structure be done prior to the estimation work. The number of lines of code is then estimated for each of the units of the work breakdown structure. The approach provides guidelines for counting lines of code to encourage some standardization across projects and across organizations. COCOMO is defined in terms of three different models: * Basic model * Determines its estimates of required effort based primarily on your estimate of the software project's size. * Intermediate model * Provides much better estimates because you supply settings for 15 Cost Drivers that determine the effort, and duration...
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...Software project management Phase 2 Bottom-up Estimation Work Breakdown Structure Deliverable | Tasks | Cost | Source Code | Develop Client’s functions | 8 days | | Develop manager’s functions | 7 days | | Produce Unit Testing modules | 7 days | Unit Testing | Produce Load Testing modules | 7 days | Load Testing | Analyze the performance of the Hotel reservation system | 3 days | Analyze Performance | Document Effort | 1 day | Component Design | Document User Manual | 7 days | User Manual | Document Usefulness of Methodologies | 2 days | Project Evaluation | Document of Estimates | 1 days | | Document | 1 days | Cost Estimate: 1- Function point methods Albrecht: Complexity of Components | Type of components | Low | Average | High | Total | EI: external input: “Input code” | X 3= | 10X4=40 | X6= | 40 | EO: external output: “Reports“ | X4= | 8X5= 40 | X7= | 40 | EQ: external inquiry: “DB Query” | X7= | X10= | 9X15= 135 | 135 | ILF: Internal logical file: “DB files” | 4X5= 20 | X7= | X10= | 20 | EIF: external interface file: “UI” | 2X3=6 | X4= | X6= | 6 | | System size | 241 | There are 10 input type, 8 output,4 internal logical file, 9 external inquiry, and 2 external interface. Both the internal file and interface is low , the output is average and also intput is average. •N.B: 60 lines of Java code are needed on average to implement an FP FP= 241, SLOC = 60 FP x SLOC= 241x 60 =14460 Function point methods...
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...Estimating the Costs of a Reengineering Project Harry M. Sneed Anecon GmbH, Vienna Austria Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, University of Regensburg, Bavaria Email: Harry.Sneed@T-Online.de Abstract: Accurate estimation of project costs is an essential prerequisite to making a reengineering project. Existing systems are usually reengineered because it is cheaper to reengineer them than to redevelop or to replace them. However, to make this decision, management must know what the reengineering will cost. This contribution describes an eight step tool supported process for calculating the time and the costs required to reengineer an existing system. The process is derived from the author’s 20 year experience in estimating reengineering projects and has been validated by several real life field experiments in which it has been refined and calibrated. Keywords: Reengineering, cost estimation, risk analysis, software measurement, gap analysis. It has been 15 years since the first studies on the economics of software reengineering projects appeared and since then a great deal of research has been done and a wide range of practical experience gathered.[1] At that time, reengineering projects were being calculated on the basis of the size alone, without consideration of complexity and quality. In the meantime, we have learned a lot more about how the complexity and quality of the software effect reengineering costs. The topic of estimating the costs of...
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...Overview of Project Cost Management According to an accounting textbook, cost is defined as a resource sacrificed or foregone to achieve a specific objective. It is something given up in exchange. It is necessary for project managers to understand project cost management since project costs money and consumes resources. There are reasons for project cost overrun and these are as follows: * Not emphasizing the importance of realistic project cost estimates from the outset. IT project cost estimates are low to start with or based on unclear project requirements. * Many IT professionals think that preparing cost estimates is a job for accountants when in fact, it is a very demanding and important skill that project managers need to acquire. * Many IT projects involve new technology or business processes that involve untested products and inherent risks. Project cost management involves the processes required to ensure that the project is completed within an approved budget. These processes are as follows: * Estimate costs * Determine budget * Control costs As project managers, understanding the basic principles of cost management is a must in order for them to be effective in managing project costs. Important concepts include profits and profit margins, life cycle costing, cash flow analysis, internal rate of return, tangible and intangible costs and benefits, direct costs, sunk costs and learning curve theory. Profits are revenues minus expenses...
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...ISSN (Print) : 2319-5940 ISSN (Online) : 2278-1021 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013 Accurate Software Size Estimation Using the Updated Function Point Analysis Model Vikas Kumar 1, Sweta Pandey 2 Computer Science and Application, Thapar University, Patiala, India 1 Information Technology, Banasthali University, Jaipur, India 2 Abstract: In this paper; a new Function Point Analysis model has been proposed. In this proposed model, a new general system characteristic is added. The expert user programming also affects the size of software. By including it in the list of general system characteristics, it creates a provision for taking end user facilities into account, while estimating the size of a project. It is clear that proposed FPA provides more accurate size estimates and it will narrow the gap between size estimated and actual size. This will result in more accurate effort and cost estimates, which ultimately results in increased productivity and proper staffing, planning and scheduling. Keywords: FPA, cost estimation, effort, size of project I. INTRODUCTION This document describes the Function point analysis which measures software by quantifying the functionality the software provides to the user based primarily on logical design. Here in this Function Point Analysis model has been proposed which creates a provision for taking end user facilities into account, while estimating the size of...
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...Staffordshire University & APIIT-UCTI Masters Level Case Study Date Assigned : Fri, 05-Mar-2010 Date Due : Wed, 02-Jun-2010 (before 7pm) Lecturer : Dhason Padmakumar ________________________________________________________________________ 1. Your Task • The Chief Executive officer of your organization has instructed you to create a Project Management Procedural Handbook in preparation for a series of possible software development projects that your organization is about to undertake. The handbook will be used as a guide/template for the management of projects. It should be approximately 2500 words long • The content of the handbook should be of: ▪ Practical use to you and your workplace colleagues. ▪ Ensure that your organisation’s projects are conducted with the most appropriate tools and methods to the highest possible standards. ▪ Demonstrate academic rigour based around the structure of this module and the further research that you perform. 2. The Handbook Itself • It follows that the Handbook must be of a professional standard. • To help you achieve this a suggested template has been attached as a guide for the Handbook structure. Please feel free to add or remove sections for your own handbook scenario. • You must ensure that you identify and reference the work of others. Therefore, provide...
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...CHAPTER 2 Software Development: Theory vs. Practice Ideally, software is developed as described in Chapter 1 * Linear * Starting from scratch Requirements -> Analysis -> Design -> Implementation -> Development In the real world, software development is totally different * We make mistakes * The client’s requirements change while the software product is being developed * Moving target problem Iteration and Incrementation In real life, we cannot speak about “the design ” * Instead, the operations of the design phase are spread out over the life cycle * We keep returning to earlier workflows The basic software development process is iterative * Each successive version is closer to its target than its predecessor Miller’s Law At any one time, we can concentrate on only approximately seven chunks (units of information) To handle larger amounts of information, use stepwise refinement * Concentrate on the seven aspects that are currently the most important * Postpone aspects that are currently less critical * Every aspect is eventually handled, but in order of current importance This is an incremental process Incrementation The number of increments will vary — it does not have to be four Sequential phases do not exist in the real world Instead, the five core workflows (activities) are performed over the entire life cycle * Requirements workflow * Analysis...
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...Chapter 1: The Nature of Information Technology Projects What is the current state of IT projects? What are key factors for successful IT projects? Hint: Refer to the summary of CHAO study IT Projects are showing higher success rates. Better project management tools & processes, smaller projects, improved communication among stakeholders, more skillful IT project managers What are four different approaches to improving the likelihood of success of IT projects? Hint: Understand the major characteristics of each approach. 1. Value-Driven Approach; Plain & Simple: IT Projects must provide value to the organization 2. Socio-technical Approach; It’s not just about the technology or building a better mouse trap 3. Project Management Approach; processes and infrastructure (Methodology), resources, expectations, competition, efficiency and effectiveness 4. Knowledge Management Approach, lessons learned, best practices & shared knowledge What is a project? And its attributes? Project: a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Attributes: Time Frame, Purpose (to provide value!), Ownership, Resources (the triple constraint), Roles (Project Manager, Project Sponsor, SME (domain & technical)), Risk & Assumptions, Interdependent Tasks (progressive elaboration – steps & increments), Planned Organizational Change, Operate in Environments Larger than the Project Itself What are different roles in...
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...10 Deadly Sins of Software Estimation Steve McConnell © 2002 Construx Software Builders, Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.construx.com D e l e ring Softw are P e ct Succe ss iv roj Construx ® Background Estimation Book v Construx Estimate™ v Construx’ Training s v Construx’ Consulting s v www.construx.com 2 consulting u training u software projects u construx.com Art and Science of Software Estimation Science of estimation is well-developed and well-supported by software tools v Art of estimation relies on rules of thumb and still needs some work v 3 consulting u training u software projects u construx.com Almost-Deadly Sins of Software Estimation Sins #20-#11 Sin #20 Estimating how long “it” will take to build before anyone knows what “it” is 5 consulting u training u software projects u construx.com Sin #19 Assuming that the most reliable estimates come from the people with the most powerful vocal chords 6 consulting u training u software projects u construx.com Sin #18 Telling someone you’ writing an re estimation book, because they will say, “When do you estimate you’ be done, ha ll ha ha.” 7 consulting u training u software projects u construx.com Sin #17 Creating an estimate for a new project by comparing it to a past project … … which overran its estimates... … and ultimately realizing that you based the new project’ plans on the past s project’ estimated results instead of its s actual results ...
Words: 2081 - Pages: 9
...E-COMMERCE (TIT-501) UNIT I Introduction What is E-Commerce, Forces behind E-Commerce Industry Framework, Brief history of ECommerce, Inter Organizational E-Commerce Intra Organizational E-Commerce, and Consumer to Business Electronic Commerce, Architectural framework Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce, Market forces behind I Way, Component of I way Access Equipment, Global Information Distribution Network, Broad band Telecommunication. UNIT-II Mobile Commerce Introduction to Mobile Commerce, Mobile Computing Application, Wireless Application Protocols, WAP Technology, Mobile Information Devices, Web Security Introduction to Web security, Firewalls & Transaction Security, Client Server Network, Emerging Client Server Security Threats, firewalls & Network Security. UNIT-III Encryption World Wide Web & Security, Encryption, Transaction security, Secret Key Encryption, Public Key Encryption, Virtual Private Network (VPM), Implementation Management Issues. UNIT - IV Electronic Payments Overview of Electronics payments, Digital Token based Electronics payment System, Smart Cards, Credit Card I Debit Card based EPS, Emerging financial Instruments, Home Banking, Online Banking. UNIT-V Net Commerce EDA, EDI Application in Business, Legal requirement in E -Commerce, Introduction to supply Chain Management, CRM, issues in Customer Relationship Management. References: 1. Greenstein and Feinman, “E-Commerce”, TMH 2. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew Whinston...
Words: 2913 - Pages: 12
...IT项目管理 1 项目 VS 日常运营 项 目 唯一的 临时性的 多方干系人 发起人 资源需求可变的 不确定的 所需技能多样的 日常运营 重复的 持续的 职能部门 监管者 稳定的 稳定的 专门的技能 项目生命周期 启动 计划 执行 监控 收尾 PMBOK体系 知识 领域 整合管理 范围管理 时间管理 项目管理过程组 启动 1制定项目 章程 规划 2制定项目管理计划 1收集需求 2定义范围 3工作分解结构 1定义活动 2活动排序 3估算活动资源 4估算活动 持续时间 5制定进度计划 1估算成本 2制定预算 1规划质量 1制定人力资源计划 1规划风险管理 2识别风险 3实施定性风险分析 4实施定量风险分析 5规划风险应对 2规划沟通 1规划采购 3发布信息 4管理干系人期望 2实施采购 2实施质量保证 2组建团队 3建设团队 4管理团队 6监控风险 执行 3指导与管理项目执行 监控 4监控项目工作 5整体变更控制 4核实范围 5控制范围 6控制进度 收尾 6结束项目或 阶段 成本管理 质量管理 人力资源 风险管理 九大 知识 领域 、五 大过 程组 、42 个过 程 1识别干系 人 项目 管理 矩阵 图解 3控制成本 3实施质量控制 沟通管理 采购管理 5报告绩效 3管理采购 4结束采购 三要素及其平衡 范围 质量 成本 时间 需求工程 接收 使命 使命 目标 执行 目标 检验 标准 设计 因素 NASA 需求分解 工作分解结构(WBS) 工作包 负责人 所需代价 所需资源 预估成本 前驱工作 工作分解结构词典 账户编码标志号 工作描述 负责的组织 进度里程碑清单 相关的进度活动 所需的资源 成本估算 质量要求 验收标准 技术参考文献 合同信息 分解流程 ilities: responsibilities, capabilities, facilities, probabilities, vulnerabilities, utilities, ... ConOps: Concept of Operations 职责分配 直接责任人Responsible 负责人Accountable be notified 可以被告知人May be notified 参与人Participant 文档审阅人Document reviewer 输入请求人Input requested 批准人Approval required 支援人Support 把关人Gate reviewer 必须被告知人Must 职责分配矩阵(RAM) 活动时间的三点估算法 (O + 4M + P) / 6 O =最乐观时间 M =最可能时间 P =最悲观时间 紧前关系绘图法(PDM) 关键路径 关键活动: 即在开始时间与结束时间中一个没 有可浮动时间的活动。换句话说, 如果关键活 动没有按规定的时间内完成,那么整个项目时 间链就会推迟 关键路径: 就是一条贯穿网络图表最长的路径, 所有在关键路径上的进度活动都是关键活动 路径 关键路径推算 关键路径 时间计划的粒度 一般在40-80 ...
Words: 1010 - Pages: 5
...CI2100 INFORMATION & PROJECT MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT 1: TEAM PROJECT 2ersion 1.1 012 V 1. IMPORTANT DATES The Set Day for this assignment is 9th February 2012. This assignment represents 65% of the total marks for this module. The other 35% of marks will be awarded in the Final Test in May. This coursework consists of several deliverables spread over 4 submission dates: In-class presentation of the Project Proposal, to be delivered in your scheduled workshop session in the week th beginning on 20 February 2012. Project Report, due as an on-line submission, by the time of your scheduled workshop session in the week th beginning on 19 March 2012. One A2 size Project Poster, prepared in any technique, to be presented during your scheduled workshop th session in the week beginning on 30 April 2012, th Project Review, due as an on-line submission, by 11:59 p.m. on 16 May 2012. You will be working in a team made up from other members of your workshop group. This document presents some general information regarding your assignment, like: major deliverables, teamwork and team allocation, marking, mode of submission, as well as detailed marking scheme. The specification of your project is provided as a separate brief. 2. TEAMS AND TEAM ALLOCATION You will be working in teams made up from three or four members of your workshop groups. You should form th your project team during your scheduled workshop session in the week beginning on 13 February 2012...
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