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Cognitive Development Paper

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Throughout the history of psychology, we have come across great minds. These individuals are responsible for some of the greatest theories and rationalizations imaginable. The great psychologists from the past have left a vast array of blueprints in the career field that are still being used to this very day. Their work demonstrates progress and innovativeness that will be ongoing into the future as well. In order for us to look at the present and future of anything, we have to ultimately begin start in the past. In the past, we must also understand the meaning of the term cognitive development. Cognitive development is the formation of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making, from childhood through …show more content…
Piaget felt that children go through each stage and that none could be skipped. He also felt the stages are critical to a child’s mental model of the world (Dr. Safdar Rehman 2015). This led Piaget to create a new way of thinking in which he lists and details four stages of cognitive development. The first stage is the Sensorimotor Stage (Birth-2 years). This stage features object permanence - knowing that an object still exists, even if it is hidden. It requires the ability to form a mental representation of the object. The second stage is preoperational Stage (2-7 years). During this stage, young children are able to think about things symbolically. This is the ability to make one thing mean something other than what it could be. The third stage is Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 years). Piaget considered this stage a considerably major turning point children’s cognitive development. In this stage, logical thought is formulated. The fourth stage is the formal Operational Stage (11 years and over). People during this stage develop the ability to think about abstract concepts, and logically test …show more content…
However, there is always the need of room for improvement. With that being said, there were many differences between the two psychologists. The biggest and most noticeable difference would be that Jean Piaget developed his theories for cognitive development into stages (Paul Van Geert 1998). Geert states Piaget also felt cognitive development is universal across any culture anywhere. Piaget took criticism because of he did not have his sights primarily on the social factors that attribute to cognitive development. He felt the growth of children in learning had to be accomplished on their own accord. Lev Vygotsky believed the opposite of the previously mentioned Piaget beliefs (Orlando Lourenco 2012). For him, cognitive development results from the internalization of language. Piaget and Vygotsky had a few similarities. They both put also a great emphasis on the importance of action on the genesis of the diverse forms of intelligence, and on all functions of consciousness. Also, the two psychologists stress the primacy of processes of development, not its external outcomes. Their similarities, although rather small, are still significant. All in all they both share developmental perspectives and an emphasis on qualitative changes over quantitative ones (Orlando Lourenco

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