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Columbine High School Research Paper

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On April 20, 1999, two high school seniors, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, put the fear of God into Columbine High School and Jefferson County, Colorado. Eric and Dylan were two high school senior who were trying to fit into the cool crowd and be poplar in school. Regretfully, like many teenagers now days, they were picked on and bullied by their classmates.
Most students who were picked on and bullied would eventually overcome this obstacle but Eric and Dylan were unable to. Ultimately, they took their revenge out on all those at Columbine High School. One will never be able to understand why such tragedy occurred. People have looked at Eric’s and Dylan’s make up and how they connected to get a glimpse into how such a tragedy could take …show more content…
But we know, looks can be deceiving, as with Dylan. He had been picked on and humiliated the entire four years of high school. He had very few friends and among them was Eric Harris. His friendship with Eric lead Dylan down a path of trouble in and out of school. Along with another student, Eric and Dylan began breaking into the school’s lockers. Later on Eric and Dylan even robbed a van. After these and other episodes of trouble, Dylan became increasing depressed as a result of being grounded frequently. His brother was kicked out of the house which did not help Dylan’s depression and feelings of being alone. He missed both his brother and Eric. He became further depressed as he could not get up the nerve to talk to Harriet, a girl whom he became fixated on. He could not cope with his depressive feelings and at one point he even considered taking his own life. Cullen wrote, “Dylan described his trajectory as a downward spiral. He borrowed the phrase Nine Inch Nails’ s dripping album, which documents a frictional man unraveling. It climaxes with him killing himself with a gun to the mouth” …show more content…
Eric and Dylan hung out and began getting into a lot of trouble together. Eric felt like he was the leader of the two. He even went as far as comparing himself to God. Eric felt like he was better than most people in the world because of his superior intelligence. Eric thought he had God like features: superior insight, awareness, and intelligence. Cullen wrote, “Eric did not believe in God, but he enjoyed comparing himself to Him. Like Dylan he did so frequently but not delusionally – they were like God: superior in insight, intelligence, and awareness” (235). Eric was furious at the world because he did not feel respected. He could not stand it when others would dare to voice their opinions about what he thought and said. He believed in Darwin’s theory, the fittest will survive. He believed that people live their lives in a way such as machines, we follow too many orders and do not realize the real potential living inside every human being.
After Dylan and Eric robbed a van their junior year, the judge sentenced them to psychiatric treatment, counseling and community service. After the massacre was over with, Dr. Fuselier received Eric’s journals. While he was reading the journals he discovered that Eric was indeed a psychopath. Cullen wrote, “Dr. Fuselier set down the journal. It had taken about an hour to read, that first time, in the noisy Columbine band room, two or three days after the murder. Now he

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