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Commercial Banks in Bulgaria Under Currency Board


Submitted By bgpwnt
Words 1262
Pages 6
Commercial Banks in Bulgaria under Currency Board

| | | | 1997 – a crucial year for the Bulgarian banking system
The real reforms in the Bulgarian banking sector started in 1997, after the introduction of the currency board in the country. Bulgaria's macroeconomic performance between the fall of communism and early 1997 was especially poor. The decent economic performance in the beginning later deteriorated into hyperinflation and negative growth of GDP. Hyperinflation reached almost 500 % in January 1997 and more than 2,000 % in March 1997. An extremely severe economic crisis began in May 1996 and reached its zenith in February 1997. The Bulgarian currency started falling and finally collapsed in February 1997 when it reached unprecedented levels of about 3000 Leva per dollar in February 1997, while foreign exchange reserves dried out. The average monthly wage plunged from over $127 in 1995 to under $25 in 1997.
Currency Board Adoption
The IMF started to press the Bulgarian authorities to introduce a CBA. With the worsening of the crisis by the spring of 1997, this plan was finally accepted and CBA was implemented on the 1st of July 1997 and actually brought hyperinflation down to around 5%. The Bulgarian currency was fixed to the DeutscheMark, the volume of currency circulation was linked to the hard currency reserves, and the currency board undertook the monetary policy management. A new stage of banking sector reform started: entirely new laws on BNB and commercial banks were adopted, entry of foreign banks was liberalized, supervision policies were strictly applied, and privatization and competition were encouraged.
Development of the banking system in Bulgaria (figure)
The introduction of CBA brought radical changes in the structure of the banking system. It focused attention on the need to integrate the Bulgarian banking system into the

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