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Community Board 12 Case Study

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Queens Community Board 12 meeting was held on February 21, 2018, at the Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center in St. Albans. Community Board 12 encompasses the neighborhoods of Jamaica, Hollis, St. Albans, Springfield Gardens and South Ozone Park. These neighborhoods have an eclectic mix of residents from all over the world. There is a strong African American, Caribbean Americans, and South Asian presence. According to the American Community Survey (2018), the areas has an estimated 236,745 residents and is the second largest community district in Queens. It covers community districts 28, 29 and parts of 27. Community Board 12 has 50 members. The district manager is Yvonne Roddick who has been serving in that capacity since 1994. Renee Hill serves as the chairperson.
The chairperson, Renee Hill, began the meeting by introducing herself and reading the night’s agenda and asking for approval of the agenda items. This was followed by the Chairperson’s report and the district managers report. This was followed by the chairperson’s acknowledging …show more content…
A representative from the Department of Transportation (DOT) Lauren McNeal, discussed the DOT car sharing program in Queens. The representative discussed how this program helped would lessen traffic in the Jamaica area save on insurance, maintenance, and gas. This idea was pitched as an alternative to experiencing traffic congestion in a borough that has its share of congested streets. Ms. McNeal explained that the car sharing program is vastly different from LYFT or Uber but more like Zipcar or Enterprise car share. The car-sharing program allows drivers to purchase single rides or roundtrip. The single ride will allow drivers to pick up a car from one location and drop it off at another. The round trip allows drivers to pick up and return cars to one location. Community residents listen attentively, however, no one offer comments or significant

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