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Community College Benefits

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Education is an essential base that is applied in the contemporary world to succeed, as it mitigates the difficulties that working students confront in life. The knowledge gained by working students through education enables their potential abilities to be optimally utilized in the future; which open the doors for many opportunities to them to achieve better prospects in career growth. Because education has played a paramount role in the modern industrial world, especially in the United States, the President Obama unveiled a proposal in 2015, which stated that every college student in America is given the opportunity to attend community college free of charge. Since then, enhancing the education of working college students has been a task for …show more content…
On July, 6, 2016 she has announced a new plan on making tuition free colleges available to every student. She said, "Students should never have to borrow to pay for tuition, books, and fees to attend a four-year public college in their state under the New College Compact. Pell Grants are not included in the calculation of no-debt-tuition, so Pell recipients will be able to use their grants fully for living expenses. Students at community college will receive free tuition." According to Kat Kane, by Clinton’s suggestion on college tuition, families with $125,000 or more annual income do not have to pay school charges at in state-public colleges and universities and that mostly cover up to 80 percent of families but this plan will be applied in five years. However, families whose annual income is $85,000 or less will instantly have the ability to go to an in-state school or university without paying any educational costs. Clinton’s notion will give both working and non-working students who belong to different social class an equal chance to graduate from an in-state four-year public college or university without being worried about school’s

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