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Personal Narrative: Lessons I Learned In High School

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Have you learned lessons the hard way in your life before? Don’t worry, I have as well. It’s very common to learn lessons, it’s a part of life. The hardest thing is to overcome obstacles, I learned from my experiences. This year, I started high school and I had a different idea about it at first. I knew that high school is about schoolwork and completing school to go on to live a successful life. Once I got here, my point of view changed drastically. It started when I met a certain someone, my crush. This wasn’t like an ordinary crush. This hurt me and it costed me my grades.

It started when I had to go to a band orientation for my brand new school, West high. He was seated towards the front whereas I was sitting towards the back, wearing that striped shirt I loved on him. While my brand new band teacher was giving a speech about band, he kept looking behind him, mostly at me. I plastered a little smile on my face and waved a friendly wave at him. He blushed and turned away to keep listening to my band teacher. This confused me, I had no clue who he was and it made me feel a little weird. That wasn’t the end to his strange behavior. I had marching band with him, and I couldn’t help but take an interest in him. I was way too scared to even speak with him. One day at lunch, I was sitting with my friends and I told them about my feelings towards …show more content…
This is when I finally realized I don’t need a guy to date, it’s just about schoolwork. After that happened, I surrounded myself with friends and didn’t worry about him. I felt so much better, it felt like a huge weight got taken off my shoulders. He continued to find ways to get my attention after he broke up with her. I had mixed feelings about him because of his attention, but I shrugged it off. He messed with my feelings and I won’t let him do it at all. Now that i’ve pushed him aside and focused on other things, I overcame this

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