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Compare/Contrast Essay: What Makes Humans

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Many works in sci-fi try to figure out what makes humans, which is emotions and the ability to make decisions for oneself. Two of such works are, We, a novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, a movie directed by James Cameron. Both works might not seem similar at first, though both have some type of machine that over the course of the story becomes more human. It is the journey that the main characters go on and the different things that they experience that make the stories similar.
We is the story about D-503, who lives in what he believes is an utopian future. He lives under the rule of the One State, the leaders who decide everything for their citizens. They decide what to learn, what to read, what kind of art can be made, when their citizens can have sex, and even the schedules that guide their daily lives. D-503’s job is to help build a space ship, called the Integral that would spread the ideas of the One State. D-503 is very happy following the rules and doing what he is told by the One State until he meets up with I-330, who shows him the way that people used to think, and what the outside world is like. He also helps her in starting a rebellion against the One State. …show more content…
A Terminator is a type of android that looks perfectly human. The only difference is that instead of having a skeleton, it has an endoskeleton. The reason that John is in danger is that in the future, machines have risen up and nearly gotten rid of the entire human race. The only problem for the machines is that John Conner leads a rebellion against them. With his help, humanity has a fighting chance. To protect themselves, the machines send back a robot called T-1000 to kill John while he is still a child. John sends another Terminator back to protect himself. It is through John that the Terminator learns what it means to be

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