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Destruction Of Singapore Research Paper

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The fall of Singapore was considered one of the most monumental defeats in British and Australia’s history; Australia was under threat from invasion. The surrender of Singapore was a big threat to Australia’s immediate security, putting the ‘Yellow peril” even closer to Australia’s shores, the topics I will discuss in this essay refer to the Presence of the British in Singapore, Australia’s contribution to WWII and the threat of Japan.

Singapore was regarded as the “Gibraltar of the east”, it played a huge role for trade to Britain’s colonies, Australia and the US for example, and it was an impregnable fortress and was a protection for Australia’s immediate security. Singapore became a very large important naval place for Britain and its allies outside of their home countries. Singapore was also one of the most important military/navy harbors in Asia as Singapore’s harbor was naturally deep. Large improvements to Singapore’s defenses had been applied in 1938 to protect the Commonwealth’s possessions in the east this caused many people to be fed false information, a young British officer said after these changes to Singapore’s defences, “I hope we are not getting to strong in Malaya because if so the Japanese may never attempt a landing” (1941), …show more content…
On the morning after the fall of Singapore the Prime minister of Australia at the time, spoke out to Australia regarding Australia’s foggy future. “Our honeymoon is finished, I demand that every Australian realizes that Australia is now inside fighting lines, it is now a work or fight as we have never done before.” (K.J Mason 2002). Australia instantly recalled its forces across Europe, The threat of Japan also made Australia, New Zealand and the US to form the ANZUS Treaty. Causing the United States to assume responsibility of the countries defenses and Australia’s immediate

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