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Comparing Commercials


Submitted By Tiffn2angels
Words 1012
Pages 5
Comparing Commercials
One advertisement I chose to consider is the puppy monkey baby commercial that aired during super bowl 50. This advertisement was for Mountain Dew. I was horrified by this commercial. Another advertisement I chose to consider is an ad for Nissan. In the commercial they are advertising the Nissan Rogue. This commercial really grabbed my attention. I had actually said in the past that this was my favorite commercial because now-a-days most commercials are just ridiculous. Because it was such a good advertisement, it affected me in a good way as I still remember it since it last aired in 2015.

In the Mountain Dew commercial, there is a hybrid which consists of a pug head, a monkey’s body, and a baby’s legs. The hybrid enters the room with a bucket of Mountain Dew’s new drink, kick start. The hybrid then starts dancing and handing out the drinks to three teenagers sitting on the couch. It seems as if they are targeting the younger generation. This commercial does not use logos to persuade the audience. The puppy monkey baby is not logical or realistic. This commercial does not use ethos to persuade the audience either. I did not get the impression the person behind the commercial had any good sense because I don’t believe there is such a thing as the puppy monkey baby. This commercial does use pathos to persuade the audience. If I had to guess, they are trying to appeal to the audience’s sense of humor. Perhaps I didn’t find it funny because I was not the generation targeted. When this commercial went off I was so appalled by the hybrid that I didn’t even realize what was being advertised until I looked it up for the purpose of writing this paper. Upon doing research I discovered that the drink kick start is a combination of Mountain Dew, juice, and caffeine. Was the puppy monkey baby supposed to be comparative to a drink that had three different parts? If so, then I am even more resistant to trying the drink. If the combination of puppy, monkey, and baby is similar to how kick start is then I am lead to believe they used three ingredients that do not go well together. The only objective this commercial attained was to get the commercial to stick with the audience long after it aired. While it has been said that bad publicity is better than no publicity, I don’t think that fact helped Mountain Dew at all. If the rest of the world was like me when they watched it, they seen puppy monkey baby, not Mountain Dew Kick Start.

In the Nissan commercial you see the Nissan Rogue driving with a little boy in the back seat. You are watching the commercial through the little boy’s imagination. At first, the Rogue backs up to a tree that starts trying to grab the vehicle, but because the driver is watching the rear view display they stop in time and go forward. Next, you see a vehicle cross over a little bit into the same lane as the Rogue but the little boy sees a bear chasing them. You hear a beep and see the mirror light up warning the driver that a vehicle is getting too close. Next, you see the Rogue coming up fast on a boat that is being carried by an 18-wheeler. The dash starts beeping to warn the driver before a collision occurs. The driver swerves around the boat. When the dad swerves around the boat the little boy sees a magnificent boat being tossed about by the raging waves. The commercial ends saying “with the Nissan Rogue the only thing you have to fear is your imagination” (Nissan Rogue TV Spot, “Imagination” (2016). Retrieved June 28, 2016, from and the little boy waving at the Rogue who winks at him with a head light. They did a great job with this commercial! They used creativity to display the best features of the Rogue. This commercial uses Logos to persuade the audience. It is logical that a little boy would have a wild imagination. It is logical that you could back up into a tree if you are not watching. It is logical for a car to cross over into your lane while you are driving. It is logical to come up on another vehicle really fast, especially on the interstate where it seems like vehicles stop suddenly coming into a traffic jam. This commercial also uses Ethos to persuade the audience. By displaying all the car can do, it leads me to believe the maker must be an expert. The Rogue’s features are ahead of the game in the industry. I have seen other commercials display the rear view display but not the warnings for vehicle detection. This commercial also uses Pathos to persuade the audience. The main purpose of the commercial is to give the audience a feeling of security when driving the Rogue. They found a creative way to say this vehicle will keep your child absolutely safe on the road. This commercial seems to be targeted to parents. This appeals to me as a parent because my children’s safety is my first priority. The uses of all three proofs combined to make this an excellent commercial. If I had to choose which proof would have been the most likely to persuade me I would have to go with Pathos. Overall this commercial was on point and made a lot of sense to me.

Johnson-Sheehan, Richard, Paine, C (2013). Writing Today, Custom Second Edition. (VitalSource Bookshelf Online). Retrieved from Nissan Rogue TV Spot, “Imagination” (2016). Retrieved June 28, 2016, from Mountain Dew’s puppy monkey baby commercial scares Super Bowl viewers. (2016). Retrieved June 28, 2016, from

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