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Comparison Of Everyday Use And A Worn Path

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“Everyday Use” and “A Worn Path” were both favorites of mine. I could relate to each in different, yet, some similar ways. Seeing mine, as well as my son’s, mother’s, and grandmother’s everyday life, past, present, and future in these stories. I, now with my son, as my mother was with me, both would walk the world over, climb any mountain, cross any sea, all in order to get what our child needs. This is just what the grandmother did in “A Worn Path” (Welty, 1940). We do without and will take on any hunger or struggle to make sure our children are taken care of, not hungry, are clothed, and are happy. This goal is always accomplished no matter the risk or challenge. These strengths were mainly seen in “A Worn Path” but also in mama’s protective

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