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Conduction, Convection, and Radiation


Submitted By spankersmith
Words 1534
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Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
By: Spencer Smith
Physics 2010 – Online
Dr. Stone
30 April 2014

Physics is a controlling factor in our vast universe. It literally controls how our reality operates and how our existence came to be in this universe, it actually it what made our universe. When you think about physics you probably think about friction and forces but it is a much broader idea. Physics is what controls how the atoms that make up everything work with each other to form the things we see, the things we use, and even ourselves. Physics is a fundamental basis of our idea of the universe; yes there could be another parallel universe that has a different set of laws of physics but if it exists and we discover it physics will be there to help us understand the cause of this great phenomenon. Conduction, convection, and radiation are a processes of heat transfer and we experience these processes every day, some people might not realize it but these studies of physics are happening right now, all around us. Heat transfer is really just the transfer of energy and to understand how energy is transferred one must understand the physics of heat. “Conduction is the process of heat transfer in solids. If one end of a solid is heated, the particles of the solid gain kinetic energy thus moving faster. In a solid the particles are held together by strong forces of attraction. The only way in which the particles can move is to vibrate forwards and backwards. The increase in kinetic energy is an increase in energy thus forming heat.” Conduction is classified in two ways, thermal conduction and electrical conduction. Thermal Conduction what was stated above and is the process of adding energy to a molecules and increasing their movement thus forming heat. Electrical conduction is the ability of a material to move an electrical charge. Electrical conductivity is increased if a materials atoms, while at random positions at a given moment, can move in a uniform direction when an electrical charge is passed through the material. Electrical conductivity is literally all around you everything that has a battery or needs to be plugged in somewhere has components that are electrical conductive. Certain metals make for better conductors because their atomic structure causes them to have extra electrons that can be moved around and with that movement creates an electrical current. Aluminum, silver, gold and copper are all very good conductors with gold being the best conductor because it has the highest atomic number giving more protons thus more electrons to be moved around creating an electrical current. Most wires are made out of copper, while as it is not as good of a conductor as gold it is not as rare and more accessible to remove from the Earth. Thermal conduction is explained as the transfer of heat through a solid, so we all have experienced thermal conduction before. A good example of thermal conduction is your car, after driving for a while the engine is very hot but so is the hood, which is not touching the actual engine. This example shows how the energy expelled from the combustion in the engine and friction of the moving parts diffused outward to the hood of the car.
“Convection is the transfer of internal energy into or out of an object by the physical movement of a surrounding fluid that transfers the internal energy along with its mass. Although the heat is initially transferred between the object and the fluid by conduction the bulk transfer of energy comes from the motion of the fluid.” Convection is a process of heat transfer, the hot air will move to the colder areas. Convection is considered a part of fluid mechanics because the heat is energy but will act as fluid like a liquid or air; this is also usually where convection occurs mostly. Convection can not occur in solids unlike conduction, because solids can not contain any sort of fluid flow movement inside of the solid. The most recognizable form of convection is with air in your home or even in weather systems. The hotter air has more energy and its particles are moving faster thus moving further apart making them lighter than the cold air so the hot air will rise above the colder air. As the warmer air rises it gets further away from the earth and in to thinner atmosphere where it is colder. When the air reaches these high altitudes the molecules lose energy (heat) and slow down slowly coming back towards one another joining together as water molecules, becoming heavier and they begin to sink back towards the Earth most commonly known as rain. If you have been inside a two story house and gone upstairs you probably have noticed that the upstairs is much hotter than the downstairs, this is caused by convection. The cooled air, usually by an air conditioner, releases air molecules with less energy and it diffuses throughout the house and any warm air is pushed upwards but is usually trapped by the roof of the house. Radiation is an extremely in depth area of science because it has so many forms and can do so many things that most matter can not do. “In physics, radiation is a process in which electromagnetic waves (EMR) travel through a vacuum or through matter-containing media” Technically the light we can see is a form of radiation, it is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a spectrum encompassing all wavelengths of light form the longest wavelengths (100 Mm) of low energy radio waves to the shortest wavelengths (1pm) of high energy gamma rays. The visible light that we humans can see only, that means all the colors we know, are between 400 nanometers and 700 nanometers, that is a really small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other forms of radiation include infrared, microwaves, x-rays, and ultraviolet. Radiation is not as scary as people like to make it out to be it has a lot of uses for example radio waves are a part of radiation and we use it to communicate and send transmission into deep space. X-rays were discovered to be able to look through walls and more importantly through skin and to the skeletal system. Ultraviolet light is automatically given off by the sun so by going outside you are bombarded with Ultraviolet rays. UV rays can be harmful but also have many helpful properties to humans for example UV rays are the primarily form of disinfecting and is an effective viricide and bactericide. Microwaves are used extensively in communications and radar because they can be more narrowly focused than any other form of light. Microwaves also revolutionized the modern home with the introduction of the microwave over. The microwave oven uses a magnetron to shoot a specific wavelength of microwaves and create an alternating electrical field to rapidly spin water molecules and create energy and heat inside the food. Infrared light, also known as radiant heat, is extremely useful in today’s world we use it for night vision, thermography a.k.a heat vision, and even some animals like snakes see only in the infrared spectrum of light. Radiant heat which is a form of infrared light is what you feel when you stand outside when the Sun is shining. Radiant heat is a big reason why the Earth is like it is today, it keeps the Earth’s temperature and ecosystems in balance. Gamma rays are the fastest and highest frequency waves in the spectrum and because of this they are called ionizing rays and can be particularly harmful to humans. Gamma rays have been harmful but also we have figured out ways to use them productively for example radioactive decay can emit gamma ray particles and by locating the gamma rays we can see what is radioactively decaying and learn its half-life thus having much more accurate dating techniques. One of the greatest discoveries about the electromagnetic spectrum is that if you built a telescope that can view the heavens in these specific forms of light that it can answer questions humans have had about the universe for centuries. By using different waves of the spectrum we were able to see the furthest we have ever seen into the universe and started to unravel mysteries we had no idea existed in deep space. This discovery even helped us date the age of the universe. Conduction, convection, and radiation are constantly occurring around us and will still be occurring long after we humans are gone. Physics is what got us here and will be the reason we leave this universe. If people would stop and marvel at the amazing world we have around us maybe these physic processes would stop going under appreciated because they are what help the planet stay alive and help us stay alive.

Works Cited
GCSE PHYSICS - What is Heat Conduction in Solids? - GCSE SCIENCE. (GCSE PHYSICS - What is Heat Conduction in Solids? - GCSE SCIENCE.) Convection (- The Physics Hypertextbook)

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