...Radioactive contamination With the development of the science and technology, nuclear energy is replacing conventional energy rapidly. It produces enormous energy by few resources. However, nuclear leak caused by an earthquake in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant last year lead to a severe radioactive contamination. This raises great attention to nuclear safety. Radioactive contamination is the harm to individuals or equipment by the unregulated radioactive materials, such as radioactive gases, liquids, or particles. Almost everything can become contaminated by radioactive materials in environment. Anyone can intake of radioactive materials in the case of unconscious, even taking a walk or eat. A number of events can cause radioactive contamination. A well-known example is the explosion of the nuclear weapons. Previously, it was used as a mass destruction especially used in Second World War. Radioactive contamination also occurs when radioactive materials are not properly sealed. Laboratory mistakes and natural disasters are the most important reason. The effects of radioactive contamination vary. It depends on the degree of radioactive substances leaked. A low degree of contamination is more likely to be diluted by environment. It may not cause obvious harm. On the other hand, high levels of contamination can significantly threaten both people and the environment. If individuals live in a radioactive contamination, his body will suffer Serious destruction, especially...
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...Cross Contamination Susan Waggoner SCI/220 April 16, 2012 Ron Hogan Cross Contamination The City of Houston Department of Health and Human Services says “Be Smart- Keep Foods Apart- Don’t Cross Contaminate!” Cross Contamination, which is the leading cause of foodborne illness, is the transfer of harmful bacteria to food from improperly handled cutting boards, utensils or other foods. (1) It is important to keep raw meat, poultry and seafood separate and then keep their juices away from the cooked meat(s) and ready to eat foods so you don’t Cross Contaminate. Below are some simple steps you can take to prevent Cross Contamination. When shopping, make sure you separate the raw meat, poultry and seafood from other foods in the grocery cart. A good way to do this is to place the item(s) in a plastic bag so they don’t drip on the other foods. When storing, place all meats in containers or bags to prevent juices from dripping. It’s also a good idea to store eggs in their original container in the refrigerator. When preparing, it is important to use soap and hot water to clean kitchen surfaces. Use a sanitizer to clean spills and kitchen counter tops. Always wash hands with soap and hot water before and after handling food. It’s important to wash hands and surfaces often because harmful bacteria can spread throughout the food preparation area and contaminate everything from the cutting board to the person’s hands. Use a clean cutting board and keep different cutting boards...
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...Industrial Contamination of Livestock and Its Effects on Food Safety Abstract This research paper will examine the government’s attempt to reduce the manufacturing contamination of the nation’s meat supply. Federal, state and local agencies work together in order to create a source, reason, actions necessary to control and prevent foodborne illnesses from reoccurring. Increase in the number of food related illnesses have people wondering if meat and processed food will ever be safe to eat. Cattle contaminated with bacteria such as E-Coli get their way to grocery stores due to improper management of the food production system. Change in food safety policies and assessment guidelines prompted state and local health officials to inform Americans on the dangers of contaminated meat products and other foods. President Obama has proposed new guidelines in the Food Safety Act; more stringent measures taken in the investigation of meat production, factory farming and facilities by the USDA and the FDA. Opposing entities dispute that animals need protection from parasites and bacteria as well also and should be proven that antibiotic use in animals is harmful to humans. There is not enough concrete evidence to prove that use of antibiotics or hormones in meat products are a threat to humans if consumed. So enlighten by the present debate the government has permitted use of chemicals, and other substances in production and processing of meat and processed foods, not for just...
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...Please research the internet, books, technical magazines, publication, etc. that deals with microbiological contamination in water. Write a one-page summary (on your own words) and include information about the reference (s) used. Microorganisms are microscopic living being such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, and usually too small to be seen by naked eye therefore, microscopic is used. Microorganisms are disease causing means in the global and known as pathogens, consequently microbial are able to contaminate our public drinking water supplies can threaten human health, as an example of microorganism is; Heliobacter pylori, the Salmonella family, and Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria. Hepatitis A, Norwalk type viruses, rotaviruses, adenoviruses,...
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...based factories. PC company policy allows contamination cleanup when required by environmental legislation. The company also needs to install smoke filtering systems before the law is instituted early next year. PC is concerned with the financial accounting treatment for two environmental issues: (a) environmental cleanup, and (b) smoke filter installation for year 20x2. Both issues, if not resolved, could lead to legal action against PC if not followed by a prescribed date. The Company needs to determine if the contaminated soil and smoke filter requirement should be disclosed on the financial statements as an asset retirement obligation, loss contingency, or an environmental obligation. APPLICABLE AUTHORITATIVE LITERATURE FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 410 Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 450 Contingencies DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES The following section will address the alternative treatments accounting for both the remedial action and smoke filtration system under US GAAP. Recording both issues as a loss contingency will be discussed first, followed by soil contamination as environmental remediation, then applying the asset retirement obligation treatment for pollution from normal operations. Alternative 1: Contaminated Soil and Smoke Filter Disclose both environmental issues as a loss contingency using a footnote. Soil contamination and smoke filters both meet the definition...
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...Como prevenir la contaminación del agua Instrucciones 1. Estudia la circulación del agua. El agua de los hogares en la mayoría de las comunidades se dirige a los sistemas de alcantarillas y desde allí a instalaciones de tratamiento donde algunos agentes contaminantes son eliminados. El agua que utilizamos fuera de la casa, por ejemplo en el jardín, se propaga por las alcantarillas y continúa por ríos, lagos y arroyos. 2. Examina tus hábitos. Utilizar pesticidas en el césped significa que cuando llueva en la tierra o jardín, los químicos se volcaran en las alcantarillas. 3. Recoge los desechos de tus mascotas. Esta es otra manera de prevenir la contaminación del agua. 4. Recuerda que contaminar la tierra es contaminar el agua. Desechar colillas de cigarrillo cerca de una rejilla de alcantarilla significa que eventualmente terminará en el caudal de agua. 5. Ten cuidado con los productos para el hogar como pinturas y solventes. Estos químicos también contaminan si no los desechas apropiadamente. Utiliza depósitos de eliminación de residuos peligrosos. 6. Cultiva compostaje. Este es un medio para reducir los desechos semanales, dispone de un espacio en tu patio para cultivar un maravilloso producto orgánico para la tierra e tu jardín. Consejos y advertencias Cuanto más informado estés más podrás hacer para evitar la contaminación del agua. Investiga sobre la conservación y cómo prevenir la contaminación del agua en sitios oficiales y organizaciones ambientales...
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...material releases. The disaster was caused by a tsunami ranging to 15 meters The tsunami had been caused by strong earthquake- the strongest earthquake to ever hit Japan. It affected the cooling systems of three Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors by stopping the cooling as a result of interruption in the power supply. With no cooling in the reactors, the energy released from radioactive decay rose threatening not to be handled by the containment structures at the plant (Eisler 17). Water exposed to high levels of radiation threatened to damage the containment structure due to hydrogen build up. With damage to the containment structure, the environment was at high risk of full blown radiation contamination. The danger posed by the accident was the accident was the spread of radioactive contamination to water or the environment that the nearby residents came into contact with. This is why the Japanese government budgeted close to $14 billion for the radiation clean up and immediate relocation of residents (Eisler 29). One of the isotopes still found in the accident site is Cesium-137 that decays according to the following equation 55Cs^137 --> 56Ba^137 + -1e^0. The isotope could lead to development of acute radiation syndrome in humans that affects the skin, digestive system and hair (Loveland et.all 45). Cancer can develop as a result of not receiving appropriate radiation treatment. Nuclear energy is a safe way of producing energy if the right protective measures are taken. In...
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...outside sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. for Reference: Map of Chernobyl retrived from http://www.greenfacts.org/en/chernobyl/figtableboxes/map-chernobyl.htm The novel emphasizes that the "dead zone" around Chernobyl is actually rich in plant- and wildlife (which have tolerance levels for radiation different than humans). In this area, wild animals such as wolves have not only flourished in the absence of human activity, but have no fear of the humans they do encounter. http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact-sheets/chernobyl-bg.html Flora and fauna There has been an ongoing scientific debate about the extent to which flora and fauna of the zone were affected by the radioactive contamination that followed the accident. Cases of mutant deformity in animals of the zone include partial albinism and other external malformations in swallows[2][3][4] and insect mutations.[5] A study of...
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...Similar issues to the one St. Andrew's Children's Hospital is facing right now have occurred in the past. These vary from cross contamination of infections from patient to patient, doctor to patient, or patient to doctor. To help reduce the amount of morbidity and mortality, methods have been developed that doctors and people alike can follow to prevent these cases from occurring. The following section will illustrate these solutions and procedures that are used to handle these situations for both prevention, and post-contamination. Prevention is always in everyone's best interest, but it reduces the risk of any cross contamination from the start. However this can be especially tricky when dealing in a hospital setting, where it is common...
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...Energy Inc. Date: October 19, 2013 Prepared by: Yuehan Zhang (Stefanie) Reviewed by: Professor Robert Elya ISSUE: Accounting for Energy Inc.’s environmental obligations, income tax and install smoke filters. BRIEF BACKGROUND OF COMPANY Energy Inc. (Energy) is a public company that operates in the oil industry. As of December 31, 2011, Energy recognized $ billion in revenue for the sale. Sometimes, Energy’s operations result in soil contamination and Energy should clean up this contamination when legislation requiring under the laws of the particular country. In addition, Energy has a widely published environmental policy in which it undertakes clean up all contamination that it causes. Energy is currently involved in environmental obligations, such as clean up the lands. ACCOUNTING QUESTIONS 1. Does Energy recognizes and accrues the liability of clean up costs in this year? What is the accounting treatment? 2. Is Energy has the obligations to undertake soil remediation in Dirty country? What is the accounting treatment for this operation in Dirty country? 3. What is the accounting treatment for new income tax? What is the accounting treatment for training employees? 4. Does Energy have obligations to install smoke filters this year? What is the accounting treatment for installing smoke filters in Energy’s factories next year? SUMMARY CONCLUSION ON ACCOUNTING QUESTIONS 1. Energy should recognize and accrue the liability of clean up...
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...Shell´s Environmental Responsibility in Vila Carioca, Sao Paulo, Brazil [1] by Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira Associate Professor Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration - EBAPE Getulio Vargas Foundation - FGV Praia de Botafogo 190, room 507 CEP: 22250-900, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil phone: (55-21) 2559-5737 fax: (55-21) 2559-5710 e-mail: puppim@fgv.br Introduction: Shell defines its aim as “to meet the energy needs of society, in ways that are economically, socially and environmentally viable, now and in the future.”[2] Shell was one of the pioneers in the movement for Corporate Social Responsibility. The company says it is committed to sustainable development and human rights: “Our core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people define how we work. These values have been embodied for more than 25 years in our Business Principles, which since 1997 have included a commitment to support human rights and to contribute to sustainable development.”[3] The case in Vila Carioca (São Paulo City) below illustrates a tough decision the company must make in order to keep its commitments, especially when the company’s past actions occurred in a different institutional and regulatory environment. Vila Carioca is a neighborhood in the southern part of São Paulo, the largest city in South America.[4] Greenpeace and the Union of Workers in the Mining and Petroleum Sector (Sinpetrol) alleged in the 1990s that the region had its...
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...radiological dispersion device (RDD) which combines some type of explosive combined with some type of radioactive material. The explosive element of a dirty bomb will produce the most amount of damage and causalities depending on the amount and type of explosive material and shrapnel used. There is usually not enough radiation to kill or cause severe illness depending on the radioactive material; the type of radiation that is used and the amount of exposure to the victims. Depending the situation though a dirty bomb can cause a great deal of panic, fear and chaos, including contamination of buildings and property. Dirty Bombs are not a nuclear device. Nuclear bombs are tremendously more powerful and can destroy entire cities and produce catastrophic amount of casualties. The radiation fallout of a nuclear weapon can spread tens to hundreds of square miles and effect an area for years with radioactive contamination. Dirty bombs can be capable of contaminating a few blocks or a few miles depending...
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...Fukushima Radiation Causes Growing National Concern: Time for New EPA Policy Eric Zoppi 3279672 2 December 2013 On March 11th, 2011 the Tōhoku earthquake and the resulting tsunami wreaked havoc upon Japan. Unfortunately, this natural disaster resulted in the largest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, as the tsunami crippled the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Following this severe breach in security, numerous radioactive isotopes and radioactive particles were released into the environment, specifically the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding air/atmosphere, thus contaminating groundwater, soil and seawater, as well as effectively shutting down a myriad of Japanese fisheries. The ocean and air mainly came in contact with high levels of Iodine-131, Cesium-137, and Cesium-134, as well as lower levels of Tellurium, Uranium, and Strontium, which were concentrated closer to the surrounding area of the nuclear power plant. However, the impact that these radioactive materials will have upon the United States, in particular, has caused quite the national controversy. Despite heavy national acceptance of the occurrence of the disaster, two popular and opposing hypotheses have formed as a result of the Media’s lack of focus on recent analyses of the impending effects of Fukushima Disaster upon the U.S.: (1) the radioactive material that leaked as a result of the TEPCO nuclear power plant failure will not have a drastic, threatening...
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...POLLUTION 2 Effects of Water Pollution Industrial development and production in western first-world countries has long ago reached the level when it is able to dramatically affect the environment. Among such industryrelated problems as air pollution, soil contamination, radioactive waste, and so on, the problem of low-quality water stands as one of the first places in terms of its importance for the survival of humankind. Therefore, information about the negative effects of water pollution should be not only studied, but spread among the general populous, taken into consideration, and prevented. One of the biggest problems connected to poor water quality is that entire food chains are drastically affected or even become extinct because of increased toxicity. Such pollutants as lead or cadmium get into water, and contaminate microorganisms living in it. These microorganisms are consumed by bigger species – such as plankton – which, in its turn, is eaten by even larger animals, and so on. Eventually, this chain leads to human beings, because people all over the world consume fish and seafood. Thus, by polluting oceans people worsen their overall wellbeing. Another problem connected to the contamination of water is the disruption of entire ecosystems. An ecosystem is the way of interaction between creatures that inhabit a certain area, and depends on each other. Water pollution can severely damage the subtle connections between the living species inhabiting certain...
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...Lab Report: Water Quality and Contamination Edward Minter Ashford University SCI 207: Dependence of Man on the Environment Lynn Carpenter Aug 10, 2015 Lab Report: Water Quality and Contamination Abstract The theory of common pollutants effects on groundwater was investigated and observed through the method of mirroring the wastewater treatment facilities filtration process. Groundwater quality was examined by testing contaminated elements surged into the water. The experiment study the effects of groundwater by evaluating water quality, water contamination, and quality of drinking water. Water quality is tarnished by pollutants resulting in contamination. Unfiltered ground water displayed the highest level of contamination. When groundwater is treated its quality improves. Dasani and Fiji bottled water preference was used. The data indicates groundwater quality is contaminated by common pollutants. Introduction This lab report explore vinegar, oil, and laundry detergent effects on groundwater. Considering most water contamination doesn’t just happen by itself. Water quality is a human problem because people willing or unwilling participate in the spread of pollution....
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