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Content Analysis Theory

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I will analyze and evaluate the issues within the context of similar reality TV and hyper-reality movies through the lenses of performance theory and the superiority theory of humor.
Performance and theory come together to expand the meanings extant in experience and social processes. Performance theory crosses many disciplines to understand the operations of performance. These operations include text, life experience, and areas of mental and fictional expressions. My project will examine the dynamics of performance theory within the intersection of media violence, humor, and masculinity.
The superiority theory of humor is dependent upon individuals or groups of people realizing and/or believing they are greater than others are. …show more content…
The three phases, which constitute content analysis, include preparing, organizing, and reporting. I will be using inductive content analysis because there are few previous studies, which deal with the same or similar questioning and research. An inductive approach will be useful in developing novel theoretical explanations of the phenomena encountered.
Content analysis is a method of analyzing written, verbal, or visual communication messages, first used as a method for analyzing hymns, newspaper, magazine articles, advertisements, and political speeches in the 19th century (Harwood & Garry, 2003). During the last few decades, its use has shown steady growth (Neuendorf, 2002), and content analysis now enjoys a long history of use in communication, journalism, sociology, psychology, and business. Content analysis as a research method provides a systematic and objective means of describing and quantifying phenomena (Krippendorff, 2012). Content analysis will allow me to develop theoretical suggestions to enhance understanding of the humor in the Jackass films. …show more content…
This process will include open coding, creating categories, and abstraction. Open coding means that I will jot down notes and headings while watching the films. I will watch the films again, and write down as many headings as necessary with time stamps to describe all aspects of the content. I will then collect the headings from my notes (Dey, 2003) and generate categories. After this open coding, I will group the lists of categories under higher order headings. The aim of grouping data will be to reduce the number of categories by collapsing those that are similar or dissimilar into broader higher order categories (Dey, 2003). However, Dey (2003) points out that creating categories is not bringing together observations that are similar or related; instead, I will be classifying data as belonging to a particular group, implying a comparison between these data and other observations that do not belong to the same category. The purpose of creating categories will be to provide a means of describing the humor phenomenon, to increase understanding and to generate knowledge. When formulating categories by inductive content analysis, I will come to a decision, through interpretation about which things to put in the same category (Dey, 2003). Abstraction means formulating a general description of the research topic through generating categories (Robson, 2002). I will name each

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