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Controversy Over Fat Cats

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Overweight Cats
Sure most everyone would agree that a tubby kitty can certainly look cuter than a sleek and slim kitty. The only problem with a tubby tabby is that health problems can result. Most home owners don’t realize that their kitty is chubby because they are used to the cat and they also enjoy constantly saying, “What a cutie you are”. Meanwhile the “cutie’s” weight continues to balloon. Of course all those extra goodies do mean that your cat will love you forever but their forever might be shortened by being fed what they really shouldn’t eat in the first place. It has been determined that around 53% of cats in the U.S. are overweight or obese. The worst thing is that a cat that has added pounds also can get added health problems like diabetes, arthritis, heart and liver conditions. A cat who winds up with bladder stones or a skin condition suddenly will require a …show more content…
Vets tend to say that a cat with more than 20% of body fat is overweight but if your feline suddenly has no waistline or abdominal tuck then they are too fat. A cat’s ribs should be felt but not seen and he or she shouldn’t have folds of swinging fat as they walk along. The ideal weight for a cat depends of course, on their age, breed, lifestyle, bone structure and gender. The average adult cat should be between 7 to 11 pounds (3.1 to 4.9 kilograms) with females weighing less. It does me good to see my male cat eat like a horse and then go running around my garden like a madman with a few screws loose. This keeps him muscular, healthy and I can still count all of his ribs. He is your regular long-haired cat tip and with the lifestyle he leads he’ll be able to enjoy an extra goodie or two but will not gain excess weight due to the exercise he gets every day. Therefore it is also important whether you live in a house or in an apartment because if your cat doesn’t have enough space to really run around in then they will tend to pack on the pounds

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