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Cote D Ivoire Research Paper

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Cote d’Ivoire Language
Cote d’Ivoire has more than 60 ethnolinguistic groups but the majority of the people belong to one of the five linguistic families which are the Akan, Krou, Southern Mande, Northern Mande and the Gur (Chirot, 2006). Each of the ethnic group has its own unique language and this makes Cote d’Ivoire a linguistically diverse nation. All the different groups in Cote d’Ivoire speak languages (Kwa, Mande, and Gur) that belong to the Niger-Congo family which is the largest grouping of languages in Africa. The official language in Ivory Coast is French but many people residing in this country also speak a language called Duala which is derived from the Arabic (Mary, 2013). Duala is mostly used as a trade language and can also be used if someone does not understand French.

Basic English to French translations
Hello - Bonjour
Good day – Bonjour
Hi - Salut
Do you speak …show more content…
The Lobi are made up of various cultural groups. They migrated from Ghana to Burkina Faso in the 1800’s and later settled in the North East of Ivory Coast. The Lobi live in mud houses which resemble small houses. The Lobi culture has two categories of sculpture, sculptures with different sizes and these statues are associated with healing rituals and the second category type of sculptures are the ones that are used for ancestors and installed in the house. The Lobi people worship ancestors.

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The Guro Culture
The Guro Culture is made of traditionally crop farmers which live in the central Ivory Coast. The Guro Culture remains popular for their skilful mask carvers and their highly skilful dancers. The Guro have huge animal masks that can be slipped over the human head just like a helmet, The Guro sculptors can also carve works of art that a smaller in size.

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