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I. INTRODUCTION Keeping a balance between personal and professional life is quite important for any person. At times we get so get stressed out owing to the work pressure that the momentum is somewhere lost. A such a phase of life it becomes very crucial to understand your work in a better manner become capable of making strong and righteous decisions. Career Counseling is one such practice that aids people by making a connection between passion to work, purpose to do a task and understanding and acknowledgement of work. Working atmosphere is different at different offices and different industries. It furthermore transforms as you grow in a position with evolution in ressponsibilities and tackling new individuals who may not be as supporting as your last associates. Career Counseling in such arenas help in building capabilities and leaves no stone unturned in ensuring that with your independence in doing a task and with the new found confidence, each task for you become a child’s play, thereby bringing satisfaction and contentment in your professional life. Also, increasing awareness and purpose for desired work is one aspect. It goes a long way in helping individuals in improving their standard of work even in the toughest working conditions and atmosphere.

II. Objectives This report is sought to answer the following questions; 1. What is career counseling? 2. What are the elements of career counseling? 3. Why is career counseling important? 4. How is career counseling helpful? 5. What are the components of career counseling? * What is career planning? What are the life long processof career planning? * What is career development? The High 5 + 1 theme and the barriers of career development? * What is career management?

III. Contents

Definition of terms
There are many different terms used across the world in the field of career counseling. For the purpose of this guide each of the terms is defined below.

Actively listening to an individual’s story and communicating understanding, respect and empathy; clarifying goals and assisting individuals with the decision-making process. Counseling is a mutual relationship between a counselor (a professionally trained helper) and a client (a consumer of counseling services).

Counseling is the means by which one person helps another through purposeful conversation.

Counseling is a method of identifying practical solution to an identified problem.

Career counseling
A largely verbal process in which a counselor and counselee(s) are in a dynamic and collaborative relationship, focused on identifying and acting on the counselee’s goals, in which the counselor employs a repertoire of diverse techniques and processes, to help bring about self-understanding, understanding of behavioral options available, and informed decision-making in the counselee, who has the responsibility for his or her own actions (Herr & Cramer, 1996).

The interaction of work roles and other life roles over a person’s lifespan including both paid and unpaid work in an individual’s life. People create career patterns as they make decisions about education, work, family and other life roles.
Career Planning is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development.
Career Development is a formal approach used by organization to ensure that people with proper qualification and experiences are available when needed.
Career Management It is an ongoing process of preparing, implementing and monitoring career plans undertaken by the individual alone or in concert with the organization’s career.

Trying to decide upon a career that matches your values, interests, and abilities while offering you a sense of security is anxiety provoking. Many college students express the justified concern that what they are learning is already obsolete or will become obsolete by the time they have graduated. Wherever you are in your career journey, career counseling is a powerful tool for expanding your self-awareness and giving you the courage to wade through uncertain waters and find the best match.
We find ourselves with infinite amounts of information at our fingertips, yet many of us feel less sure of how to live our lives than ever before. The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said it best with these words: "I have no desire to speak in strong terms about this age as a whole, but he who has observed the contemporary generation will surely not deny that the incongruity in it and the reason for its anxiety and restlessness is this, that in one direction truth increases in extent, in mass, partly also in abstract clarity, whereas certitude steadily decreases".
History shows us that in times of rapid transition collective anxiety amongst a civilization skyrockets. This is because all of the traditional mores that have guided human thought and behavior fall by the wayside, leaving the individual with the daunting task of deciding upon his own set of values, interests, and direction in life. We are living in a time of unprecedented transition due to the explosion of technology and many of us feel lost.
Career counseling basically consists of four elements: (a) helping individuals to gain greater self-awareness in areas such as interests, values, abilities, and personality style, (b) connecting students to resources so that they can become more knowledgeable about jobs and occupations, (c) engaging students in the decision-making process in order that they can choose a career path that is well suited to their own interests, values, abilities and personality style, and (d) assisting individuals to be active managers of their career paths (including managing career transitions and balancing various life roles) as well as becoming lifelong learners in the sense of professional development over the lifespan.
Career counseling is about helping you expand your knowledge of self, all of the external factors that have influenced your life, and all of the barriers both real and imagined in making a career choice. This process gives you the best chance to find a career that makes you feel fulfilled. Satisfying careers usually give people a sense of satisfaction, pride, self-esteem, and self-efficacy while shielding them from mental health issues like depression and unmanageable anxiety. When you begin to consider the amount of time you spend at your job, it makes sense to spend the time and energy to find the best match. Career counseling do wonders in an individual's personality and performance at work. It not only enhances his work skills but brings out his hidden resourcefulness. During the time of changing professions or getting promoted to a new height, career counseling helps in coping with the new working environment, new colleagues and the boss. It certainly brings out the talents and passions that always were inside you and brings enhancement in career by best possible utilization of career opportunities. Career counseling takes care of various aspects like personal insight, support and even a better understanding. Other than these, it helps in building high motivational level by understanding the individualistic wants. It ensures that every individual sets up some goals of consequence and give his best in achieving them.
The benefits of career counseling are immense other than bringing your career in right track, helping you maintain a balance between your professional and personal life, understanding your own strength and keeping you vision and values ahead of anything else.
Career planning is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development.

You can use the four step planning process whether you are: * still at school; * a school leaver; * an adult adding on skills; or * an adult changing your job or career.

Career planning is the continuous process of: * thinking about your interests, values, skills and preferences; * exploring the life, work and learning options available to you; * ensuring that your work fits with your personal circumstances; and * continuously fine-tuning your work and learning plans to help you manage the changes in your life and the world of work.

The career planning process has four steps:
Step 1: knowing yourself
Step 2: finding out
Step 3: making decisions
Step 4: taking action

Step 1: knowing yourself
Begin by thinking about where you are now, where you want to be and how you’re going to get there.
Once you have thought about where you are at now and where you want to be, you can work on getting to know your skills, interests and values.

Begin by asking yourself the following questions: * Where am I at now? * Where do I want to be? * What do I want out of a job or career? * What do I like to do? * What are my strengths? * What is important to me?
At the end of this step you will have a clearer idea of your work or learning goal and your individual preferences. You can use this information about yourself as your personal ‘wish list’ against which you can compare all the information you gather in Step 2: finding out. Your personal preferences are very useful for helping you choose your best option at this point in time, which you can do in Step 3: making decisions.
Step 2: finding out
This step is about exploring the occupations and learning areas that interest you. Once you have some idea of your occupational preferences you can research the specific skills and qualifications required for those occupations. * Explore occupations that interest you and ask yourself how do my skills and interests match up with these occupations? * Where are the gaps? * What options do I have to gain these skills or qualify for these occupations? * What skills do I need? * Where is the work?
At the end of this step you will have a list of preferred occupations and/or learning options.
Step 3: making decisions
This step involves comparing your options, narrowing down your choices and thinking about what suits you best at this point in time.
Ask yourself: * What are my best work/training options? * How do they match with my skills, interests and values? * How do they fit with the current labour market? * How do they fit with my current situation and responsibilities? * What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? * What will help and what will hinder me? * What can I do about it?
At the end of this step you will have narrowed down your options and have more of an idea of what you need to do next to help you achieve your goals.
Step 4: taking action
Here you plan the steps you need to take to put your plan into action.
Use all you have learnt about your skills, interests and values together with the information you have gathered about the world of work to create your plan.
Begin by asking yourself: * What actions/steps will help me achieve my work, training and career goals? * Where can I get help? * Who will support me?
At the end of this step you will have: * a plan to help you explore your options further (eg work experience, work shadowing or more research); or * a plan which sets out the steps to help you achieve your next learning or work goal.
Decide which step is relevant for you right now and start from there.
Career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job you want to get when you graduate. It really is a lifelong process, meaning that throughout your life you will change, situations will change, and you will continually have to make career and life decisions. The goal of Career Counseling is to not only help you make the decisions you need to make now, but to give you the knowledge and skills you need to make future career and life decisions.

IV. Synthesis and Evaluation
We face many challenges finding the right career in the 21st century. We are in a technological age of rapid transition, and the sentiment that jobs are being destroyed faster than they can be created is all too real. Outsourcing, downsizing, and the ability of supercomputers to handle a range of jobs and responsibilities that were once the province of humans play a serious role in creating an uncertain job market.
Career Counseling is a great option for those who have switched over jobs or have got promoted and are not able to cope with the changing scene. Definitely challenges increase with changing jobs. But not accepting these chanlenges do no good to anyone. Career counseling helps invidual to befriend with such challenges and solve them with patience.
The best part about career counseling is that it inspires every individual to make a career for themselves in field in which their interest and passion lies. By doing so, it aids every individual to know his own powers and the success that nowhere else, but inside him only.

V. References * Swanson, J.L.; Parcover, J.A. (1998). Annual Review: Practise and research in career counseling and development — 1997. The Career Development Quarterly, 47, 2, 98-135. * Savickas, M. (2011). Career Counseling. Washington: American Psychological Association. p. 6. * Swanson, J.L. (1995). The process and outcome of career counseling. In W.B. Walsh & S.H. Osipow (Eds.), Handbook of vocational psychology: Theory, research and practice. (pp. 295–329). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. * Kim, B.S, Li, L.C., and Lian, C.T. (2002) Effects of Asian American client adherence to Asian cultural values, session goal, and counselor emphasis of client expression on career counseling process. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49, 3, 342-354. * Herr, el, & Cramer, sh Career guidance and counseling through the life span: Systematic approaches (5th ed.) New York: Harper Collins, 1996. ... References from web pages
A super approach: Training career educators, career counselors and ...
A Super Approach:. Training Career Educators, Career. Counselors and Researchers. W. Larry Osborne. Claire H. Usher. Southwest Texas State University ... EDUC G552 0875 Career Counseling-Theory and Practice
Career guidance and counseling through the life span: Systematic Approaches. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman and Co. Herring, rd (1998). ...

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