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Course Review


Submitted By Kingdom221
Words 2962
Pages 12
CHAPTER 1: Introduction to entrepreneurship

1. Explain entrepreneurship and discuss its importance. 解释创业并讨论其重要性。

Entrepreneurship is the art of turning an idea into a business. Entrepreneurs assemble and then integrate all the resources needed – the money, the people, the business model, the strategy – to transform an invention or an idea into a viable business.创业首先是把创意变成一项业务的艺术,企业家组装然后整合所有需要的资源,金钱,人,商业模式,策略,将一个发明或者注意转换成可行的业务。创业是个人寻取机会的过程而不会考虑他们控制的资源。

2. Describe corporate entrepreneurship and its use in established firms. 描述公司的创业和其建立的公司使用。
It is the conceptualization of entrepreneurship at the firm level. All firms fall along a conceptual continuum that ranges from highly conservative to highly entrepreneurial. The position of a firm on this continuum is referred to as its entrepreneurial intensity. Entrepreneurial firms are PROACTIVE, INNOVATIVE ad RISK-TAKING.(创业型企业的三个特点) 这是创业在企业层面的概念。所有的企业都落在沿着一个概念连续,范围从高度保守到高度进取。在这个连续坚定的位置被称为其创业强度。创业型企业是积极进取,不断创新的和可以承担风险的(保守型企业的三个特点是:采取观望的姿势:take a more “wait to see” posture, 更少的创新,less innovative,风险规避,risk averse.

3. Discuss three main reasons people decide to become entrepreneurs. 讨论三个主要原因人们决定成为企业家。 1. Desire to be their own boss 想成为自己的老板 2. Desire to pursue their own ideas 渴望追求自己的想法 3. Financial rewards. 金融奖励

4. Identify four main characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. 识别成功的企业家的四个主要特征。 4. Passion for the business – belief of positive influence 5. Product/customer focus – entrepreneurs are craftspeople 6. Tenacity despite failure – ability to persevere through setbacks 7. Execution intelligence – making a good idea into a viable business
5. Explain five common myths regarding entrepreneurship. 解释关于创业五个常见的误区 8. Entrepreneurs are born, not

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