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Submitted By shanando
Words 1861
Pages 8
For a company to be successful, supervision is a vital part of a workplace. Management needs to ensure that supervision (their supervisors) is competent, knowledgeable, skilled, proficient, and fit to be supervisors. Employees must have proper instruction and training to guarantee that they are doing their jobs correctly. Supervision remains necessary for continuing skill and experience among associates. Poor supervision leads to problems and confiscates an essential part of the employee support process which in turn eliminates the opportunity for learning and reference. Also with poor supervision, employees are more likely to feel that their work is valued by the company. In this scenario at the XYZ Company, this is an example of poor supervision. The supervisor in charge of this particular section did not communicate that a new program was being implemented throughout the company. This supervisor is not present enough which caused the employees to react with resentment and displeasure in their work.
Overview of the Organization and Case Study
XYZ is an insurance company that provides car insurance to millions of people. The company is well known for its outstanding customer service. The situation is that a lack of communication from a particular supervisor in regards to the implementation of an important program is affecting the morale of the section and will affect the customer service that the company is well known for.
The company received a new program that handles the incoming calls from customers. The calls come in to a new program that includes voice-mail. The new program is different from their old system and the section will need to learn the new procedure. The communication issue lies with the supervisor. The supervisor should have explained the process of the implementation of the new program like the other supervisors in the area.

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