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Submitted By sumon43
Words 537
Pages 3
Have we ever thought why are some companies blooming while others struggle to stay in business? What is the distinctive difference between a good company and a truly great company? The answers to these questions can only be found when looking at what defines the company: its Human Resources. The people that make up a company are that organization’s unique and biggest asset. Human resources are the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or an economy.
We can say that the people who make up a company's workforce its human resources are considered to be an asset to the company. They give unique position to their own companies. If we want to reach the final destination of the organization, human resource is the road for it. If we look at the developed countries we can see that they’ve a strong position in the world because they know how to properly utilize their work force. But in our country the human resource sector is still running behind of the other countries. This is happening because we’ve enough work forces but we don’t know how to utilize them, we have not enough HR departments in every company in our country. The multinational companies are ruling in our country because they are using the human capital efficiently but the local companies still need fight with them as they haven’t set a formal HR department in their organization.
It is the human resources who are operating the whole organization. A company is more likely to be successful if it manages all of its resources. Effective HR departments allow and encourage the company’s employees by investing on the employee to get their best, which in turn contributes to the success of those companies. We believe that Human Resources are the most important resources or component among all the resources, to improve business results. Human resources are the most important as

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