...Sponsored by: The Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. NSWAI ENVIS FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK • SEVENTH ISSUE • FEBRUARY, 2007 Decomposition and stabilization of solid organic waste material has been taking place in th The 7 issue of NSWAI-ENVIS newsletter portrays two nature ever since life appeared on this planet. With the progress of civilization and advancements of topics : scientific knowledge, efforts are being directed 1. Carbon Credits in India 2. Bio-bin composting towards rationalizing and controlling the process in This is in continuance with the topics discussed in such a way as to make it more effective and efficient. Bio-bin is one such system of composting which is our earlier newsletters. effective in terms of time and space. This topic is Day by day the cycle of climate on earth is changing. discussed in our second article, “Bio-bin composting” Global warming has led to season shifting, changing I hope that the newsletter will serve the landscapes, rising sea levels, increased risk of drought and floods, stronger storms, increase in heat purpose of understanding the above subjects in a related illness and diseases all over the world. This better and proficient manner. has resulted due to emissions of Green House Gases – Dr. Amiya Kumar Sahu (GHG’s) from various anthropogenic activities. Since the inception of Kyoto Protocol in the year 1997, Carbon Credits in India countries all over the world have become more Our earth...
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...request FL Proforma for LB FP Billing POS-Interfce FR Invoice Repair FV Invoice Contract FX Billing Ext Transact FXG Credit memo S-b w.i. FXL Debit memo S-b w.i. FXS Invoice S-b w.i. G2 Credit Memo G2S Cred. memo 3rd party HR Billing Training Adm IG Internal Credit Memo IGA ICM order-related IGS Cancel ICM IV Intercompany Billing IVA IB order-related IVS Cancel IB JEX Excise invoice India L2 Debit Memo LG Credit Memo List LGS Cancel Cred Mem List LR Invoice List LRS Cancel Invoice List RE Credit for Returns S1 Cancel. Invoice (S1) S2 Cancel of Cred Memo S3 Cancel. Invoice (S3) SHR Cancel Training Adm SV Cancel Cash Sale WIA Plants Abroad ZAR G.Aviation Returns ZAV G. Aviation Invoice ZAV1 Aviation Base Invoic ZAV2 Aviation AddOn Inv ZB1C G. ExCommsn Cr Memo ZB1E G. ExRebate Cr Memo ZB1G G. Deal Reb Cr Memo ZB1I Global IG Com CrMemo ZB3C G. ExCommsn PartSetl ZB3E G. ExRebate PartSetl ZB3G G.Deal Reb.PartSetl ZB3I Global IG Pcom CrMem ZBLN Borrow/Loan Net Doc ZBPC G. Bill. plan cdt ZBPD G. Bill. plan dbt ZBSN Buy/Sell Net Doc ZBTN Buy/Sell Net Doc ZC1 VAT Invoice ZC9 Material invoice ZCB1 DO NOT USE ZCB2 DO NOT USE ZCCR G. Conv. Credit Memo ZCDR G. Conv. Debit Memo ZCIA DO NOT USE ZCR1 Avia Base Cred Mem ZCR2 Avia AddOn Cred Mem ZCRP Part Adj Credit ZCRS ACB Credit Memo ZDP...
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...altruistic enough to care about others. Therefore, prisoners should not be allowed to decrease their sentencing through snitching due to a variety of reasons such as: losing street cred between fellow inmates, snitches getting stitches, and the prisoner’s dilemma effect taking place. Sure, getting a 6 year sentence cut down to 2 is great, however, betraying the fellow inmates locked up with the snitch is bound to make that the snitch would lose his street cred. Moreover, street cred is one of the most valuable non-tangible items one can obtain during their stay at prison. Since it allows an inmate the ability to live or die by his/her actions when dealing with federal authorities. The snitch would lose all of this important social worth amongst his peers, which in turn would make his prison stay much worse than he’d previously experience due to his snitching. Furthermore, as the old saying goes,...
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...Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion: Regulatory Requirements and Technical Analysis Student Name University Name Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 5 2.0 Shipping 5 2.1 Spills risk 6 2.2 Spills response 7 2.3 Spills recovery 8 3.0 Pipeline safety and integrity 9 3.1 Risk analysis 10 3.2 Spill preparedness and response 10 4.0 Greenhouse gas emissions 11 4.1 Implications of pipeline expansion 12 4.2 Alternatives and its effects 13 5.0 Conclusion 13 Abstract There is high rate of increase in the world’s demand for energy to run its various development projects. However, the most popular source of the needed energy is oil and petroleum products. To respond to this dire need for energy, Trans Mountain company under the Kinder Morgan Canada has presented a request for approval of its multi-billion dollar expansion. However, their proposal report for approval has drawn mixed reactions from first nations, municipal governments, British Columbia residents and various environmental organizations. A lot of environmental issues have topped the list of the project’s safety complications. Some of these groups have vowed never to support the expansion project citing various loopholes. Kinder Morgan Canada’s oil spills risk assessment both on pipelines and shipping vessels is elaborate. It has considered every concern of various partied and has tried to adjust to the NEB requirements. The NEB has scheduled public hearing on this project for 2015. As the company...
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...700 S/H FUNDS Ret Profits 950 P&L A/C Bank Loan 1,500 LIABILITIES Trade Creds 500 1,000 (500) (50) 950 (90) (150) (1,000) 640 (29) (90) (150) (1,000) (32) 32 29 1,000 (500) (50) (120) Tax Payable Divid Payable - Stocks 500 Cash 2,000 120 950 (640) Transfer retained profit 58 Closing balances 2,100 360 1,350 700 979 (58) 1,500 570 32 29 1 Profit And Loss Account Sales Cost of Sales Gross Profit Administrative Expenses Profit before Interest and Tax Interest Profit Before Tax Tax Profit After Tax Retained Profit for the Year 1,000 (500) 500 (260) 240 (150) 90 (32) 58 29 Balance Sheet FIXED ASSETS Plant and Machinery CURRENT ASSETS Debtors Cash CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade Creditors Dividends Payable Tax Payable 2,100 2,100 360 1,350 1,710 570 29 32 631 3,179 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG TERM LIABILITIES Bank Loan NET ASSETS CAPITAL AND RESERVES Ordinary Share Capital Retained Profits SHAREHOLDERS’ FUNDS 1,500 1,679 700 979 1,679 2 Part I, Question 2 – Vole Ltd, Transaction Worksheet ASSETS Fixed Assets Opening balances Purchase stock Sales: cash Cost of sales Electricity Purchase machine Sales: credit Cost of sales Insurance Wages Pay trade creditors Collect trade creditors Tax payment Tax Transfer retained profit Dividends Closing balance 750 Trade Debtors 250 Share Capital 750 S/H FUNDS Ret Profits P&L A/C Other Creds 500 LIABILITIES Trade Creds 350 1,000 Tax Payable 150 Divid Payable - Stocks 500 1,000 Cash...
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...Warren Buffett Gigantul american care si-a donat mai mult de jumatate din avere fundatiilor caritabile: ”ma simt grozav sa donez bani si cand mi-am facut ultimul control psihic in octombrie mi s-a spus ca nu am nimic”. INTRODUCERE A fost odata ca niciodata un baietel care s-a nascut in Omaha intr-o familie mediocra.La varsta de 11 ani a cumparat prima actiune, la 13 ani si-a dedus din impozit valoarea bicicletei lui drept cheltuieli de capital, iar la 14 ani si-a cumparat o mica ferma din banii stransi din livrarea ziarelor.A absolvit Universitatea din Nebraska, dupa care a studiat bussines-ul sub indrumarea maestrului Benjamin Graham. In 1962 a cumparat actiuni la o firma de textile, Berkshire Hathaway.Cu timpul a renuntat la producerea de textile si a transformat aceasta companie intr-un instrument de investit care detine astazi 27 de companii publice si 65 private(Coca-Cola, Gillette Razors, See’s Candy, Gulfstram Jet si Geico).Cu doar 16 angajati aceasta a devenit o afacere de 115 bilioane de dolari.Ghici ghicitoare ghici cine e?Ati ghicit e Warren Buffett(78 de ani), presedintele si directorul executiv al companiei Berkshire Hathaway care a reusit in doar 33 de zile sa-si mareasca averea neta cu 8 miliarde de dolari. Hai sa presupunem ca o persoana a investit 10000 $ in 1956 intr-un parteneriat a lui Buffet, cand acesta a inceput afacerile. Sa zicem ca parteneriatul s-a incheiat in 1968, si aceasta a reinvestit totul in Berkshire Hathaway. Astazi aceasta persoana...
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...sniper rifle will be unlocked. A message will confirm correct code entry. To get unlimited ammunition for this or the other weapons tiers, repeatedly enable the code until no ammunition number appears beneath the gun pictures. Enabling this code will cause your street creds to substantially drop in points. Weapons (tier 2): Press Up, Circle, Circle, Down, Left, Circle, Circle, Right during game play. The katana sword, grenades, revolver, sawn-off shotgun, Uzi, M16, rocket launcher, and laser scoped sniper rifle will be unlocked. A message will confirm correct code entry. To get unlimited ammunition for this or the other weapons tiers, repeatedly enable the code until no ammunition number appears beneath the gun pictures. Enabling this code will cause your street creds to substantially drop in points. Weapons (tier 3): Press Up, X, X, Down, Left, X, X, Right during game play. The chainsaw, grenades, revolver, SMG, combat shotgun, mini-gun, and sniper rifle will be unlocked. A message will confirm correct code entry. To get unlimited ammunition for this or the other weapons tiers, repeatedly enable the code until no ammunition number appears beneath the gun pictures. Enabling this code will cause your street creds to substantially drop in points. Body armor: Press L, R, Circle, L, R, X, L, R during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Full health: Press L, R, X, L, R, Square, L, R during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. If this...
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...urmă cu doi ani, unor prieteni din Elveția am rămas cu senzația stranie căRomânia mea nu va fi niciodată așa cum îmi doresc. Am încercat să-mi analizez sentimentele și să înțeleg de unde vine acest sentiment de profundă deznădejde. Mi-am dat seama că nu priveliștile de calendar de perete pe care le-am întâlnit acolo mi-au indus această stare. Nici măcar nivelul de trai și de civilizație la care au ajuns elvețienii nu m-a făcut să mă gândesc că nu-i vom ajunge niciodată din urmă. Nici curățenia străzilor orașelor, nici bunul simț arhitectural, nici diferența aproape imperceptibilă între traiul la oraș și cel de la sat. Oamenii pe care i-am întâlnit, mentalitatea colectivă, felul în care funcționează comunitățile mici – asta m-a făcut să cred că suntem la o depărtare de ani lumină de civilizația pe care mi-aș dori s-o văd în țara mea. Am vizitat o familie pe care parinții mei au cunoscut-o imediat după revoluție. Veniseră cu ajutoare în România și aduseseră materiale și ustensile medicale pentru un spital din Târgu Jiu. După o săptămână petrecută acasă la noi, s-a legat o frumoasă prietenie între ei și părinții mei. Acum îi vizitam prima oară la ei acasă pe malul lacului du Joux, în Munții Jura. De 20 de ani întreaga comunitate din Les Bioux desfășura proiecte caritabile pentru zone defavorizate pentru România. Se interesau care sunt cele mai sărace zone din România și care sunt nevoile celor ce locuiesc acolo. Alții căutau sponsori. Un an întreg aveau întâlniri și își foloseau...
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...Research Proposal for the Ph. D. Admissions: 2015-16 A Geographical Study of Natural Disasters and their Management in Uttarakhand Submitted By SANJAY KUMAR M. A. (GEOGRAPHY) Introduction: Disasters are not new to mankind. They have been the constant, though inconvenient, companions of the human beings since time immemorial. Disasters continue to occur without warning and are perceived to be on an increase in their magnitude, complexity, frequency and economic impact. It may be noticed that the number of disaster events which was 73 in 1900-09 have increased to 4494 disaster events during 2000-09. Source: Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) The economic cost associated with disasters has increased more than ten-fold during 2006 to 2011 i.e. from 34.5 billion US $ in 2006 to 366 billion US $ in 2011 (Source: Annual Disaster Statistical Review, 2012). Scenario in India is no different from the global context. India is losing about 2% of GDP on an average due to the disasters. The country is prone to disasters due to its unique geophysical setting and socio-economic conditions. On account of its multi-layered vulnerability, the country has witnessed an increase in the occurrence of disasters resulting in widespread devastation. Disasters disrupt progress and destroy the outcome of developmental efforts over several years, often pushing nations in quest for progress back by several decades. "Disasters are sudden adverse unfortunate extreme...
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...legal work and is willing to contribute 80% of the money needed to get the business started. Under this circumstance, Charlotte undergoes Undue Influence, because her relationship with Mathew can greatly influence her, after all he is her lawyer. “In various types of relationships, one party may have the opportunity to dominate and unfairly influence another party” (Miller 221). Charlotte is not too sure of Mathew’s proposition, because she is concerned with the ownership of her methodology, but he reassures her that she, as a General Partner would have definitive control of the company. Under Mathew’s persuasion, Charlotte agrees entering the Limited Partnership Contract and named her methodology “Stride Guide” and the company “Street Cred.” If Charlotte was to file a suit against Mathew for Undue Influence, she would be the plaintiff and Mathew would be the defendant. Charlotte would argue that Mathew being the dominant party in this case persuaded her with his knowledge and offering contributions. Mathew will have no form of defense because he holds a relationship with Charlotte. “When a contract enriches the dominant party in a fiduciary relationship (such as an attorney), the court will often presume that the contract was made under undue influence” (Miller 221). Therefore, if the freewill of one of the parties in the contract is questioned, the contract can become voidable. After agreeing to the Limited Partnership, Charlotte emails Mathew her business ideas and he sends...
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...facut”, “n-a fost bine pana acum, schimbam”, din “hai sa incercam si altceva, ca am mai trecut prin asta si merge”. Un fel de simptom al cavalerului pe cal alb, priceput si stiutor, pe care marca, saraca, abuzata de predecesori, il astepta de mult s-o salveze de la soarta potrivnica. Ii apuca asa, pe unii, frenezia schimbarii, fara sa priveasca in urma, fara sa priveasca inainte. Ii incanta doar prezentul, clipa, momentul, sentimentul de beatitudine al putintei de a-si lasa amprenta personala, de a-si demonstra maiestria si priceperea. Nu privesc in trecut, sa inteleaga, sa cunoasca. Cum e perceputa marca, poate o fi de bine, cum si cu ce eforturi a fost construita. Ce e bun si ce e rau, ce trebuie daramat si pe ce trebuie cladit. Cred mai presus in judecata (sau prejudecata lor) si ignora vocea care conteaza – cea a consumatorului. Sau nu o ignora, dar o aud si n-o asculta, sau poate doar asa, la prima mana.Uita ca ai sai consumatori au trait cu marca mult mai mult decat ei. In casa, in minte si in suflet. Nu privesc in viitor. Nu evalueaza consecintele, ce ar insemna sa o ia de la capat, intr-o alta directie, sau pe un drum paralel. Cat timp va fi necesar sa construiasca din nou. Sau cati bani. Sau cum schimbarile le...
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...Record Review 2Pac – Changes Due to his ‘street cred’, Tupac had the ability to reach out to a large audience; dominantly black people, creating a positive impact on their lives and their communities. His track ‘Changes’ is a prime example of how he strived to send a positive message to his listeners, despite his ‘thug life’ image. Within his lyrics he comments on the main issues in the black community, expressing his opinion on police, drugs and gangs. During this 4minutes and 30 seconds he attempts to grasp his audience by using his poetic ability to portray his life in such a way that his listeners are able to relate to his story and almost feel his emotions. The main issue which he speaks about is racism. "Cops give a damn about a negro? Pull the trigger, kill a n****, he's a hero", these 2 bars alone show how he believes the world is against him, that even the police are racist and care little for the life of an African-American. “It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact...the penitentiary's packed, and it’s filled with blacks", this particular part of the song conveys several messages. For example, he could be saying that due to the racial situation of the time, black people have to resort to crime in order to make a living which results in them being locked up. He could also be saying that they need to make a change, so that they are not behind bars. The song consists of the typical Hip-Hop layout; A looped drum pattern with kick, hats and a snare. There is also a...
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...INSTITUTUL TEOLOGIC PENTICOSTAL DIN BUCUREȘTI FACULTATEA DE TEOLOGIE PENTICOSTALĂ Viziunea unui lider Student, Daniel Crișan, anul IV, IFR 1 of 8 1. Ce este viziunea? Dicționarului explicativ al limbii române definește viziunea ca fiind modul unei persoane de a percepe anumite lucruri. Totuși aceasta definitie cuprinde doar o parte de adevar în ceea ce privește viziunea creștină. Un mare cântăreț de muzică jazz, când a fost pus să definească ritmul a spus: “dacă îl ai, nu are nevoie de nici o definiție, insă dacă nu îl ai, nici o definiție nu este de ajutor”; în opinia lui George Barna, același lucru se aplică și în ceea ce priveste viziunea. Tot el formulează și o definiție care este mult mai apropiata de conceptul de viziune creștină. El percepe viziunea ca fiind o “imagine mentală a unui viitor preales de Dumnezeu și impărtășit slujitorilor Săi, și se bazeaza pe o cunoaștere deslușita de Dumnezeu, de sine insăși si a circumstanțelor”1. Termenul de imagine mentală face referire la felul în care o persoană vede cum vor arăta lucrururile peste o anumită perioadă. Această imagine, în concepția lui George Barna este unică și personală. Un alt lucru important în această definiție este faptul că sursa aceastei imagini este Dumnezeu. Viziunea este reflexia felului prin care Dumnezeu dorește sa iși zideasca impărăția Sa. Dumnezeu alege să împărtășească această imagine cu oamenii Săi, adevărații lideri. In epistola către Evrei 11:1 găsim definiția...
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...administrezi si ai fata de ei o atitudine gresita.Nimeni a se acnu neaga faptul ca e bine sa ai bani si sa-I folosesti pentru necesitatile pe care le avem noi si familia noastra. Exista tendinta de a se acredita ideea ca totul sau aproape totul se poate cuantifica in bani.Ca daca ai mai multi bani ne putem considera fericifi.Fals!!Asta nu inseamna ca minimalizez importanta banilor,dar cred ca pt a putea fi fericit ne mai trebuie si altceva decat bani.Desigur,nu e rau sa ai un venit peste medie care sa-ti asigure o existenta confortabila. Am certitudinea ca o sursa serioasa de bani in viata este absolut necesara dar nu si suficienta pt a putea fi fericit. Comment on: ‘Advertising is the greatest art gorm of the 20th century’. Publicitatea este peste tot:la radio,in ziare,pe peretii blocurilor din orasele noastre,la tv,la cinematografe,pe internet.Scopul publicitatii este de a informa oamenii despre produsele si serviciile disponibile. Give arguments pro or against globalization. Globalizarea este un subiect controversat.. Eu cred ca internetul este emblema globalizarii.De expl. transferul unor sume inimaginabile in cateva secunde in jurul globului nu ar fi posibile fara aceasta tehnologie sau produsele de tip software sau bazele de date pot fi transmise in cateva secunde dintr-un capat al lumii in celalalt.Globalizarea ne afecteaza pe toti in mod direct. In opinia mea globalizarea ar fii o mare ţară planetară, fără graniţe...
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...Sections Found Accounting Select CRN Subj Crse Sec Cmp Cred NR 21138 ACC 201 01 M 3.000 Title Fund of Financial Accounting Days Time TRU Instructor Date Location Attribute (MM/DD) 02/03-06/01 SBM 009 Design Managmnt Major_Elective and Design Managmnt Minor_Elective and Economics Major_BAE_Elective and Eng'g Managmnt_Minor_Elective and MTH Major_Elective Design Managmnt Major_Elective and Design Managmnt Minor_Elective and Economics Major_BAE_Elective and Eng'g Managmnt_Minor_Elective and MTH Major_Elective Design Managmnt Major_Elective and Design Managmnt Minor_Elective and Economics Major_BAE_Elective and Eng'g Managmnt_Minor_Elective and MTH Major_Elective Design Managmnt Major_Elective and Design Managmnt Minor_Elective and Economics Major_BAE_Elective and Eng'g Managmnt_Minor_Elective and MTH Major_Elective Design Managmnt Major_Elective and Design Managmnt Minor_Elective and Economics Major_BAE_Elective and Eng'g Managmnt_Minor_Elective and MTH Major_Elective Design Managmnt Major_Elective and Design Managmnt Minor_Elective and Economics Major_BAE_Elective and Eng'g Managmnt_Minor_Elective and MTH Major_Elective Design Managmnt Major_Elective and Design Managmnt Minor_Elective and Economics Major_BAE_Elective and Eng'g Managmnt_Minor_Elective and MTH Major_Elective 09:00 Marian I. Mason am-09:50 (P) am NR 21139 ACC 201 02 M 3.000 Fund of Financial Accounting TRU Ronald D. 12:00 pm-12:50 Williams (P) pm 02/03-06/01 SBM 012 ...
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