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Culture History


Submitted By sam920618
Words 822
Pages 4
Culture history My family name is Liu, the fourth largest family name in China, the largest family name in Jiang Xi province. I had asked my father about ancestor, he told me he just know them came to Hu Bei from Jiang Xi several hundred years ago. Jiang Xi is on the right side of Hu Bei, I am not sure the exact reason why they moved, if guess based on the history experience, I think it is about famine or war. Most Chinese ancestor are farmer several hundread years ago, because we were agricultural society. It means most people are very poor. In my country, every family very value the education, if one of their son got number one in the entire country, he will be a magnifico, the whole his family, relatives and neighborhoods would feel the unique honor and money. I do not remember this clearly, I asked my father whether a ancestor had a good position in the rank, he told me my grand-grandfather or my grand grand-grand father had got “Xiu Cai” in the rank. “Xiu Cai” is a not very good position, there were many “Xiu Cai” appeared every year. But it also brings some extent honor and economic support. Another grandfather got a champion in Gong Fu. It is not a same level as the civilian. But it was also good for my ancestor family at that time. My grandfather died before I could memory things, so all the story heard from my father. His job is a captain of the team which form of farmers. I do not what the responsible for he, because that job and organization way had disappeared. My father told me, everyone in the village are respect him, because he helped a lot of people between 1959 and 1962. There is a biggest famine in the modern history in China. My grandfather did not completely follow the policy, if he did it, many people would die, so he saved lots of life. My grandma died when I in the high school, that is a regret for me, because my father considered I had a exam at that time, he did not want to disturb my study, so I could not attend her funeral. I just can see her tomb on every Qing Ming festival. We have a proverb, “ When you want to be a filial son, your parents had already gone.” This Chinese proverb was understood by many famous people, after they parents died, they felt losing something in their heart. Like Bruce Lee. My father has six siblings, four sisters and two brothers. Before my father was born, the family had been bullied in the village. In the Chinese, the family which has more and strong son would be respected. My father told me the bigger brother had told my grandma whether she can birth another son who can protect their family. I think it is a fate of my family, my father is good at fighting, when he was seven years old, any other children in the village were afraid of him. So, after that my family destiny goes up. My mother’s family name is Zhang, the third largest family name in China. The story on my mother’s side is different from my father’s. My maternal grandfather’s family was a host, but Japanese crashed their life, so he had to move to another city, and he start new life from nothing. My maternal grandma had lived in the Shan Dong province, when she was seven years old, Japanese army had occupied her hometown, she also had to escape and move to a new place which no Japanese in there. Although almost all the Chinese were very poor at that time, but people who were living in the city had a better daily life than people were living in the village. My mother has three siblings, one sister and one brother. My maternal grandma and grandpa are living in the same city with me. Every festival we meet in their home and have a dinner or lunch. When I was a child, my aunt’s family, my uncle’s family and my family had turned into cooking, different family has different taste. When I was in the high school, we started to eat at restaurant. Because cooking a big dinner needs a lots of time, its makes people so tired. But we lose atmosphere like we eating in the home. I never think what is my family culture history, so I just try to recall what I remembered. Chinese family was too big before the policy of family planning. I still do not know details about it. I think the family culture which in Guang Dong province or Fu Jian province are more unity than family in Hu Bei. So why we do not unity, because of the Cultural Revolution. It makes China lose too much traditional value.

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