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Dance Observation Paper

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We had the chance to observe two different instructional and leadership techniques while observing. The two instructors we observed was Dominque, whom was the regular instructor, and James, the fill in instructor. Dominque was very approachable and someone you could tell the girls related very well to. She was inspiring to the group being that she was a woman and that she was doing the job that they all wanted to do one day. She also has had many year of experience dancing both professionally and teaching, so the girls knew that she an expert in the art. She coached them well, but never over stepped her boundaries. On the other hand, James was a little different. You could tell when he stepped in the room the girls felt tenser. He told them what to do immediately and got down to business, whereas Dominque would talk to them for a minute and ask about their lives. James was a bit authoritative and very coaching. He wanted what was best for the group, but as observe perhaps he may have been a little too intense for the group. …show more content…
The dancers used Dominque as their guide in their daily struggles not only to do with dance, but personal life too. As a whole, the dancers took on the shaper role. They challenged each other to do the best they possibly could. The group faced challenges because dancing and learning the dance is hard work, but together through individualism they make it work. How do you get into this program? You must try out and have a pre-requisite of Ballet I. Many dancers stay in the department because of all the scholarships they are offered as

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