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Summary Of Brian's Return

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The genius that wrote this fantastic book, Brian's Return, is named Gary Paulsen. It was factory-made in America in the year of 1999. He devoted this fiction book to someone by the name of Alana for caring for a woman named Linda.
There are a number of characters in this book. Brian, who is the main character, Carl, Susan, Haley, Brian’s mother, Brian’s father, Billy, Caleb, who is the pilot, and the two fishermen. The story takes place in a small town in the woods, but is mostly dealing with life living in this area. Brian, who had been living in the woods among himself, returns to a township to complete his schooling and has to leave the woods.
Brian, along with everyone else, did not really take interest in going to the mall or going to the movies, like other typical teens. Exploring the woods is what he would rather be doing. He was extremely intrigued in the being of nature, educating himself on the survival of the animals. The animals did not kill only to kill, in his beliefs. It was a way of survival and the circle of life in general.
Brian came into a large amount of conflict as he got to know this new place. He ended up fighting this person named Carl. Since Brian was close to beating him to death, …show more content…
Caleb, the councilor, approached Brian and asked him to sit as he came into the office. He realized that he was a seven foot tall, old, retired policemen, that had became blind a while back. Caleb wanted to know about him the moment Brian sat down. Caleb had known him to be “the boy who lived in the woods”. Then, Brian explained himself and his life in the wilderness to Caleb. He agreed that there was nothing wrong with him, once Brian told him about nature and how it was self defense towards the fight he was in, but wanted Brian to start coming daily, so that he could tell him in more detail about the wilderness. They made an agreement for him to do just

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