...America. On this fateful day in March, a group of about 30-40 colonists gathered in the town square. The colonists had provoked the British soldiers and that lead to what is now today as the ‘Boston Massacre’. A massacre is the purposeful killing of a group of people, which is more than one person, who are defenseless and not attacking. Did a massacre truly take place on March 5 of 1770; some sources say yes and some say otherwise. Based in the information that was gathered, a massacre did not take place on March 5, 1770 in Boston because both the colonists and the British were armed and attacking was an act self defense, on the British’s behalf....
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...attempt to defend themselves in public. Some people may think that violence is violence and that you should fight fire with fire, that is somewhat the case here as the victim uses similar, but naturally stronger force against the perpetrator. Again, since the victim is a man, there are obvious physical differences, which by other bystanders, be seen as a possible danger for the woman. So their reactions are somewhat understandable. The thing here too is that no one reacts negatively when the woman is being evidently violent against her boyfriend. They see it as a humorous and harmless act. The man gets the biggest reactions and they're all negative, when all of what he was doing was defending himself. This could have something to do with stereotypes that make people think that women are defenseless, weak and require protection, whereas the men are violent and more aggressive. There could also be some simple thinking here, like the saying “you're less of a man when you hit a woman”, but what would be the case here when the man is being physically attacked? What if he gets shot or stabbed by his girlfriend? Should he also keep his hands to himself to keep this manly pride? There are some things that are overlooked simply by the gender of the person. Other men could also intervene to try to be heroic and win the girl over, and it's simple thinking like this that impedes a rightful and progressive view towards such...
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...She takes a while to master this one. Across the street from where Scout lives, lives Boo Radley or Arthur Radley, the mysterious neighbor who saves Scout and Jem from being killed. The second important lesson is that you don’t kill a mockingbird, Atticus gives the children air rifle, and they are allowed to kill whatever bird but mockingbirds because mockingbirds don’t eat anyone’s plants or harm anything, they just makes music. A mockingbird has a metaphoric meaning too, anyone who is weak and defenseless. To kill a mockingbird is to take advantage of someone weaker than you. The second face of the book involves Tom Robinson. Tom is a black man who been arrested in charge with raping a white women named Mayella Ewell. Atticus has been appointed as a defend attorney and he is determined to do a good job at it even if he knows he going to lose because of racism. Everybody in town is racist. Jem and Scout getting teased and talked about, because their father is defending a black man. Atticus doesn’t want them to fight the other kids but to try to be calm and keep their heads up to the face of adversity. He wants to teach them the lesson: the true bravery is when you keep fighting of persevering even when you know you can’t...
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...administration of hazard, assurance of classification and the procedure of educated assent. Generally, research ethics has customarily centered around issues in biomedical research. The use of research ethics to inspect and examine biomedical research has been all around created in the course the last century and has affected a significant amount of the current statutes and rules for the ethical conduct of research. However, in humanities and sociology investigate, various types of ethical problems emerge. New and developing techniques for leading examination, for example, auto-ethnography and participatory activity inquire about raise critical however especially extraordinary moral issues and commitments for analysts. Research including defenseless people, which may incorporate kids, people with formative or intellectual in-capacities, people who are systematized, the destitute or those without legitimate status, likewise brings exceptional issues up in any research. Research ethicists wherever today are tested by issues that reflect worldwide worries in different places, for example, the direct of research in creating nations, the breaking points of research including hereditary material and the insurance of security in light of advances in innovation and Internet capacities. The History of Research Ethics Research ethics became a very important issue in the 20th century. The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed. The reason for the Act was to secure...
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...wars are surprisingly expensive. Though they vowed to the colonists that they would cover the full costs of the war, Great Britain ended up taxing the colonies to help pay for the debt. As time went on, colonists became angry with being taxed without representation in the government. They started protesting against the taxes, and went even further into more violent tactics as well. During one of these protests, 11-year-old Christopher Seider, was shot and killed, sparking even more anger and distrust among the colonists. Soon after, on March 5, 1770 in Boston, the events of what people call, The Boston Massacre took place. Colonists were at the customs house to protest taxes/ murder the soldier standing guard. British soldiers were there defending themselves and the customs house. The events of March 5, 1770 in Boston is not a massacre because the colonists were attacking the soldiers and they were mobbing the Customs House, where the king's money resided. Captain Thomas Preston, the British captain present during the events of March 5, 1770, testifies, “[Colonists] immediately surrounded the guard posted there, and with clubs and other weapons threatened to take their vengeance on him. I was soon informed by a townsman their intention was to carry off the soldier from his post and probably murder him (Captain Preston, 1770).” Captain Preston tells us that the soldier guarding the Customs House was planned to be carried off and slaughtered by the colonists. The definition of a massacre...
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..."Stand Your Ground Laws Cat in the Hat ENG/757 December 7, 1941 Dr. Seus "Stand Your Ground" A Citizen's Right to Self Defense. As of 2012, 24 of the United States have put in place some form of “castle doctrine” or “stand your ground” law. These laws are designed to enable citizens to legally defend themselves with deadly force and eliminate the requirement for them to attempt to flee when they feel that an attacker is threatening their life. In the wake of the case in Sanford Florida in which self-proclaimed community watchman George Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin during a confrontation, much attention and public scrutiny has been brought to bear on these controversial laws. A few “stand your ground” states have claimed that abuse of these laws has fostered what some say is a shoot first ask questions later mentality, and in some cases, instances of what could be considered legalized murder. However, instances of abuse are minimal, and in states that have instituted these laws, homicide rates are the lowest in the nation. “Stand your ground” laws are also said by some to promote vigilantism, but even if in some cases this were true, law abiding citizens must be afforded the right to self-defense by any means necessary, without fear of prosecution. “Stand Your Ground”, “Castle Doctrine” What Do They Mean? In the growing debate concerning abolishment of the “stand your ground” laws in place in nearly half of the United States, there are several...
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...These people feel that there are two reasons for the repeal of the amendment; One is the rapidly rising of violence among teenagers, the other reason is their interpretation of the Second Amendment which could be considered a very hard one to battle. The second amendment says we have the right to own a gun for protection of ourselves and families. Just imagine how many people would die if only the people that acquired them illegally had them ad the others were left. Nobody would be able to protect the9mselves. Some think that guns will become like drugs one day. Someone will get the great idea to sell them for a lot of money and leave the rest of us defenseless. It’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight. The Ninth Circuit says how we are not the militia that it states in the law. The 2nd Amendment, as ratified, states, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The language can be difficult to understand. However, the first clauses states that a militia (as in, military) is necessary to the security of a free state (especially a new one like the US at that time). There should be a military with...
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...The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, part of the Bill Of Rights, offers each American citizen the right to keep and bear arms. Recent studies show that around 40 to 45% of American citizens own a firearm of some sort, which leads to a heavy debate over whether new laws should be put into place to control firearms in attempt to lower the gun related crime rates. In theory, this sounds like a flawless plan, remove the gun then the problem is solved. However this is not the case, each year up to 22,000 metric tons of Marijuana is smuggled across the U.S. borders because in the United States recreational Marijuana is illegal, who is to say that guns would not be next? Many families own firearms that are aimed to defend themselves, while it is true that a handgun can get the job done, it has its limits. A handgun can only fire one round at a time while having 6 to 15 bullets per standard clip. In a situation of robbery or attempted murder, you will not necessarily think as clear as normal, your aim may diminish, and you’ll probably miss your target. Think about it, would you want a robber or serial killer in your home, firing at the same rate as you or would you want to have the advantage on them? Gang related crimes are usually concentrated in urban cities, in these neighborhoods, firearms are a necessity to safety. In some cases, gang members attack in groups. While they are doing so, firearms with multiple round shots and a faster rate of fire might be needed...
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...When a clerk remembers processing the same last names and their addresses, she brings it to General George C. Marshall attention. General Marshall decides that one family should not suffer losing all of their sons to war and that Private Ryan is to be removed from combat and out of harm’s way. The squad makes their way across France to the town where they finally find Private Ryan and inform him that he is to be sent home. Throughout the trip, the squad meets up with a pilot of a downed glider that would not fly because of added metal plates for protecting a General that was onboard. This decision cost over twenty men to lose their lives trying to protect one person. Two members are killed on the march from enemy fire and another four die defending a bridge with Private Ryan. The squad leader tells Ryan to “earn this”...
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...Essay #1, First Draft English February 12, 2013 Literacy is About Communication, Not Group Loyalty After reading the articles by Stephanie Roach, James Paul Gee, and Lisa Delpit, I find myself agreeing very strongly with Delpit. Roach and Gee both imply that trying to teach a standard type of literacy might be violating the special cultural qualities of poor students and students of color. It’s true that the United States of America is made up of many ethnic and racial groups, and many of them have special ways of thinking and expressing themselves. But the key to success in this country is learning standard literacy, which is common to everybody. You really can’t succeed in America if you don’t first master this common language that we all share. The simple question raised in the famous Newsweek cover article in 1975, “Why Johnny Can’t Write,” was: Are American children learning to write, and if not, where is the problem? This is a simple question, and it cannot be avoided, as Roach does, by accusing the author of that article, Merrill Sheils, of trying to alarm people about something that she doesn’t really prove, using the few examples of bad writing she has in the article. The fact is that American school children don’t write very well, and Roach knows that. Thousands of studies and journal articles since 1975 have confirmed this sad fact. Roach cannot avoid this reality by agreeing with Humpty Dumpty that “words can mean whatever Humpty wants them to mean...
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...gruesome things they’ve endured and these are my people we come from the same cloth and that makes us blood. What they go through, I go through. WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR? CONFLICT? Shurtleff explains that conflicts creates drama, drama makes for a good scene. There should be the question of “what am I fighting for” in the scenes. We fight because we usually want something. A positive motivation creates more of an emotional, tougher, and demanding technique rather than a negative choice. The struggle or conflict has to be personal, therefore one’s emotions should start off at maximum capacity. Shurtleff also implies that conflict can be found in any scene; conflict doesn’t just imply something negative. In this scene I am defending the defenseless. The conflict in this scene is in regards to my clients being treated as though they’re worthless. Since these money hungry pest have found crude on their lands they think it is acceptable to disregard, overlook and treat these people inhumanly. I am here to help restore the faces the the faceless. These folks deserve more than what they’ve received. They deserve their freedom to express love, family, happiness and all the other fruits of life. The rich just get richer while these rich souls weaken and become forgotten. I want their smile back, their happiness, their land, everything they want has come my wants. We solve one problem at a time, there’s only so much I can do as a defense lawyer. MOMENT BEFORE Shurtleff talks...
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...Cyber Bullying in Mass Media The internet can reach a worldwide audience and it has made it easier for people to communicate from around the world. Internet has given a way to communicate or broadcast news, and other types of information worldwide. With so many advancements in technology people tend to abuse and misuse it. People tend to blame technology for the ways it’s used against others. Violent behavior has been around longer than technology. This paper will look at the link of cyber bullying in mass media. As technology grows so do the ways people abuse others with the use of technology. With so many advancement in technology social networking sites is a huge advancement. Social networking sites superseded the email sites on the net. According to the textbook, “These communities are often defined by common interests such as hobbies, professions, or schools, but as the name suggests, users usually visit them to socialize; once there, however, users can gravitate toward groups, more specific categories of interest-bound socializers.” (2012, p.271) Some of these social media networking sites are; Classmates, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. Many of these social networking sites are mainly used by teenagers. With technology growing at a fast pace teenagers have access to this entire social networking site through many plethora of technology devices. “A decade ago, technology had not advanced to the point where cyber bullying was even an issue. Times have changed...
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...No Tolerance and No Bulling Policies: Why They Do Not Work "Zero Tolerance Policies" were first instated into schools, to enforce suspension and expulsion, in response to students; violating; weapons, drugs and violent act policies that were already in place. Shortly after, schools began to instate “No Bulling Policies” partly to a high suicide rate among teenagers due to bulling. The consequences for violating these policies can now go beyond expulsion, and have legal implications. In theory these policies are a great idea. Unfortunately, these policies are rarely implemented and carried out correctly, causing them to not just be ineffective; but causing them to have adverse effects. We have tried these policies in our schools , it has been proven that they have done more harm than good; it is now time to remove these policies from our schools. The “school to prison pipeline," is a recent national trend where children are pushed out of public schools, and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Many of these children have learning disabilities, histories of poverty, and histories of abuse and neglect. There students would benefit from additional educational and counseling services. Instead, they are isolated, punished and pushed out. Many "Zero-tolerance" policies criminalize minor infractions of school rules. Cops in schools are criminalizing behavior that should be handled inside the school. Students of color are especially vulnerable to push-out trends and the...
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...The topic on “Gun Safety Programs” was chosen for this paper, the reason I chose this is because I believe in not having a gun, but for those who need and have guns need to learn “Gun Safety” to use it for only good reasons. Some people like guns and some do not; it depends on people who believe in the need of having a gun or guns for protection, self-defense and/or hunting. Also, there are many people out there that have guns because it is required for work, war, peacekeeping and other reasons. Guns are often used for preventing intruders, criminal assaults, murders or suicide attempts than in self-defense since it’s available easily for people to purchase. There are some people who don’t need guns to protect themselves because we have police officers in each town, city, and state. They are there to protect and serve the community with the responsibility to take care and to protect good people from bad people. At hand are many reasons as to why they choose to have a gun to defend them in any effort to keep their themselves, families and friends safe. There are some who prefer not to have a gun at all. Therefore, I’ll expand to explain the reasons why it is important to know about “Gun Safety”. In the article, “Why Own a Gun? Protection is Now Top Reason” written by Michael Dimock, Carroll Doherty, and Leah Christian, mentioned about between pros and cons of gun owners and non-gun owners and they are concerns about the dangers of guns for safety reasons. Some people may have...
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...The Second Amendment by Steven Weir Sweir112@email.itt-tech.edu 14491334 Network Systems Administrator Paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for EN 1320 A6 Sept 2012 ITT Technical Institute March 4, 2013 Introduction On December 15, 1791 ten amendments to the Constitution of the newly formed United States of America were put in effect, these were called the Bill of Rights. The second article of this document reads; “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (James Madison, 1791) Many people are familiar with the Bill of rights, such as the First Amendment which guarantees the right to free speech, or the Third Amendment which protects people from housing soldiers unwillingly. Now, why did the founding fathers put these Rights into law? Was it perhaps because they had just fought a bloody war for their independence from a nation that restricted the rights of the people? And why is the second article (That’s the second most important right) about ownership of firearms and militias? Is it because they had firsthand experience about what happens when you take away the right to bear arms? Today, laws are in effect that hamper the ability for citizens to own and carry firearms. A crucial right to the inhabitants of the United States has already been infringed by gun regulations and there is no end in sight to...
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