...Case Study 1 Iron Deficiency Anemia Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is the result of not having enough iron in the body. It is the leading cause of anemia worldwide; commonly caused by nutritional deficiencies. (Iron Disorders Institute, 2015). Red blood cells (RBC) use iron for development, without enough iron the blood is unable to effectively carry oxygen. The information below will compare the diagnosing process of IDA with the information provided in the case study regarding Ms. A. and; confirming the diagnosis IDA. Causes The body stores iron and when the reserves are low it is referred to as IDA. This occurs when the body is not able to replace the RBCs and iron as fast as the body is losing it. Another contributor is the body is not absorbing the iron or the body can absorb the iron but the consumption of iron rich foods is inadequate. Other causes of IDA is loss of iron from bleeding. Bleeding can be a result of heavy menstrual cycles, stomach & esophageal cancer, varices in the esophagus from liver cirrhosis, peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding and from prolonged use of aspirin and other anti inflammatory medications. (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Rational: Ms. A states, “menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea has been a problem for 10-12 years”. She also reports taking 1000 mg of aspirin every 3-4 hours for six days while menstruating. (GCU, 2015). Symptoms Symptoms of IDA can start out being mild with little or no symptoms at all. Mild symptoms include: irritability, fatigue...
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...Name Instructor Subject Date Iron Deficiency Anemia Anemia, is a condition which the body has less red blood cells as required (Killip 671). Anemia also occurs if the red blood cells does not have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps the red blood cells to carry oxygen from the lungs to the other parts of the body. It is protein in nature and rich in iron. When one is suffering from anemia the cells in their body might not receive enough supply of oxygen. The most common symptom of anemia is fatigue (Killip 671). This is because the body organs may not be getting enough of what they need to function properly. There are over 400 different types of anemia but are divided into three groups due to their causes. There is anemia caused due to blood loss, there is anemia caused by faulty or decreased red blood cells production and there is anemia caused by the destruction of the red blood cells (Killip 671). All of these anemia`s have different causes and treatment. There are some anemia that are considered normal like the anemia that develops during pregnancy, though some different types can cause lifelong health problems (Killip 671). The most common type of anemia is the iron deficiency anemia. This is a disease which can be treated with diet changes and iron supplements (Killip 671). Iron deficiency anemia in many cases occurs to a person who has lower than the required or normal red blood cells in their blood (Leung et al 376). Cases that can contribute to a person having...
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...Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency rarely affects the skin, however approximately one in one thousand individuals with the most common type of severe deficiency are diagnosed with Panniculitis, which is the inflammation of the panniculus, the layer of fatty tissue below the skin, appearing as red spots that may give an oily discharge and may turn into ulcers with necrosis. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency is caused by a mutation of the SERPINA1 gene that is responsible for synthesizing the protein. It is inherited as an autosomal co-dominant genetic condition. Meaning, each parent passes a different version of the gene to their child, so the chance of getting A1AD varies depending on which version of the gene is passed to the child. Some preventative...
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...in the body. Insufficient iron in the body makes it difficult to manufacture hemoglobin, which could potentially lead to anemia. This is one of the most prevalent from of anemia commonly known as iron-deficiency anemia. The following factors may result in insufficient iron in the body: 1) Loss of blood (certain cancers and ulcers and a variety of conditions: menstrual periods may also result in low iron in women); 2) A diet low in iron; 3) Medications that make the body inefficient at absorbing iron; 4) Conditions or circumstances such as pregnancy,...
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...Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit (Supersedes SAS No. 112.) Source: SAS No. 115. Effective for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2009. Earlier implementation is permitted. Applicability .01 This section establishes standards and provides guidance on communicating matters related to an entity's internal control over financial reporting identified in an audit of financial statements. It is applicable whenever an auditor expresses or disclaims an opinion on financial statements. In particular, this section • • • defines the terms deficiency in internal control, significant deficiency, and material weakness. provides guidance on evaluating the severity of deficiencies in internal control identified in an audit of financial statements. requires the auditor to communicate, in writing, to management and those charged with governance,1 significant deficiencies and material weaknesses identified in an audit. .02 This section is not applicable if the auditor is engaged to examine the design and operating effectiveness of an entity's internal control over financial reporting that is integrated with an audit of the entity's financial statements under AT section 501, An Examination of an Entity's Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated With an Audit of Its Financial Statements. Introduction .03 Internal control is a process—effected by those charged with governance, management, and other personnel—designed to provide reasonable...
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...Frances Griffin gives the insight of how a poor writing skills is causing huge damages in business world. “In 2004, The Nation Commission on Writing (NCW) decided to do a research and collected cost data from 64 of 120 large America corporations that were connected with the business world and had employed nearly 8 million people. And when NCW posted the results and it showed how American Firms spend as much as $3.1 billion to improve their employees’ writing deficiencies” ( College board, The NCW for American Families, Schools, and Colleges, 2004). It is a shock seeing how poor writing skills are costing us Americans billions to improve employees’ writing skills, when this is something we should have learned during our School years. According to NCW report “The skills of new college graduates are deplorable-across the board: spelling, grammar, sentence structure …I can’t believe people came out of college now not knowing what a sentence is” so employers are not only frustrated with their employees because of writing deficiencies, but also exasperated with the new graduates. In addition, teacher have been using a rule-based method, which are also known as tradition school grammar (Hillocks & Smith, 2003). According to Hillocks, Traditional School Grammar has shown little or no help in students’ progress especially in writing and he backed up his statement with his research on rule-based method (Hillocks et al., 2003). However, later on National Council of Teachers of English also...
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...Running head: WRITING DEFICIENCIES Are Writing Deficiencies Creating a Lost Generation of Business Writers? Darlene Dowdy Grand Canyon University: UNV 504 In today’s world, employers throughout the United States are dissatisfied with the writing skills of their employees. One would think if a person made it all the way through college they would have good or excellent writing and grammar skills however, that is not the case. Employers when they are conducting an interview they are more aware of how the person speaks which will be a good indicator that their grammar and writing skills are up to par. Recent College graduates that are pursuing a career in the literary world do not have the writing skills that are need in this profession. According to the National Commission on Writing, they collected data from various large corporations located within the United States. Their finding is that 64 out of 120 corporations which employ’s roughly 8 million people spend over 3.1 billion dollars just to reeducate their employees on their use of grammar and writing skills. Employer’s today whether it is in the literary world or not are looking for individuals that have good grammar and writing skills, the inability to have these skills will result in poor communication and that means businesses will not be able to thrive if they cannot effectively communicate with others. How did this happen that students do not have the proper writing and grammar...
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...Headband missing Pull the dot fastener with tab unserviceable Parachutist retention strap M/R above adjusting buckle Adjusting buckle twisted Parachutist retention strap twisted L/R side Chinstrap reversed Canopy release assembly improperly assembled L/R side Foreign debris in canopy release assembly L/R side Chest strap M/R around main lift web Chest strap twisted Chest strap ejector snap will not seat Excess webbing not stored in webbing retainer Waistband unserviceable Waistband twisted Waistband M/R over D-Ring L/R side Waistband M/R under horizontal back strap Waistband M/R behind main lift web Waistband not routed through waistband retainer L/R side Waistband adjuster panel M/R under lowering line adapter web Waistband adjuster panel M/R under horizontal backstrap Improper quick release in waistband Waistband adjuster panel twisted Quick release snap reversed Quick release snap has locking tie Quick release snap in wrong position on D-Ring Quick release link not routed through “V” ring HPT lowering line M/R through M1950 weapons case Adjusting strap M/R through adjusting strap connectors Adjusting strap no half hitch Adjusting strap twisted Hole in M1950 weapons case Slide fastener not secured Tab thong not secure Tab thong secured by both upper tie down tape and lift fastener Weapon reversed Upper tie down tape below chest strap Left connector snap safetied Lanyard not gutted on reserve parachute Safety wire improperly positioned between...
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...Taft National High School Nueva Extension, Surigao City Action Research In English Spelling Deficiency Researchers: Jonalyn Y. Vitorillo Kristene Merie B. Danduan Carla Saragoza Sheena Marie Juntilo Jorama D. Bato Ethel P. Dekit Kirby P. Cosep Catherine C. Borres Lorelie Labrador Mrs. Eleine Q. Alipao English Adviser Abstract Spelling is seen as an indication of status and education. Those who are not good at spelling often feel embarrassed about their lack of skill and are unhappy about allowing others to see what 3 they have written. As a result, they may be reluctant to write at all. Since spelling is only necessary as part of writing, any instructor who has students write in his/her class is helping students develop their spelling .For in order to develop spelling, Pupils must be involved in an active writing program in all areas of the curriculum, not just spelling. Therefore, it is crucial that spelling development is not perceived to be developed solely in an English class. This research would also be of benefit to other researchers since "Current research has challenged the traditional notion that...
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...What would happen to a person if he or she could not care about his or her accomplishments or successes? Most of us find the very idea of such a state difficult to comprehend. That you will feel good if you get something you consider worthwhile done is very basic to our day to day living. Of course, the "something" differs with different people. One person will exult in conquering a difficult mountain peak, while another might be gladdened by the completion of a 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, and a third by something more mundane but nevertheless important, such as a promotion at work. We do things for many reasons, but it cannot be doubted that one of the most persistent motivators, the one that is always involved in task completion, is the satisfaction and pleasure this brings to the doer. As one might suspect, this reaction is founded in specific parts of the chemistry of the brain. It is caused by a chemical named dopamine, which is released in the brain as part of the normal response to accomplishment. When it reaches another part of the brain called the dopamine receptors, it produces a sensation of pleasure, relaxation, and happiness. This is the body's natural mechanism for encouraging itself to further efforts, by making the completion of tasks pleasant. Unfortunately, in a few people, this reaction does not proceed as it should. The dopamine receptors in the brain are classified into five groups, D1 to D5, with a variety of functions. In these people, the dopamine...
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...to eating items such as clay, nail polish, drywall, light bulbs and much more. This disorder causes victims to eat unimaginable things and causes many medical problems in the process. Some doctors believe that this disorder is just complication of the mental psyche, but there is more underlying issues that cause this disorder. Thus, Pica disorder is caused by a combination of biochemical, environmental and psychological factors. Biochemical factors are located in the brain and are chemical or mineral that control our brians health. A patient can have an abundance or a shortage of certain chemical or mineral, which can cause serious problems within the brains processes. Many victims that have pica disorder, have severe iron and zinc deficiency. Therefore patients begin to crave certain item that one would not normally desire such as magnets, light bulbs, nail polish, and much more that contain high amounts of iron and zinc in there make up. They tend to eat an abundance of materials that satisfy what there body is craving. At some point the victims tend to believe that what they are ingesting is helping them so they continue to eat that specific item. They being to develop OCD, know as obsessive compulsive disorder, where they focus extremely on eating one item and become obsessed with injesting that item and eat it throughout the day. They literally become addicted to eating one thing like an addict to a drug. They are always thinking of how they are going to get it...
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...Summary –ISA 265 Audit firm should consider its reporting responsibilities under ISA 265 Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control to Those Charged with Governance and Management.. A deficiency in internal control is defined by ISA 265 as a control designed, implemented or operated in such a way that it is unable to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis, or a control necessary to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements in financial statements on a timely basis is missing. After completing further audit procedures, the audit firm must decide if the control deficiencies identified constitute deficiencies, or significant deficiencies in internal control. This is an important distinction because significant deficiencies should be communicated in writing to those charged with governance on a timely basis during the audit. This implies that the control deficiency, being significant, should be communicated as soon as possible, so that corrective action can be taken quickly by the company. Management should also be made aware of significant deficiencies on a timely basis. Auditor’s determination necessarily of significant deficiencies is a subjective exercise because it rests on professional judgment In particular, the significance of a deficiency depends on two factors * The likelihood that a misstatement could occur * The potential magnitude of the misstatement Standard also provides guidance on: Relevant considerations, e.g., * Susceptibility...
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...Practical 1 – Aspirin Titration In this experiment you will determine the percentage purity of aspirin in two different strengths of over the counter aspirin tablets by performing a titration with sodium hydroxide. The chemical name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. The fact that it is an acid allows us to quantify the amount of aspirin in a solution by using an acid-base titration. In this experiment the base used is sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The chemical structure of aspirin is shown below: [pic] Preparation • Make sure that your lab coat is fully fastened at all times. • Make sure you wear gloves and safety goggles at all times. Methodology In all titration experiments careful measurements are essential for accurate results. 1. Fill the burette with 0.1M NaOH solution using the funnel provided. • Fill to the Zero mark. • Ensure there are no bubbles by tapping the side of the burette. 2. Grind up ONE aspirin tablet to a fine powder using the pestle and mortar. 3. Place a clean, dry conical flask on a top balance. • Zero the reading. • Add all the powder to the conical flask using a spatula and record the weight of the powder on the table on page 4. 4. Measure out accurately 10ml of 95% ethanol and transfer to the conical flask. Note: Ethanol is used in this case as aspirin does not easily dissolve in water. 5. Add 25ml of distilled water to the conical flask. 6. Add 4...
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...your body is supporting for two persons and without all the nutrition’s your body needs to support you and your baby it is going to start craving unusual things. As reported by the bump pregnant women get strange cravings for things that are edible but sometimes can be dangerous for the baby health like dirt, clay, and chalk. B. Main Point Two – Now that I have tell about the three main reasons for Pica disorder. Next I am going to tell you about the causes, symptoms, and complication associate with the behavior. 1. According to heathatoz Iron deficiency is the leading cause of pica or a result of it. Because some substances, such as clay or dirt, are believed to block the absorption of iron into the bloodstream, it was thought that low blood levels of iron could be the direct result of pica. However, some studies have shown that pica cravings in individuals with iron deficiency stop once iron supplements are given to correct the deficiency or in some cases the pica behavior don’t stop because the individuals is use to eat that certain substance. 2. In some cultures, nonfood substances are believed to have positive health effects. Among the south some African American believed that ingesting a particular kind of odd colored clay is believed to promote health and reduce morning sickness during...
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.... Standardization of potassium manganate(VII) solution 1) About 9.8g of ammonium iron(II) sulphate was accurately weighed out. Then it was dissolved in 25ml of sulphuric acid. The mixture was diluted with distilled water and was made up to exactly 250.0ml of solution. 2) 25.0ml of this solution was pipetted into a conical flask. 25ml of 1M sulphuric acid was added to it. 3) It was titrated with potassium manganate(VII) solution until a permanent pink colour was obtained (would not disappear after 30 seconds). B. Determination of the mass of iron in one gram of the iron tablet 1) Five iron tablets were weighed accurately and their masses were recorded. . 2) They were grinded up in a mortar and were pestled with about 5 cm3 of 1M sulphuric acid. 3) The acid and tablets were transferred through a small filter funnel into a 250.0 cm3 volumetric flask. The mortar and pestle were rinsed with further quantities of acid, each portion were transferred carefully into the flask, until all trace of the iron tablets had gone. 4) The funnel was rinsed with more acid, and then 1M sulphuric acid was added to the flask until the solution reaches the 250.0 cm3 mark. The flask was stoppered and was inverted several times to mix the solution. 5) 25.0 cm3 of the solution was pipetted from the volumetric flask and was transferred to a conical flask. 6) A burette was filled with the potassium manganate(VII) solution. 7) The potassium manganate(VII) solution was titrated...
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