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Describe The Beast Research Paper

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The worst type of nightmares are the ones you wake up from, to find out it was real.
“It’s only temporary, you’ll forget and you’ll be able to w— Excuse me, how rude of me” said the doctors who couldn’t possible see the terrors we experienced but only how it broke us down.
The night is a truly terrifying time, I haven’t been afraid of dark since I was a child, but when the night acts as a canvas where your mind paints your fears, anxiety, and deepest emotional trauma in vivid imagery, how can’t you cower when a such a beast looms over you, a beast that represents all your weaknesses, flaws, and fears. A beast that prays you sleep so it can wake you in terrible agony, “It’s only a dream” was the best line I’ve heard. I could not sleep, I dragged myself out of bed to escape the dark but you can’t run away from a scar, I went to the garage and into my brand new ford model a deluxe phaeton, the only benefit of ptsd is everything I feel becomes real, and oh how it would feel to drive again. I …show more content…
Stoic and tall they surround you watching you form above keeping everything that could taint the peace out, I would breathe easy as I leave all my troubles behind me, I would take a great breath of the cool mountain

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