...Distributed Memory Management: Design Issues and Future Trends Ehab S. Al-Shaer College of Computer Science Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115 March 19, 1993 ABSTRACT In recent times the shared memory paradigm has received considerable attention in the realm of distributed systems. Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) is the abstraction for supporting the notion of shared memory in a physically non-shared (distributed) architecture. Issues to be addressed in the design and implementation of DSM include maintaining the consistency of the shared data across the network without incurring high overhead and integrating the DSM mechanisms with the local memory management. The consistency model provided by a given DSM implementation attempts to balance performance and ease of programming: while DSM provides the abstraction of shared memory, it is not true shared memory - both from the point of view of the semantics and the cost of shared memory access. The focus of this paper is to identify the issues involved in the design of DSM systems, briefly highlight the mechanisms in use by some current DSM implementations and propose some new DSM models for future distributed systems. I INTRODUCTION As computers become cheaper, there is increasing interest in using multiple CPUs to speed up individual applications. There are basically two design approaches to achieve this goal of high performance at low cost: multiprocessors and multicomputers. Multiprocessors contain...
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...EVALUATING INFORMATION TRANSFER IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT by MARK DAMIAN MORELLI Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology (1987) Submitted to the Sloan School of Management in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Master of Science in Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 1993 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1993) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AkA& Signature of Author _ MIT Sloan School of Management May 21, 1993 ~ Certified by ..., ,.,' . tJ: ~DE teven sociate Professor esis Supervisor . ~q Accepted by . . pplnger , Jeffrey A. Barks Associate Dean, Master's and Bachelor's Progranls Dewey MASSACHusms (I' \NSTITUTE " JUM 231993 LlBRAHI~ Evaluating Information Transfer in Product Development by MARK DAMIAN MORELLI Submitted to the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management on May 21, 1993, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of Science in Management ABSTRACf In an attempt to build better products faster, companies have employed simultaneous engineering, which requires the aggressive overlapping of product development tasks. In doing so, the complexity of product development projects has been dramatically increased, along with the risks of failure. Since product development projects represent a stream of information that results in new or revised products. nlore efficient methods to enhance this...
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...Watching the video “Dying to be Thin” as well as reading the two articles provided by Dr. Chen opened my eyes to numerous facts and implications regarding the issues raised for the diagnosis of an eating disorder. The majority of the video talked about the disorders of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Learning that eating disorders lead amongst other DSM disorders in most deaths is a huge issue raised in the documentary. Furthemore, the treatment of an eating disorder often takes place in steps, first ensuring the patient’s health and then delving into deeper issues. This treatment process needs further exploration and insight as to the complexities of a specific eating disorder. Seeing how anxiety serves as a key preliminary factor often seen in childhood pinpoints yet another implication seen. The two articles serve as one of the first qualitative research designs used to measure a DSM diagnosis. By giving the factors studied a specific description, the researchers provided easy interpretation. However, this...
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...ELECTRICITY DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT (DSM) IN INDIA – A STRATEGIC AND POLICY PERSPECTIVE S. PADMANABAN & ASHOK SARKAR Office of Environment, Energy and Enterprise US Agency for International Development, New Delhi, India. Overview The Indian power sector has more than tripled its installed capacity, from 30,000 MW in 1981 to over 100,000 MW in 2001. Despite this growth in supply, its power systems are struggling to overcome chronic power shortages and poor power quality. With demand exceeding supply, severe peak (around 18%) and energy (around 10%) shortages continue to plague the sector. Shortages are exacerbated by inefficiencies in power generation, distribution and end-use systems. The inefficiencies in the end-use systems is due to irrational tariffs, technological obsolescence of industrial processes and equipment, lack of awareness, nascent energy services (ESCO) industry, and inadequate policy drivers (such as energy efficiency standards and labeling system, financial incentives) in India. The elementary problem being faced by the power sector is the poor financial conditions of the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) or successor entities in most states. Over the years, the SEBs have been causing an increasingly larger drain on the State Government budgets, contributing to 10-15% of the state fiscal deficits adversely impacting much needed investments in the social sectors of health and education. The power sector is operating with very low or no returns...
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...Case Study of Jim Margie Herndon PSYCH515 September 10, 2012 Dr. Napier-Ionascu Case Study of Jim Abnormal behavior and determining whether it qualifies a person with a mental disorder is complex and incorporates many differing perceptions. No concrete definition is assigned in terming behavior to be abnormal but there are six primary elements recognized. Mental disorders are assigned by professionals according to a classification system. The debate of whether this is the most sufficient system of assignment continues as some argue against the organizational structure based on the history and detail of an individual in classifying them under a label. A case example describing a personality, behaviors, and thought processes of an individual named Jim are analyzed to determine abnormal behavior and mental disorder qualifications. Determining Abnormal Behavior The case example of Jim is a summary of background information of a male named Jim to analyze how factoring the primary elements of abnormal behavior and the definition given by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (2000) fourth edition, to separate from, and then together, prove the complexity in determining the behavior of a person as abnormal and whether or not it would qualify them for a mental disorder. The Six Elements Butcher, Monika, & Hooley (2010) outline the primary elements of abnormal behavior as suffering, maladaptiveness, deviancy, violations of standards of society,...
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...Tnegra Design Development of connection policy for distributed generation in the UK Gareth Evans Technical Directorate, Ofgem The British Electricity & Gas Regulator 1 gareth.evans@ofgem.gov.uk ERRA DG Working Group - July 2007 Tnegra Design Development of connection policy for distributed generation in the UK • Introducing Ofgem • The challenge of DG • Connection incentives • The Electricity Networks Strategy Group • The Energy White Paper • Conclusions 2 ERRA DG Working Group - July 2007 Tnegra Design Development of connection policy for distributed generation in the UK • Introducing Ofgem • The challenge of DG • Connection incentives • The Electricity Networks Strategy Group • The Energy White Paper • Conclusions 3 ERRA DG Working Group - July 2007 Tnegra Design About • Total staff currently ~300 • Principal disciplines: – Economists 50% – Finance/Admin 15% – Legal 6% – Social/Environmental 6% – Technical 6% • Overall Budget ~£30m per year 4 Ofgem’s main office near Houses of Parliament + small office in Glasgow ERRA DG Working Group - July 2007 Tnegra Design Principal objective • Our first priority is to protect the interests of consumers now and for the future. We do this by: – promoting markets/competition wherever appropriate, and – regulating effectively the monopoly companies which run the gas and electricity networks 5 ERRA DG Working Group - July 2007 Tnegra...
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...diagnosis and studying the causation of personality disorders are challenging. Also how treatment of personality disorders is difficult will be discussed to support my argument of not including personality disorders as a diagnostic category. Research information that will support my argument will be discussed also. If personality disorders are to be considered as a diagnostic category, they should have a clear defined criteria of what each personality disorder is. The Challenges in Diagnosing Personality Disorders Distinct care is in command concerning the identification of personality disorders because more misidentifications possibly happen here than in any other classification of disorder. There are various explanations for this. One issue is that analytic standards for personality disorders are not as distinctly explained as they are for most Axis I analytic classifications, so they are frequently not easy to follow in practice or exact. For example, it might be challenging to identify dependably whether a person sustains a given standard for dependent personality disorder such as “has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others“ or “goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others.” Because the standard for personality disorders are described by consistent patterns of behavior or incidental behaviors rather than by more unbiased behavioral criteria (such as having a prolonged and persistent...
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...14.1 1.3. Module learning outcomes 14.2 2. INTRODUCTION 14.3 3. WHY PROMOTE DSM? 14.5 4. WHAT DRIVES DSM? 14.7 4.1. Cost reduction and environmental motives 14.8 4.2. Reliability and network motives 14.10 5. TYPES OF DSM MEASURES 14.13 5.1. Energy reduction programmes 14.13 5.2. Load management programmes 14.31 5.3. Load growth and conservation programmes 14.34 6. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION ON DSM 14.37 7. CHALLENGES OF IMPLEMENTING DSM PROGRAMMES 14.39 8. CONCLUSION 14.41 LEARNING RESOURCES 14.43 Key points covered 14.43 Answers to review questions 14.43 Exercises 14.44 Presentation/suggested discussion topics 14.45 Relevant case studies 14.45 REFERENCES 14.46 INTERNET RESOURCES 14.47 GLOSSARY/DEFINITION OF KEY CONCEPTS 14.47 Case study 1. Lighting retrofitting in the United Republic of Tanzania 14.49 Case study 2. United Republic of Tanzania: Power factor correction 14.59 Case study 3. Zambia: Automatic load control and alternative energy supply at Lusaka water and sewerage company 14.67 Case study 4. Zambia: University energy assessment 14.73 Case study 5. Why DSM initially failed in Ghana 14.79 PowerPoint presentation: ENERGY EFFICIENCY Module 14: Demand-side management 14.87 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REGULATION AND POLICY-MAKING TRAINING MANUAL page iv MODULE 14: DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT page 14.1 1. MODULE OBJECTIVES 1.1. Module overview Demand-side management (DSM) has been traditionally seen as a means of reducing peak electricity demand so...
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...Examination of Clinical Psychology Savannah Slayton PSY480 February 23, 2015 Professor Lori Hale Clinical Psychology General psychology is like many disciplines, consisting of an array of subgroups. Within psychology there are psychologist who counsel within school psychologist, social psychologist, and developmental psychologist. A clinical psychologist is described as an individual who performs group or individual therapy, conducts survey to determine psychiatric symptoms, assesses personality, and measures intelligence. When clinical psychologist are not conducting therapy or assessing clients many psychologist are researching mental health disorders. Clinical psychologist are often employed by universities to research and develop and test prevention or treatment of mental health disorders. Other clinical psychologist are instructors or professors who teach psychology to undergraduate and graduate students (Witmer, 1996). Clinical Psychology History The field of psychology developed during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The development of psychology allowed the foundation of clinical psychology to form. Increased interest in the study of the human mind helped psychology develop. Sir Francis Galton became of the first individuals to research and study mental ability. After only a few years Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology laboratory in Germany. In the United States, William James developed the first psychology laboratory. As laboratories began to establish...
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...Differences and Similarities in Generalized Characteristic Traits among Genders: The Sociopath and Psychopath by Evelyn J. Dotson MS, University of Phoenix, 2015 Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Psychology University of Phoenix March, 2015 Abstract Psychopathic and sociopathic general characteristic traits are found in both genders in various populations. More research on the general characteristic traits of females is needed. Research for the female populations will give professionals information about the differences displayed between genders. Different applied sciences will also further their knowledge in treatment options for either tendency. The study used explored if any differences existed between genders with intensified levels of psychopathic traits in regard to psychopathy factor scores. The sample consisted of 2,500 people of both genders (52.6% women) (M=22.15; SD=1.38) from the generalized population, aged 20-24. Results displayed women with psychopathic personality traits had significantly higher levels of behavioral tendencies than men of the same. The genders did display a difference in aggressive behavior. The men showed a significant amount of aggressive behaviors compared to the women. The gender differences displayed in the seven psychopathic features show the variations needed for treatment options. Differences and Similarities in Generalized Characteristic Traits among...
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... Other factors to note in the MSE are: age, gender, culture, marital status, appearance, mood/affect, speech, non‐verbal cues, presence of hallucinations or delusions, suicidality, homicidality, drugs, and ETOH (alcohol). It is a quick snapshot into the presenting status of the client. If communicating with another professional, you could mention how you obtained the information, e.g., unstructured clinical interview, structured clinical forms, or combination thereof. 2. PRESENTING PROBLEM It is important to note that the presenting problem is the reason the client has come to therapy; it is not what you, the clinician, thinks the problem is. The BBS wants to know that you will not assign your agenda to a client and may design questions to ensure you understand that. 3. HISTORY There are many categories of history that are important to weave into the picture...
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...Proposal 8 Recommend a New Proposal to Handspring 8 IV. Recommended Course of Action 9 Managing the Visor project 10 Executive Summary Product development firms like IDEO have invested time and effort in constructing methodologies and processes that make them succeed in every territory they venture in. IDEO is one of the largest and most successful product development firms that has contributed to many of the products that we take today for granted. Some of IDEO’s inventions include the first Apple mouth, Oral B Squish grip, Nike sunglasses, 25 feet mechanical whale and even medical equipment. IDEO has worked with a company called 3Com for years to develop the breakthrough Palm V handheld device. IDEO is a company that emphasizes design as well as engineering and is now met with an offer from a new company called Handspring to develop the next handheld computer which would directly compete with the Palm V. Handspring is a company created by two of 3Coms successful employees, and whose objective is to duplicate the success of the Palm V by selling a fully compatible but less expensive handheld device, which can also add more functionalities. This later came to be called the ‘Visor’. The problem however, is that IDEO is given half of the time already taken to develop the Palm V. Finishing on time is not of concern to IDEO’s management, because they are confident that they can. However, the challenge is that this tight schedule may “require them to bypass many of the early...
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...CHAPTER 21 AIS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 21.1 What is the accountant’s role in the computer acquisition process? Should the accountant play an active role, or should all the work be left to computer experts? In what aspects of computer acquisition might an accountant provide a useful contribution? The accountant is likely to be: • A major user of the computer output • Responsible for internal controls over data processing in the organization • An expert in cost estimation and analysis • A designer of many of the systems that the computer is intended to supplant. With these responsibilities, the accountant must be actively involved in the computer acquisition process. The accountant's role is probably best carried out by participating on a team or committee together with computer experts, systems analysts, production personnel, engineers, managers, and others whose functions are closely related to the information systems activity. 21.2 In a Midwest city of 45,000, a computer was purchased and in-house programmers began developing programs. Four years later, only one incomplete and poorly functioning application had been developed, none of software met users’ minimum requirements, and the hardware and the software frequently failed. Why do you think the city was unable to produce quality, workable software? Would the city have been better off purchasing software? Could the city have found software that met...
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...Health & Clinical Psychology Healthy Living Stress Dysfunctional Behaviour Disorders [pic] [pic] [pic] Contents • Objectives for the Health and Clinical Psychology module 6 • What is Health Psychology? Careers in Health Psychology 7 • Unit G543: Health and Clinical Psychology 8 • Exemplar exam paper 9 PART A – INFORMATION TO HELP EVALUATE STUDIES • Evaluation sheet for the theories/studies of Health Psychology 10 • Guide for answering part A & part B exam questions 11 PART B – HEALTHY LIVING • Introduction to Healthy Living 14 • Theories of Health Belief 17 • Compliance with a Medical Regime for Asthma (Becker 1978) 18 • Internal versus External Locus of Control (Rotter 1966) 21 • Analysis of Self-Efficacy Theory of Behavioural Change (Bandura and Adams 1977) 23 • Summary of the health belief theories 26 • Comprehension questions for theories of health belief 27 • Part A exam question 28 • Part B exam question 29 • Evaluation sheet of health belief theories/studies 30 Introduction to Health Promotion 31 • Theories of Health Promotion • Chip pan fire prevention (Cowpe 1983) 32 • Legislation-Bicycle helmet laws and educational campaigns (Dannenberg et al. 1993) 34 • Effects of Fear arousal (Janis & Feshbeck 1953) 37 • Summary of the health...
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...Lean Project Management A research of Lean Production Delivery Systems on methods, processes and tools Zhiyuan Wang Author Note This report answers topic three This report was prepared for 49002 Project Management, taught by Elizabeth Bourke Abstract Current project management practices been found that have inherent difficulties in meeting increasingly stringent clients’ needs. However, it seems that the theories and principles of Lean Production Delivery Systems (LPDS) are the best approaches of all sorts of management theories. This assignment makes a brief Investigates and discusses of LPDS and analyses how to apply the principles, theories, processes and tools to current project management practices. This assignment concentrates on topic three and compares the difference between current and LPDS approaches in methods, processes and tools. Lean Project Management A research of Lean Production Delivery Systems on methods, processes and tools Background Before people name it Lean Production Delivery Systems1 (LPDS), many American experts call it TPS which is short for Toyota Production System (Womack et al., 1990). This production system been called as just-in-time production at the beginning state. It was created and developed by the founder of Toyota, in order to gain higher quality and lower cost, in the 1950 s. This production system became famous and been paid more attention by experts when Toyota made much profit during 1970s economic crisis while other...
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