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Submitted By kraciasta
Words 2055
Pages 9
Physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of an individual at each life stage
Physical development Conception to Birth | By the first two weeks, the embryo has attached itself to the uterine wall, the baby’s body starts to develop, the head and trunk appear, followed by tiny arms and buds. Also around 25 days baby’s heart will start beating, the by 30 days the baby will be about a quarter of an inch long, have a brain, eyes, ears, mouth, kidneys, liver and baby’s heart will be pumping blood that he created himself. In the second month the embryo drastically increases in size from 5mm to 40mm, figures and toes start to grow, by the seventh week baby has its own fingerprint, also eyes and ears start to appear, baby will start to move around nearing the eight week. In the third, four and fifth months the baby will be able to feel pain, baby kicks and has a strong grip. Also around that time baby’s hair, eyelashes and eyebrows start to grow as well as baby should by now have open eyes. In the end months before baby is born, baby is able to suck his thumb. The baby will be most active when the mother lays own at night, fatal activity will be affected by now the mother is feeling. | Infancy(0-3) | Reflex develop for survival, for example babies automatically sauce when presented with a nipple. When a mother speaks the child’s heal will automatically turn towards their parent voice. Skills like: blinking, grasping, stepping, sucking and more develop. Rapid growth and with increase in the first months double and triples in one year. New-borns are born with not vision but this develops quickly and respond visually to their surroundings from birth. Brain developments are rapid, the lower areas of the brain, responsible for basic life, like breathing, are the first to develop, followed by the higher areas, responsible for thinking and planning. After birth

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