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Developing Individual and Teams


Submitted By dogzstar
Words 860
Pages 4
Developing Individual and Teams
Task 3


16 November 2011


1. Introduction Page 3 1.1. Introduction Page 3
2. Findings Page 4
2.1. Competition Page 4
2.2. Staff Turnover Page 4
2.3. New Booking System Page 5
3. Conclusion and Recommendation Page 5
3.1. Conclusion Page 5
3.2. Recommendation Page 5
Company Structure Page 6

1. Introduction 1.1. Introduction
This report has been prepared in response to a demand to report with regard to recommendations to determine training needs. The Ardnamurchan View Hotel’s organisational goals for this year were set as below;
- To increase off-peak season turnover by at least 20% in 2012-2013
- To reduce staff turnover by at least 10% over the next 18 months
- To fully integrate our booking software with external websites in the midst of 2012
Training is essential to reach organisational goals. My team has now identified three main issues that may affect the hotel’s current and future performance. First one is competition. The Executive Chef draw attention to local competitors, they upgraded their restaurant for providing a gourmet-standard menu. If we give training our staff in this area by setting standards and upgrading current menu to gourmet-standard menu, we can reduce and eliminate our seasonality problem by attracting local customers to go to restaurant to dine in winter. Second one is staff turnover. Our GMB union representative has called attention to lack of training for junior level staff may be affecting the loyalty and motivation of staff. The final one is new booking system. To facilitate our new online booking system, the hotel should install new software system which involves all reservations, billing and checking out functions. We should train our staff on computer skills to use this software properly. If we adopt this software to our system, we will facilely integrate booking software with external websites.
Training has a vital role to achieve organisational goals. Findings part of this report contain what techniques the organisation should use to identify training needs in three areas by identifying who will be affected, establishing the skills and knowledge requirements and mapping training needs to the individual.

2. Findings
2.1. Competition
As I mentioned before, our competitors upgraded their restaurant to provide a gourmet-standard menu. If we want to increase off-peak season turnover, we should train our catering group in several areas. First of all, Bar Staff(x4) should be trained to prepare various type exclusive cocktails especially for up-market, Waiting Staff(x6) should be trained for serving properly in high standards. Secondly, Cooks(x3), Sous and Executive Chef(x2) should be trained to cook and prepare high standard dishes for providing gourmet-standard. Finally, Catering Manager should be trained to set standards for catering staff, monitoring and the process. To determine the skill and knowledge requirements, we should watch and examine our competitors, taking professional helps from gourmets to set higher standards and we should find a catering agency to reach proper trainer. After that, we need to rewrite job descriptions, personal specifications and prepare internal evaluation documents to record the performance of team and individual. In addition, we should arrange one to one and regular staff meetings to get feedback. We can analyse training requirements individually by using feedbacks.

2.2. Staff Turnover
According to GMB union representative, lack of training for junior level staff may affect motivation and loyalty. As I mentioned before, Bar Staff and Waiting Staff will be being training in their areas, Housekeeping staff’s training recommendations were being prepared by me and Guest Assistants training needs will identified in new booking system. But we assess training and development needs by using need analysis forms, self-assessment form, staff meeting, customer and staff feedbacks and internal evaluation documents. One on one interview is the best way to determine individual training requirements.
2.3. New Booking System
New software system, which will be covered all reservations, billings and check out functions, will primarily be used at reception and in the administration office. First of all, Guest Assistants(x3) and Receptionists(x3) should be trained on computer skills to use software properly. Secondly, Administrative Assistant and I should be trained to use software. I am responsible for IT which means the process should be monitored and evaluated by me. To determine the exact skills and knowledge, we should contact with software developer. In addition, reviewing job description, personal specification and staff’s CV are the best ways to determine individual training requirements.

3. Conclusion and Recommendation 3.1. Conclusion
To conclude, every system needs to improve. The best way to improve as a system is clearly analyse and identify the gaps between current and necessary skill. Training is vitally important to reach hotel’s objectives. This report identifies and analyse issues and highlight recommendations for determining training needs.

3.2. Recommendation
To reach organisational goals, determining training needs is key point. I strongly recommended that detailed action plan for training according to training needs should follow and analyse the outcome of this plan. This method gives us opportunity to develop and monitor our process and goals.

Company Structure

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