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Submitted By teenup91
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Pages 2
Many diets have been developed to help people lose weight. However, many of these diets were developed without the input of dieticians or doctors, which makes them potentially dangerous. Understanding the pros and cons of a diet are vital to increasing the chances of success. One of the most popular diets in the last ten years is known as the South Beach diet, developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston. Unlike many competing diets, a famous cardiologist developed the South Beach diet. His medical training helped him develop a diet that follows medical guidelines and is not extremely dangerous if followed accurately. The diet requires the person to eat high-fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and lean protein. His method categorizes carbohydrates and fats as good or bad, based on how much the food will affect weight. Unlike other diets, it does not restrict calorie intake. However, it does include an exercise program, which works to burn off existing calories. While many people promote the South Beach diet, it is not considered to be side effect free. The first stage of the diet aims for rapid weight loss by cutting water weight. The change in weight due to the loss of water can throw off the electrolyte balance and severely dehydrate the person. Other critics believe that the lack of dietary fiber, which is known to aid in weight loss, can have a negative affect on the body. Also, certain doctors believe that the glycemic index, on which the diet is based, is not valid. Overall, the South Beach diet, like any other diet has its supporters and detractors. The fact that a cardiologist developed the diet gives it more credibility than many competing diets. The NHS believes the diet to be safe as long as the first phase of the diet is toned down to an acceptable amount of weight loss.

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