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Digital Activism

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Digital activism has altered political demonstration in the last 20 years. The internet and smartphones have transformed the way political events, movements and protests are planned, helping to assemble thousands of new followers to a diverse scope of causes. With such movement becoming an everyday happening, various new forms of digital activism are now developing. These often bypass the current domain of politics, campaigning and social movements. Instead, they take advantage of latest internet technologies to deliver another way of organising the civil society and economy. Social media breaks down the control and the hierarchy between the mainstream media and the population, (Hill, 2013) With this notion in mind, I will try and look at the …show more content…
He made videos airing his concerns on the way the country was being run and started encouraging people to protest and talk more on the issues affecting their way of life. People started using such platforms as Twitter, Whatsapp and Facebook to protest and later on tweets started being taken to the streets. On November 15th 2017, the world saw the resignation of one of the oldest dictators of the world and this movement was very influential in the ouster of Mugabe. Now the question becomes, why was it so …show more content…
With a click of a button people can now see issues trending, have a say on them and act. #THISFLAG movement saw a problem and drummed up support from the masses and they influenced change. However, those people who are likely to follow anyone on social platforms such as Twitter are already active participants (Joyce, 2010). Not enough is being done by digital media to carry along everyone in an issue being raised and that is where the mainstream media still plays a pivotal role. When this social movement rolled out, many people who participated where people who were in the cities and not rural areas. Many people in the rural areas of Zimbabwe still look up to the traditional forms of news and so will take action once they get news from an authentic mainstream source. According to Freedom House report, a substantial urban-rural gap exists amongst Zimbabwean internet consumers this is due to less distribution of 3G and LTE in rural settings. The regulator also reports that rural regions have only 4 of the 758 LTE base stations in the state. Therefore, rural people are massively cut off from the internet (,

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