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Unconditioned Response Paper

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When it comes to the initial pairing of the experimenters banging hammers on a steel bar to the white rat in terms of classical conditioning, the white rat and other items/animals that were the neutral stimulus and conditioned stimulus, was used may not have been strikingly loud as the unconditioned stimulus when the experimenters hammering a steel bar. The intense noise created fear (better known as a Phobia) within the child, because the child thought he was in danger but wasn’t. The child unconditioned response happened because his reflexes were unable to adapt to the loud noises. These fears of loud noises are known as Phonophobia or Ligrophobia (Wikipedia, 2014). The unconditioned stimulus is a neutral stimulus, which is something that comes natural and can naturally generate a response. The conditioned stimulus is formerly neutral stimulus that, after becoming linked with the unconditioned stimulus, in the course of time comes to generate a conditioned response. And the conditioned response is the educated reaction to the formerly neutral stimulus (Cherry, 2005). …show more content…
As Albert reaches for the item, Watson and Rayner would strike the steel bar with the hammer, knowing that Albert fears the loud noise of the banging bar. Now Albert has learned that when he reaches for the particular item that he had no fear of, he would hear the loud noise that would be associated with the item that was present. This made Albert have fear of the item or animal now, even if Watson and Rayner were to present only that particular item, and not hammer the steel bar, Albert believes the loud noise is linked to those items

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