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Submitted By shondar
Words 674
Pages 3
Major stakeholders of a local school community

Responsibilities of the stakeholders are to make sure the school is running properly, parents need to participate in the PTA and volunteer. Parents need to make sure the homework is getting done, teachers need to make sure the curriculum is getting taught correctly, and then all stakeholders have ethical and moral responsibilities. The stakeholders are comprised of the government, school board members, superintendent, principals, teachers, parents and students.


Local governments at all levels decide education policy, including county, city, town and district. Their task is to make critical decisions about funding while serving as a channel between local communities and state education departments.

School Board

A school board is comprised of members that are usually elected by the residents of the school district, but in some districts are elected by the mayor or other executives of jurisdictions that may include towns, cities, or counties. They are the guardians of the policy that help implement changes that will benefit the district or support the superintendent of the district who has the responsibility of implementing and maintaining the policies set by the board.


The district superintendent as a stakeholder also makes important decisions in matters such as new school construction, the districts finance, and a major part of the curriculum and teaching that goes on in the schools of the district. The district superintendent has other responsibilities that include creating long-term plans for technology, educational delivery, and district growth.


Principals are expected to set the academic tone for students, parents, staff, and community members through effective participatory leadership. They develop a collaborative team approach to decision making

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