...AO2 marks were divided equally. In A2, the essays are 24 marks each and you get 8 marks for AO1 and 16 marks for AO2/3/Issues, Debates and Approaches (IDA). So, you need to make a lot more evaluative points in A2! Here are some 24 mark questions from past papers: Topic: Relationships Discuss the influence of childhood experiences on adult relationships. (8 marks + 16 marks) Topic: Eating Behaviour Discuss explanations of one eating disorder. (8 marks + 16 marks) The questions can also be ‘parted’ like these: Topic: Eating Behaviour Discuss the role of one or more factors that influence attitudes to food. (4 marks + 8 marks) Outline and evaluate the role of neural mechanisms in controlling eating. (4 marks + 8 marks) Topic: Aggression Outline the role of genetic factors in aggressive behaviour. (4 marks) Outline and evaluate one social psychological theory of aggression. (4 marks + 16 marks) So it’s important to know when and how much AO1 and AO2/3/IDA to write. Also, don’t skip revising any parts of topics as they might come up in the parted questions. Different types of evaluation. AO2: This is where you provide evidence to support an AO1 idea e.g. about a theory, model or study. AO3: In AS you did this as part of AO2. AO3 is where you comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods used to investigate the topic, for example: (1) What methods the research uses: * experimental methods (lab experiment...
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...behaviour * Explanations for the success and failure of dieting * Neural mechanisms in eating behaviour Cognitive development * Paget’s theory of cognitive development * Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development * Applications of cognitive developments theories to education Relationships * The formation of romantic relationships * The maintenance of romantic relationships * The breakdown of relationships * Sexual selection * Sex differences in parental investment * The influence of childhood on adult relationships * The influence of culture on romantic relationships Discuss attitudes to food and/or eating behaviour (24 marks) Social learning theory emphasises the impact that observing people has on our attitudes and behaviour. As children's’ parents usually provide food for them, it seems obvious that parental attitudes to food will affect their children's attitudes to them. Children also learn what to eat by watching their parents. This can be explained by social learning theory. This occurs when children observe their parents eating. In this sense, the parents act as eating role models. Observing parents getting rewarded by enjoying eating certain foods, the children learn to imitate these food preferences as they expect to receive similar rewards by doing so. This theory would therefore argue that children should show similar preferences as their parents having learned these preferences from them through a process...
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...TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Elements of Breakdown 2 3.0 The Process of Breakdown 4 4.0 The End of Democracy 5 5.0 The Process of Re-equilibration 5 6.0 Conclusion 6 LIST OF MODELS Model 1: Relationship of Legitimacy, Efficacy and Effectiveness towards Stability and Performance 3 THE BREAKDOWN OF DEMOCRATIC REGIMES: CRISIS, BREAKDOWN & REEQUILIBRATION Introduction Many existing literature on the collapse of the democracy concentrated on rises of nondemocratic political powers or the fundamental structural tension that lead to the breakdown of democratic institution. In this publication, author, Juan J. Linz is giving attention to dynamic of the political process of breakdown by referring to tragic consequences of democratic collapse in German, Spain and Chile. This attention has begun during the author childhood where he was concerned with the fate of Spanish democracy, the fate his as citizen. This concern later had shared with Alfred Stepan who writes a dissertation on the breakdown of democracy in Brazil. Both of them get support and attention from many people and agencies. The focus firstly gets attention at the Seventh World Congress of Sociology at Varna, Bulgaria in 1970. In year 1973, with the support from the Concilium of International and Area Studies of Yale University, and the Joint Committee on Latin America of Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies, Linz and Stepan chaired the conference...
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...purpose of it? Name at least two BOKs and discuss their underlying assumptions. (4 points) • Basis for Project Management Systems • Guidance for common ground between projects (for PM and Team) • Framework of best practices • APM • Project management in context • Planning/Executing strategies • Techniques • Business/Organisation/People • PMI • Project life cycle • PM Process • Project Integration/Scope/Time/Cost/Quality/HR/Comm./Risk Management 2 What is the so-called iron triangle? Explain how it may be used in order to evaluate strategic choices in a project. (4 points) • [Draw picture] • Time/Quality/Cost/(Customer satisfaction) • Trade off, optimization for one or two goals (priority) • Conformance vs. Performance 3 Describe the kind of stage-gate models that many companies use to control their projects. Discuss briefly the pros and cons of such a system. (4 points) • Basic opportunity to review progress (Checkpoints/Gates) • Find fundamental problems in the project early • Quality gates: Deliverables, Checklists • Pros • Ability to call a halt (Save future expenses) • Quality control • Correction of earlier plans • Cons • Requires additional effort • Can slow down the project 4 What is a work breakdown structure? Describe the process of deconstructing a project into a WBS and discuss the major problems linked to...
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...use the SIC, it is being replaced by the six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS code). The NAICS is a 2- through 6-digit hierarchical classification system, offering five levels of detail. Each digit in the code is part of a series of progressively narrower categories, and the more digits in the code signify greater classification detail. The first two digits designate the economic sector, the third digit designates the subsector, the fourth digit designates the industry group, the fifth digit designates the NAICS industry, and the sixth digit designates the national industry. Section II—Game Theory and Hypothesis 2a In the set-up to Hypothesis 2a, the authors discuss the notion that players learn from past experiences and have a perfect memory. They discuss a “tit-for-tat” strategy that should over time result in an attenuation of the competitive moves between players. This interaction over time should make it easier for a firm to predict the direction and nature of their rival’s next (competitive) move. The authors suggest in Hypothesis 2a that the volatility of the relationship between Coke and Pepsi’s competitive moves...
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...Kosenko 7/13/12 Journal #1 The theory that I will be discussing in this first journal entry, will be the ‘Interpersonal Deception Theory’ written by David Buller and Judee Burgoon. The theory in a nutshell tries to breakdown the communicative relationship between two separate parties in a conversation, the sender and the receiver. The two writers attempt to make sense of the thought process that occurs when a deception is being conveyed between both the sender and the receiver. Buller and Burgoon state that interpersonal communication is interactive, and that strategic deception demands mental effort. The sender needs effort in order to make his deception/lie more convincing, while the receiver must put forth effort when trying to decipher whether or not the sender is being honest with them. Buller and Burgoon go on to discuss how the deceiver uses manipulating language, which is the way the sender delivers his message, and the control of their non-verbal cues which can give away their deception/lie. The theory suggests that the truth will almost always come out, due to the belief that there are always signs that the sender gives off, which allow the receiver to know that he or she is being lied to. The theory ends with the ‘truth bias’, the belief that people who know and like each other will be less likely to have any doubts on whether they are being told the truth or not, because of the “trust” that has been built. I think this theory is accurate for the most part, and...
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...the psychology Welcome & Introduction If your reading this your studying for AQA A Psychology Psya3 and the Relationship topic is one of the ones you have chosen. Its a wise move I think as its one of the easier ones to learn. I generally advise picking something you can relate to because you have some grounding for it as opposed to learning whole new concepts or ways of thinking on subject matter thats completely foreign. It tends to save you time in getting your head around things. A bit about me - My name is Sajan Devshi and I self-taught myself AQA A A Level Psychology between 2011-2012 achieving an A* grade and 100% in both Psya3 & Psya4. You can check out my certificate on my website at http://www.loopa.co.uk as well as get my other model answers too for the other topics in Psya3 and Psya4. But enough about me - you can learn about me in more depth on my website - lets get on with the show and onto the the overview of this topic, structuring and the model answers themselves too. S ECTION 1 Memorising Your Model Answers This is going to be pretty much your hardest task and with the help of this book hopefully it becomes more manageable. People have various ways they memorise things and it is entirely up to you. Memorising Essays U SING A CRONYMS + P RACTICE The method of memorising the essays is the same across all my model essay answers. I employ the concept of “chunking” alongside the use of “acronyms”. Combined this helped me memorise ...
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...Social Organized Crime Perspective Paper Natalie Strauss CJA/384 09/24/13 Jessica Vesey “Social Institution is defined as an organizational system which functions to satisfy basic social needs by providing an ordered framework linking the individual to the larger culture” ("Tom Cravens.com", n.d.). This paper will provide more information as to how social institutions apply to organized crime, also which empirical and speculative theories are most applicable when applied to organized crime and criminal behavior. Social institutions can be applied to organized crime in various ways. Examining the Mafia, top leaders of the Mafia are referred to as “Bosses”, which sole responsibility is to control their family, find was to gain revenue, and meet with other bosses to discuss what is best for the family. Gangs can be applied to social institutions because the majority of the members were born into the gang life. Generation to generation, gangs recruit young males and females that are loyal and have the ability to work the streets. Both the Mafia and gangs have various traits in common, some of those traits are: They both control their own territory; all members must get an approval before any action takes place (murders, robberies). They all follow certain codes and by laws such as (no snitching), no dating each other’s wives or main women, no stealing from each other, and no conducting on the side deals for extra money. If any of these codes are death becomes the next option...
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...generally use just one or two preferred behaviors. If two strong individuals begin a new company, their personal leadership styles will certainly influence aspects of the organizational culture. Research leadership styles and pick two diverse styles and discuss how two individuals who are diverse will be able to effectively co-lead an organization. • What might be the potential conflicts that could naturally occur between these styles? • How would you recommend these two strong leaders work together most effectively? Cynthia Collins Week 1Db Leadership Styles In this week’s DB we are to discuss 2 different styles of leadership, tell what might be potential conflicts, and how I would recommend the two diverse styles to work together. Let me first give my own personal view on the Leadership Topic and what it means in my own opinion; now saying that remember this is my own feeling on Leadership and we may not all agree, but isn’t that a great thing about our right to freedom of speech and freedom of our own opinion. "Leadership is the development of change or to create to some degree from what if not done would or could be complete pandemonium. It must be highly malleable and demands attentiveness, abilities, and understanding. It is highly dependent on situations. Leadership is in all actuality social." In my opinion, with the grouping of the majority of these styles and principles in all are to be the true leadership theory again in my opinion....
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...to provide the safest and highest quality care for the patients. The care of patients involves different individuals with different specialty in the heath care field that needs to communicate effectively to share and discuss patient’s information and treatment goals. To communicate effectively with other professionals in the health care field is as important as professional-client communication. In this paper, the importance of professional and personal health care communication and relevancy of effective professional health care communication to health outcomes will be discuss. The lack of professional and personal health care communications contributes to poor health outcomes and the principles and theories of therapeutic communication in health care settings for the health care professional will also covered in this paper. Communication in health care field is essential. Whether a person works in the dietary services, hospital volunteer, or as a nurse’s assistant, health care professionals should learn the skills to communicate effectively. These communication skills are use to interact with patients, co workers, and management. A lack of effective communication skills in the health care limits the quality of care and can cause communication breakdown that may lead to endangering patient’s health and safety. Communication in the health care field is as simple as physicians giving an order to the nurses to discussing treatment plan to other health care professionals...
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...Obtain Feedback on Employee Ethics and Morale David Gilley Thomas Edison State College Managerial Communications/Man-373-OL012 June 9, 2012 Professor Lampman COMMUNICATION IN MY WORKPLACE 2 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to evaluate my current workplace in the light of the theories and characteristics of managerial communication that I am currently studying, and to identify and illustrate two characteristics of communication that I have observed first-hand. I have chosen the communication climate, and the importance of feedback and measures of effectiveness as the topic of my paper. I intend to show the current problems which are rooted in ineffective communication, and apply the most effective theories of managerial communication. I will discuss a top-down communications strategy for management, as well as some ways that employee initiative can improve the situation. COMMUNICATION IN MY WORKPLACE 3 The Effects of the Communication Climate and Strategies to Obtain Feedback Upon applying strategic analysis to my workplace, a group of clinics owned by a mid- sized community hospital, I have identified two characteristics of communication which need to be improved. A focus on improving these characteristics only would create a more productive work environment, which is the main goal of management, but would also create better morale, employee unity, and ultimately, a better environment of care for the...
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...http://samedayessay.com 1 The Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance: Case Study of Organisations from Two Sectors in Nigeria http://samedayessay.com 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Overview of the Study W hat with the constant changes occurring in the world today, especially with regards to technology and innovation, there is a need for companies to reassess the manner in which they communicate to both their employees and their customers. At the same time, there is also a need for these companies to organise the tasks at hand, design systems and processes, and re-evaluate and improve current management styles (Harmon, 2007). This is especially needed in areas where the competition is constantly increasing and consistently challenging. Two of these industries are the banking industry and the hospitality industry (which the researcher shall discuss in detail in the following sections of this paper). In this chapter, the researcher shall provide a brief overview of the remaining sections of this paper, the aims and objectives of this research study, and its rationale. In addition, the researcher shall also provide a conclusion summarizing what this chapter shall be about, which shall also be a recurring feature of succeeding chapters. According to Dewhurst et al. (2010), there are other means to reward employees that do not just focus on financial compensation. Some of these include the praise that employees are able to acquire from their managers...
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...also like to thanks with much appreciation my family, who gave the support to complete the report. Special thanks go to my batch mate, Pawani Iddagoda, Anupama Rohanage, Devanika Karunarathne and Danushi Fedrick, who help me and gave suggestion about the report task. I have to appreciate the guidance given by other lecturers as well and thanks to their comment and advices. | | Executive Summary This report is about four assessments that done using case study of Joy of Chocolate. First assessment is about organizational Goals, Objective and Policy, Formal and Informal Organization and Open system theory of J.O.C Chocolates. Second assessment is about job performance, Importance of team working and Team cohesiveness of J.O.C. Third assessment is about manager’s different roles and measure on managerial performance, leadership theories and transformational theory of leadership of J.O.C and CG Chocolate. In last assessment it’s mainly about Organizational Structure. Table of Content Introduction 5 Assessment Task 01 6 Question 01 6 Question 02 6 Question 03 6 Question 04 7 Question 05 7 Assessment task 02 8 Question 01 8 Question 02 8 Question 03 9 Question 04 9 Assessment task 03 10 Question 01 10 Question 02 11 Question 03 11 Question 04 11 Question 05 12 Assessment task 04 13 Question 01 13 Question 04 15 Question 05 16 Conclusion 17 Reference 18 Introduction This report is about Joy Of Chocolate Company and...
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...Table of Contents 1. Understand the relationship between organizational structure and culture: 2 1.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structure and cultures: 2 1.2 Explain how the relationship between an organization’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business: 4 1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior at work: 4 2. Understand different approaches to management and leadership: 5 2.1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organizations: 5 2.2 Explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management: 5 2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organizations: 6 3. Understand ways of using motivational theories in organizations 7 3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organizations in period of change: 7 3.2 Compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace: 8 3.3 Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for managers: 9 4. Understand mechanism for developing effective teamwork in organizations 10 4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations: 10 4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organizations: 10 4.3 evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization: 11 References: 12 Introduction: Organization is the combination of people for...
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...Part A: Theorising the organisation (worth 50% of the overall marks for the assignment) Modern, symbolic-interpretive, post-modern and critical theory perspectives provide us different ways to analyse and understand organisations and organisational behaviour. Choose two of the four theoretical perspectives and discuss how each perspective provides us different ways to analyse and understand organisations and organisational behaviour. The two perspectives that I have chosen are the Modernist perspective and Symbolic-interpretive perspective. A Modernist perspective caaries the believe that the very idea of knowledge would never be complete and that behind every fact hides many more. It is with this believe that followers of the perspective would analyse the world by testing the ideas they gather against the very nature they observe using their five senses. Results from this tests, should they always return the same result, would than be considered a fact. This fact is than considered a ‘truth’ and is thus treasured and recorded. One of the main studies that is the result of such a perspective that of the General System Theory, originally put forth by Bertalanffy from as early as 1950. The study was concerned with the ways in which individuals and groups bond and is used to identify the presence of systems and the way they interrelate with each other to form other systems or to become part of a system themselves. He noted that the subsystems, systems present within...
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