...sometimes there are moral absolutes and sometimes there are not. e. all of the above. f. two of the above. g. none of the above. 3. According to ethical subjectivism when we say that actions are evil a. we are only saying that we have positive feelings about them. b. we are only saying that we have negative feelings about them. c. we are only saying that sometimes we have positive feelings and sometimes we have negative feelings about them. d. all of the above. e. two of the above. f. none of the above. 4. Ethical subjectivism begins with the idea of David Hume that a. morality is a matter of fact rather than sentiment. b. morality is a matter of rationality rather than sentiment. c. morality is a matter of sentiment rather than fact. d. sometimes morality is a matter of sentiment, sometimes a matter of rationality. e. all of the above. f. two of the above. g. none of the above. 5. The simplest version of simple subjectivism is, when a person says something is morally bad a. this means that he or she sometimes approves of it and sometimes disapproves of it. b. this means that he or she approves of it. c. this means that he or she never disapproves of it. d. this means that...
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...Ethics: Why is it Essential in Management? Michael Perez Dr. Marie Harper MGMT 618 28 February 2016 Abstract Ethics is a subject that most people or companies tend to avoid due to the complications that tend to arise when it is brought up. Though ethics can be a sensitive subject it is very important in life, business and especially in management. Managerial ethics is something that companies say they have when it comes to how they do business but are there managers really ethical or are they just looking the other way when it comes to ethical issues that might arise within their company. Keywords: Ethics, Management Ethics: Why is it Essential in Management? When it comes to ethics in management it is essential for business to have, but most of the time it is just a way for businesses to check off the box saying “My business has ethical leaders”. This can be said for companies, branches of the military and people that hold a position over other people. As Marshall Schminke states in his book, Managerial Ethics Managing the Psychology of Morality, Ethics is not something that can be taken lightly due to the fact that it is something that holds great value when it comes to how people see a leader or manager. Though it may be hard for companies to say yes all of my managers are ethical it is something that is an ongoing process within companies (Schiminke, 2011). Ethical Leadership When it comes to management nowadays it has many issues that affect the way business...
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...and the Impact on Ethics in the Workplace: How Personal Can Ethics Get? Abstract This paper addresses the case study “How Personal Can Ethics Get?” and the effects of ethics within the workplace. In the case study, Valerie is facing ethical dilemmas within her workplace after coming across some controversial information. Valerie must consider her options carefully because she has many things that she could lose. This paper discusses the impact of personal differences and the preference on organizational ethics. It also discusses the impact of organizational policies and procedures on ethics. In the paper, the dilemmas Valerie is facing will be identified and recommendations are given to address the dilemmas. Employees’ Personal Differences and Preferences and the Impact on Ethics in the Workplace: How Personal Can Ethics Get? Personal differences and preferences can impact organizational ethics. People are taught ethics within the home while growing up. However, some individuals believe that there is a separate set or type of ethics just for the workplace. Ethics allows the individual to choose between right and wrong, but not all people have that ability or the same ability to do so. The ethics competency of the individual determines the level in which decisions are made to distinguish between right and wrong. The level of ethics competency is determined by the individual’s ability to identify elements of ethics, assess issues with ethics that arise, apply...
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...the nature of reality, being, or existence Ontology 0 Why is there something rather than nothing? 1 Is it possible that there was a time before now when absolutely NOTHING existed? 2 What is ultimately (or REALLY) real? [Appearance -v- Reality] 3 Is reality fundamentally one or many? [Monism -v- Pluralism] 4 What, if anything, endures through change? 5 Is reality primarily material or spiritual (or mental)? [“Materialism” -v- “Idealism”] 6 Is the “external world” objectively real, or is its existence mind-dependent? If the latter, what mind is it dependent on? My mind? Your mind? The divine mind? 7 Is there a “supernatural” reality, or is nature “all there really is”? [Naturalism -v- Supernaturalism] 8 What is the difference between necessary and contingent being? Is there a necessary being? Is there only one necessary being? Philosophical cosmology 9 What is the cosmos made of? How is it structured? 10 Did the cosmos come into being? If so, how? 11 Will the cosmos cease to be in the future? If so, what does that mean for us? 12 What are the philosophical implications of scientific answers to cosmological questions? Philosophical theology (and the philosophy of religion) 13 Does God exist? [Theism; Atheism; Agnosticism] 14 What is the nature of God? 15 What about the existence of evil (pain, suffering, and disorder)? How can evil exist in a world created and governed by an all-knowing, all-good...
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...Ethical Essay Mark Best ETH/316 University of Pheonix Ethics is a division of philosphy that deals with human behaviors. There are many different theories that have existed throughout history. An ethical theory must consider and take into account what makes the “right” dicisions different from the “wrong” decision. Ethical behavior has been defined by a lot of different people and organization of the history of the world, but still some actions are argued as to whether or not they are ethical or even moral. Plato’s view of ethics was that it had to do with the arrangement of the human soul. He believe that every human sould consisted of three parts, the rational, spiritual, and passionate. For a person to commit ethical behavior Plato believed that the soul must be properly organized. This meant that the reason must command, organized, and focus the other two parts of the soul. If this was done, then one sought general good and not flights of fancy. Religions such as Christianity have come up with theories about ethics as well. Christians have theorized that “human souls desire the good, found only in God.” This good is supposed to be “unchanging, perminant, and always satisfying. The goods of this world, such as food, drink or wealth, are only partially satisfying, since these are always changing and human physiology always demands them. God, however, as the final end of all things, is the end of human souls as well. The soul that "rests" in God is the...
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...Carlotta Island Phil 305 Ryan Taylor Why Be Moral? Ethics is a division of philosophy that deals with human behaviors. There are many different theories that have existed throughout history. An ethical theory must consider and take into account what makes the “right” decisions different from the “wrong” decision. A lot of different people and organization of the history of the world have defined ethical behavior, but still some actions are argued as to whether or not they are ethical or even moral. Plato’s view of ethics was that it had to do with the arrangement of the human soul. Plato contended that justice is the quality of soul, in virtue of which men set aside the irrational desire to taste every pleasure and to get a selfish satisfaction out of every object and accommodated them to the discharge of a single function for the general benefit. Thrasymachus, on the other hand believed that justice was not based on any moral premise but is defined by those in power or by the authority of the state. Religions such as Christianity have come up with theories about ethics also. Christians have theorized, “Human souls desire the good, found only in God.” This good is supposed to be “unchanging, permanent, and always satisfying. The goods of this world, such as food, drink or wealth, are only partially satisfying, since these are always changing and human physiology always demands them. God, however, as the final end of all things, is the end of human souls as well. The soul...
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...Department of Philosophy and Religion PHIL 1170, Introduction to Business Ethics 1Fall, 2015 Syllabus Course Objective: An overview of and investigation into the philosophical/ethical and philosophical/moral (these two areas are distinctly different) problems in business. Some of these issues are long-standing, while some are more recently created by modern developments in areas where business thinking comes into practice, such as with information technology, with socially private vs. public matters, and with legal concerns. Unlike some business courses, we’ll not use just "the case method." The aim is to have you understand both the value of and some precise methods for thinking in a manner which benefits you—philosophically and otherwise—when in the future you need to face any of these issues personally (—and you will). Philosophical inquiring will be emphasized; in class it will be done via the Socratic Method of learning. Gini, Marcoux, Case Studies in Business Ethics. 6th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. Supplemental readings (on Blackboard [Bb], in the Library's Reserve Services, from copying services, etc.) as required. Kerry Dugan Office / e-mail: 381 Holmes, x4171 / k.dugan@neu.edu Conference Hours: Mondays, 13:47-15:47 —or any time by mutual agreement. e-Mailbox Hours: Monday through Friday, usually 08:00 – 18:00, and as time permits 1 The word “syllabus” has its more recent origin in the Classical...
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...Ethics in Accounting Linh Pham University of Mount Olive Author Note This research paper was prepared for ACC483, taught by Professor Henry Singletary. Ethics in Accounting Ethics in Accounting has recently attracted a lot of attention in the field of business. Based on my knowledge, ethics in accounting are the behavior or actions that doesn’t allow for intentionally inaccurate and false in accounting practices. This is quite complex because we not only have to follow the accounting rules, but also need to make decisions based on the moral or ethics principles. However, ethics varies by cultures, individual perceptions, religion. For example, what seems about right in one country could be totally wrong in another country. Or what you think is right may actually be wrong. Therefore, it’s really difficult for us to follow the same ethics principle and apply those principles to ethics in accounting practices. In this paper, I will bring a thorough discussion of how to make accounting behaviors become more ethical. Ethics in Accounting is what we really need to take into our consideration in this era, especially after the financial and accounting failures of many big firms such as Enron, WorldCom, AOL, Global Crossing, Tyco, Lehman and AIG. As a matter of fact, experts and analysts are trying to find out the root causes of these failures. It is also significant to realize that more and more fraud cases are detected in this era. Therefore, there is a big question that...
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...Situation ethics was emerged at a time when society and the Church were facing drastic and potential change, J.A.T Robinson and Joseph Fletcher was both commonly associated with this topic. Their theory was a completely different look from the tradition Christian ethics “Christians cannot go on trying to lay down the law”- Fletcher, 1966. Agape- a midway point between legalism and antinomianism. Situation ethics is mostly teleological apart from its principle of love, because in the end result actions are right or wrong depending on their consequences, and by this it is simply embracing a form of relativism. “If the emotional and spiritual welfare of both parents and children in a particular family can be served by a divorce, then love requires it” – Fletcher. Situation ethics uses principles to illustrate the situation, however Situation Ethics does not direct the action. Fletcher divides these principles into two categories, four working principles (what ethics should enclose) and six fundamental principles (how the ethics is applied). The four working principles are: Pragmatism, relativism, positivism and personalism. Pragmatism: the course of action should work; Relativism: always reject words like ‘never’; Positivism: love is the most important criteria no matter what; and Personalism: people come first, not the law. The six fundamental principles are: love decides what should be done; actions are ‘good’ however only if they bring about agape (love and justice are...
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...When Professional Ethics Conflicts With Moral Institutions This essay is about the unusual step Professor Camayd-Freixas took of speaking publicly about his experience of having helped translate prosecutions of a huge number of illegal workers, who were arrested in the largest immigration raid of US history. Mr. Camayd-Freixas’ 14-page essay he distributed among other interpreters led to serious discussions as to whether it was appropriate for an interpreter to speak publicly about conversations with criminal defendants. In accordance with Cannon 6 (Restriction of Public Comment) of Iowa Court Rules’ Code of Professional Conduct for Court Interpreters and Translators, ‘’An interpreter must not publicly discuss, report, or offer an opinion...
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...How can we define ethics? What does ethics mean to you? Many years ago, a psychologist posed this question to a group of business people. To his surprise many of them had a wrong idea or were not sure of their own answers. Nowadays we are faced with a society that hardly knows or understands what this word means. Some people think that ethics has to do with what their feelings tell them is right or wrong, others take ethics as being a religious idea and belief, or something that the law requires. Many others think that it is a standard of behaviors that our society accepts. But what does ethics really mean, and why is it so important for everyone to understand? Due to a lack of ethics many business leaders have failed. In the year 2000, the nation of Peru faced a terrible fraud with Vladimiro Montesinos, who was the long-standing head of Peru’s intelligence service, under President Alberto Fujimori. Secret videos which he had recorded were televised. These videos showed his bribing an elected congressman to leave the opposition and join the Fujimori’s side of congress. These accusations and scandal caused Montesinos to flee the country and accelerated the resignation of Fujimori. Following investigations revealed Montesinos to be at the center of an enormous net of illegal activities, including embezzlement, graft, gunrunning, and drug trafficking. Montesinos has been tried, convicted and sentenced for numerous charges. “He also had strong connections with the CIA, the United...
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...Final Paper: Module 6 Kelly Williams BSAD 460, F3WW Assignment 6-2 Due: 11/6/2010 Honestly I can say that BSAD 460 or the business ethics for leader’s course was very insightful. On the 6 week journey I learned a lot of information that I otherwise would have gone on without acquiring. It was nice to be able to relate real life situations along with the material, it made it that much more intriguing to learn. Simply being able to relate situations to real life really helps you be able to grasp the knowledge. With that said the most significant points I have learned are; why being ethical is important, the eight steps to ethical decision making, emotions in ethical decision making, conducting ethical communication and global business ethics and practices. Most of us think of ethics and then we tend to think feelings and emotions. This is not the case; ethics is more of a moral code. However, a lot of decisions that we do make are based off of the way we are feeling emotionally about something. So with that said we end up either following good ethics or going against the code. Ethics is important it almost defines us as people, the way we act or how we handle situations these are all factors that make up our character as a person. Even with a code not all of us will agree to all ethic codes, therefore we may not always follow them. Business ethics is extremely important. If employees do not follow the code they can be fired and if they are not doing honest work for the company...
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...Do you agree with Milton Friedman’s (1970) claim that: “the only responsibility of business is to increase its profits”? Today we live in a world were companies are major actors and influence society on many levels. This is why ethics were brought into the business world. Ethical enterprises follow certain values and moral beliefs and were created with the supposed intention of using that influence in a positive way and protect what surrounds them, whether it is the people who work for the company, the rest of society, the environment etc. Ethics helps companies distinguish what’s wrong or right in a certain situation and act upon it. It bases itself on the idea that a corporation is somewhat responsible for how it affects others, hence the term ‘corporate responsibility’. (Banerjee, 2007) But with time and experience it seems that ethics, although created for a noble purpose, can and are actually used by companies for purposes other than just helping others. The economist Milton Friedman believed that all this social work is the state’s responsibility and a political matter, and that it can induce losses in profit for a company, going against the essence and purpose of a business. He argues we might be better off without it. (1970) This rather negative portrayal of something that was created to do good, although quite realistic, can be discussed and hopefully re-arranged so there is hope that a company can be both socially responsible and profitable. According to Bakan (2004)...
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...BUSINESS ETHICS: COMPARE AND CONTRAST PAPER By: Karla Powell North Central University What is business ethics? The word business can mean different things, but in this context it means a commercial or industrial endeavor to make/sell products or services. The word ethics is defined as a set of principles of right conduct or a system of moral values. So what does business ethics mean? Used together it means for a commercial/industrial endeavor to form a set of principles or rules to follow while they are making or selling products or services. The word business ethics is frequently heard as it relates to social responsibility. According to the dictionary social responsibility is “an ethical ideology or theory that an entity, be it an organization or individual has an obligation to act to benefit society at large” (the freedictionary.com). Three notable management authorities: Patrick Murphy, Milton Friedman, and Peter Drucker, have different opinions on what business ethics and social responsibility are and what is should mean to the business world. According to Patrick Murphy (2009) responsibility is a key principle of business ethics which implies a moral obligation to act. The word act is used as a verb and means to “do something.” Murphy points out that one is to not only act but to act in a certain way based on the persons extent of the freedom they have, meaning the bigger the space of freedom the bigger the obligation or responsibility one has. So, the higher...
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...Ethics in Leadership Why is Ethical Leadership a Social Responsibility? * Enron * Wells Fargo * Penn State * Lehman Bros. * MF Global Does the general public have a positive impression of the organizations listed above? Now we know, on average, that there are ethical employees at these firms. However, the employees did not lead them to their corporate demise or negative public perception. It was leadership culture without social responsibility as a cornerstone. And the results can be devastating. It can destroy a schools reputation. Destroy a company’s financial footing by eroding the confidence of the investors. In short, the lack of ethical leadership will almost always end badly for all concerned. Five Ethical Leadership Behaviors Ethics are what you do while values are what you say. Ethical leadership means that people look at your behavior and what you do, not just what you say. Unethical behavior kills leadership. According to Andrew Dubin, there are five ethical leadership behaviors. These include: * Be honest and trustworthy. This will build creditabilty * Pay attention to all stakeholders. This enhances the team concept * Build community. This lead to having a culture that is goal oriented * Respect the individual. The golden rule. * Accomplish silent victories. Let others receive praise and recognition What NOT to do: There are three behaviors that leaders must be aware of that can kill ethical leadership...
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