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Does Sexism Still Exist

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Sexism Still Exists (Paper start) In a recent UK survey, it was found that almost 1 in 3 girls have experienced unwanted sexual touching in school, while 1 in 5 people said it was acceptable in certain situations for a man to hit his female partner for wearing revealing clothing. (ukfeminista, 2012) (Evidence here.) Sexism is still relevant in modern society, and found in the form of gender roles and harassment, on the street and in the workplace. What exactly is gender? Gender is the biological, social, and legal status of a human being, labeled as man or woman. Gender identity is the way a person expresses themselves. Gender and gender identity does not always match. Gender identity can be expressed as masculine or feminine. Masculine …show more content…
Nine in ten women believe that their gender is a barrier to furthering their careers. A study of 2,000 women by Stylist magazine asked women about the sexist things happening to them at work. The most common were being expected to make tea (43 per cent), enduring sexual innuendoes (38 per cent), having appearance/clothing commented on (33 per cent), being accused of being premenstrual/menstrual (29 per cent), and being presumed less competent than male colleagues (27 per cent). (Matharu, …show more content…
Because these comments and actions are so normalized, many people don’t notice that they are in fact sexist. While many women face larger sexism, such as equal pay and discrimination during pregnancy, this subtle sexism is something that all women face in the world. One way women face subtle sexism is descriptive and prescriptive bias. People such as possible employers will make assumptions based on things such as gender and things related to that gender, and use that to assess whether a candidate is fit for a job, without ever looking at their qualifications. Using gender-based assumptions to make decisions is descriptive bias, and are prejudices that society has inflicted onto people. Prescriptive bias is being oppressed for possessing qualities not associated with their gender. For example, a woman possessing leadership qualities and facing opposition (Boguhn, 2015). Another subtle way is microaggressions. Microaggressions are comments, not normally meant to be offensive, that marginalize people in an oppressed group. These comments are like “You do this well for a women,” or “Wow, I can’t believe you can lift that!”. (Boguhn,

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