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Dog Attack Personal Injury Essay

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Dog attack personal injury law changes proposed in UK over 2014
Changes to the law of personal injury were proposed by the government recently in relation to dog attacks.
The new personal injury laws, which should be introduced in UK over 2014, will see the maximum of sentence for the owner of a dog that fatally attacks someone increases to 14 years in jail, compared with the current figure of just two years and an unlimited fine. For owning a dog that causes a personal injury to someone, the maximum sentence will be five years.
Other proposed changes to the law include a maximum three-year sentence for people whose dog injury or kills another person's assistance dog, such as a guide dog. At the moment, people are only likely to face prosecution …show more content…
Deaths and personal injuries involving dogs
Since 2005, at least 16 people have died due to dog attacks, with an estimated 200,000 people suffering a dog bite personal injury every year. A government consultation into the issue found that 91% of 3,180 respondents said that the maximum penalties for dangerous dog owners should be increased, with 76% saying penalties should be higher for owners whose dog kills another person, 69% for owners whose dog kills an assistance dog, and 83% for owners whose dog injures an assistance dog or person.
Assistance dog representatives have called for even higher penalties for dangerous dog owners. Richard Leaman, chief executive of Guide Dogs, said that owners of dogs that kill assistance dogs should receive a "longer maximum sentence", calling it a crime of "brutality".
He pointed out that training, breeding and supporting one guide dog throughout its working life costs £50,000, and that his organisation receives no funding for the government for doing

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