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Impacts Of Dementia In Australia

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In response to the World Health Organization’s global strategy “Health for all by the year 2000”, the National Health Priority Areas (NHPA) were established in Australia. It was a collaboration between the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments, non-government organisations, health experts, clinicians and consumers. Its goal was to bring attention to areas that were considered to have a significant contribution to the burden of disease in Australia, and for which areas there were potential for health gain (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 1997).
In 2012 the federal and state health ministers finally succumbed to the demands of the sector and the needs of the thousands of Australians, and officially agreed to make dementia …show more content…
Skills commonly affected include memory, cognition and personality (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016).
Dementia is usually progressive which means that the disease gradually spreads through the brain, and the person’s symptoms get worse over time. Due to presently there being no cure for most forms of dementia, it is vital that the population is made aware of the impacts of this disease.
Dementia presents a significant challenge to health and aged care in Australia, affecting almost 1 in 10 (8.8%) people aged 65 and over (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016). Currently there are more than 413,106 Australians living with dementia and by 2025 the number of people with dementia is expected to increase to 536,164, and then over 1 million by 2056.
Worldwide there are more than 46.8 million people with dementia today and 131.5 million predicted by the year 2050 (Alzheimer's Disease International, 2015). According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, it is estimated that one new case of dementia is diagnosed ever 3.2 seconds, meaning 9.9 million new cases of dementia each year …show more content…
Carers ) can play a vital role in the lives of people with dementia. Carers may assist with personal care, transport, housework and other activities, as well as understanding unmet needs that can lead to behavioural problems. However, Caring for a person with dementia may be time consuming and demanding for the carer.
Carers should have access to support tailored to their needs in order to effectively respond to and manage the pressures associated with the physical, mental and emotional demands of their caring role. The provision of information and support services to carers may help to make the caring experience less stressful, and more rewarding.
One such organisation is Dementia Australia which advocates for the needs of people living with all types of dementia, and for their families and carers, and provide support services, education and information.
Dementia Australia is funded by the Commonwealth and delivers services including the National Dementia Helpline, help sheets, a resourced website, counselling services, support groups as well as education and training for informal and formal carers.

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