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Dorothy Day Research Paper

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The Assistance to Survive
“The desire was strong for private property, but even stronger for community. Man is not made to live alone” (229).
The need for help for human I always there. If a person doesn’t receive any type of help they would probably not have a change to survive in the world. Some people may hold pride and never ask for help and if they get any assistance they is a change they may deny the assistance. In order to receive the help that is needed someone has to be able to be willing to sacrifice their time or other factors to help others. As Dorothy Day might have been a good person and maybe had not gone through all she went through she decided to go in paths most people don’t take just for fun. She lived in Mexico for some time after her contract wasn’t renewed in New York. When she lived in Mexico she lived with the poor and shared housing with a family that was poor and disabled. She lived with a woman that only had one arm and her daughter and orphaned niece and nephew. The daughter would help the her family economically by walking and pushing a cart around …show more content…
Maybe not help but we got to know that God has a plan and we should work with it and make the best out of it. At the moment it may not make sense or might not be directly towards an individual but someday everything may add up. Peter was a believer and wanted peace for God he loved people because he knew that was the message from God. He knew he needed money and material things but that wasn’t his focus in life. Peter was treated good but there were times when he was treated really bad like when he was sent to the basement when he was invited to diner. At the end of the day peter wasn’t mad at those people because he knew everyone is a son of God (280-281). Being a human we may have love and hate but the right thing is to show God we care and love each other as

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