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Drug Prostitution And Trafficking In The United States

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Drug distribution or trafficking laws penalize the selling, transportation, and illegal import of unlawful controlled substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, and other illegal drugs. The chastisement for drug trafficking can vary widely depending on several factors including the type and amount of drugs involved, geographic area of distribution, and whether children were targeted. Sentences for drug distribution and trafficking can generally range from 3-5 years to life in prison. Drug trafficking or distribution is a felony, and is a more staid crime than drug possession. If you are found in possession of drugs, you could be charged with trafficking if police believe you aspire to sell them. If you are found with …show more content…
UNODC is continuously monitoring and researching global illicit drug markets in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics. Nowadays children growing up in high-crime communities frequently witness illegal activities, such as drug use, drug transactions, and violence. Although many children seem to escape the constant threat of danger with few sequels, others adopt a lifestyle in which they defy authority figures and engage in high-risk activities themselves. Early involvement in drug trafficking is particularly dangerous because it exposes youth to violence, illegal activity, and the overt or covert enticement to become a drug user. Reports regarding drug trafficking in large rural areas like Panglao, describe male adolescents as active participants. Unfortunately little is known about drug trafficking among adolescents. Because most substance prevention programs for adolescents have focused on drug use, with very little attention directed toward drug trafficking, intervention strategies are almost nonexistent. Conceptual explanations for the increasing rates of high-risk behavior among adolescents like in Panglao often include community factors, such as poverty, lack of educational and vocational opportunities, and …show more content…
Although these conditions present serious challenges to youth and their families, they lack specificity because they fail to explain why some youth raised in the same low-income environment do not become involved with high-risk behavior, such as drug use, drug trafficking, or weapon carrying. In addition to community forces, decisions about risk practices may also be influenced by psychological factors, such as values or the personal meaning of risk activities or sensation seeking However, others have reported that high-risk behaviors, such as drug use, are not associated with psychological faders and have pointed to the importance of interpersonal relationships with friends, family, and the community. Relationships with peers have been a major focus of attention in investigations of risk behavior, primarily because friendship groups tend to engage in similar types of risk behavior? In addition, youth who are raised by inconsistent, noncommunicative, or unsupervising parents are less likely to acquire effective interpersonal skills and are at increased risk for. Recently this last week of September the manila team of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) plucked at least 13 drug personalities and seized a cache of firearms and shabu during a string of raids in Barangay Tawala

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