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Identity Formation Research Paper

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Identity is a way that people truly show their individual uniqueness in this world full of people who with the different point of views in life, values, religion, lifestyle, culture, sexual orientation, and skin color. Also, personal identity could be portrayed as by how a person dresses or presents him or herself outwardly. Identity is defining the question, who am I? When one look around on this world once can see that there are a lot of factors that affects our unique identity formation. Primary Challenge to forming one’s identity today could be different depending on that person’s culture, friends, workplace, family, religion, TV or radio based media, and social media can very much so determine the shape of one true identity.

Identity formation starts when children are very little and the formation increases, as their age increases. When children are at the age of two to three they start forming gender identity keeping in mind many identify formation that goes on in between, adolescent years are the most critical time because this is the time where their true identity is curved out. It’s not …show more content…
This especially affects people who come from a different country to the United State of America, due to culture shock. Before someone moves to the United State in their own country they have their own specific belief, value, style, how people dress, talk, and many more and they move to the United State to be introduced to a complete opposite of a culture, the culture should shudders the already built identity and try to build a “ new” identity which keeps that person in the middle confused and not form a solid identity that defines their uniqueness due to losing the old identity trying to fit into the new environment it makes it hard for one to form a solid true identity. “ Changes in life circumstances can also cause a reexamination of identity issues

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